
18-letter words containing r, i, c, e, o

  • passive vocabulary — all the words, collectively, that a person can understand
  • peacekeeping force — a force designated to the maintenance of peace, esp the prevention of further fighting between hostile forces in an area
  • pectoral sandpiper — an American sandpiper, Calidris melanotos, the male of which, when courting, inflates its chest conspicuously.
  • people trafficking — the practice of bringing immigrants into a country illegally
  • peppermint camphor — menthol.
  • percussion flaking — a method of forming a flint tool by striking flakes from a stone core with another stone or a piece of bone or wood.
  • percussion section — orchestra, group: drums, etc.
  • percussion welding — a form of resistance welding in which the required pressure is provided by a hammerlike blow.
  • perfect continuous — perfect progressive.
  • perfect contrition — sincere penitence or remorse.
  • performance artist — an artist that is involved in a theatrical presentation that incorporates various art forms, such as dance, sculpture, music, etc
  • periodic inventory — Periodic inventory is a method of valuing inventory, usually at the end of accounting periods, by physically counting all merchandise held in stock at that time.
  • perlocutionary act — the action of affecting someone by uttering certain words
  • pernicious anaemia — Pernicious anaemia is a very severe blood disease.
  • personal insurance — insurance on personal risk, such as car insurance, health insurance or loss of earnings insurance
  • pescadores-islands — (used with a plural verb) Penghu.
  • peter tschaikowsky — Peter Ilyich [il-yich] /ˈɪl yɪtʃ/ (Show IPA), Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyich.
  • peters' projection — a form of modified world map projection that attempts to reflect accurately the relative surface areas of landmasses, an approach which gives greater prominence (than do standard representations) to equatorial countries
  • phanerocrystalline — (of a rock) having the principal constituents in the form of crystals visible to the naked eye.
  • phoenician juniper — a type of juniper that is found in the Mediterranean region
  • photoelectric cell — photocell.
  • physical geography — the branch of geography concerned with natural features and phenomena of the earth's surface, as landforms, drainage features, climates, soils, and vegetation.
  • physical inventory — To carry out a physical inventory is to count all the stock on hand.
  • pick of the litter — objects strewn or scattered about; scattered rubbish.
  • pilotless aircraft — an aircraft equipped for operation by radio or by robot control, without a human pilot aboard; drone.
  • pneumatic conveyor — a tube through which powdered or granular material, such as cement, grain, etc is transported by a flow of air
  • point of reference — A point of reference is something which you use to help you understand a situation or communicate with someone.
  • political prisoner — sb imprisoned for political dissidence
  • polyvinyl chloride — a white, water-insoluble, thermoplastic resin, derived by the polymerization of vinyl chloride: used chiefly for thin coatings, insulation, and pipings.
  • porcupine anteater — an echidna or spiny anteater.
  • portion-controlled — being a standardized portion of food: The restaurant uses frozen, portion-controlled entrées.
  • positively charged — having a positive charge
  • potassium chlorate — a white or colorless, crystalline, water-soluble, poisonous solid, KClO 3 , used chiefly as an oxidizing agent in the manufacture of explosives, fireworks, matches, bleaches, and disinfectants.
  • potassium chloride — a white or colorless, crystalline, water-soluble solid, KCl, used chiefly in the manufacture of fertilizers and mineral water, and as a source of other potassium compounds.
  • precious moonstone — moonstone (def 1).
  • prefect of studies — a senior master in a Jesuit school or college
  • present continuous — a verb form consisting of an auxiliary be in the present tense followed by a present participle and used especially to indicate that a present action or event is in progress, being repeated, or of a temporary nature or to express the future.
  • price on sb's head — If there is a price on someone 's head, an amount of money has been offered for the capture or killing of that person.
  • prince of darkness — Satan.
  • prism spectrometer — an optical device for measuring wavelengths, deviation of refracted rays, and angles between faces of a prism, especially an instrument (prism spectrometer) consisting of a slit through which light passes, a collimator, a prism that deviates the light, and a telescope through which the deviated light is viewed and examined.
  • process identifier — (operating system)   (PID) An integer used by the Unix kernel to uniquely identify a process. PIDs are returned by the fork system call and can be passed to wait() or kill() to perform actions on the given process.
  • process scheduling — multitasking
  • processionary moth — a moth of the family Thaumetopoeidae, esp the oak processionary moth (Thaumetopoea processionea), the larvae of which leave the communal shelter nightly for food in a V-shaped procession
  • procrustean string — (programming)   A fixed-length string. If a string value is too long for the allocated space, it is truncated to fit; and if it is shorter, the empty space is padded, usually with space characters. This is an allusion to Procrustes, a legendary robber of ancient Attica. He bound his victims to a bed, and if they were shorter than the bed, he stretched their limbs until they would fit; if their limbs were longer, he lopped them off.
  • product life cycle — the four stages (introduction, growth, maturity, and decline) into one of which the sales of a product fall during its market life
  • production manager — a supervisor of the budget, crew and other details in the production of a film or play
  • progressive coding — (graphics, file format, algorithm)   (Or "interlacing") An aspect of a graphics storage format or transmission algorithm that treats bitmap image data non-sequentially in such a way that later data adds progressively greater resolution to an already full-size image. This contrasts with sequential coding. Progressive coding is useful when an image is being sent across a slow communications channel, such as the Internet, as the low-resolution image may be sufficient to allow the user to decide not to wait for the rest of the file to be received. In an interlaced GIF89 image, the pixels in a row are stored sequentially but the rows are stored in interlaced order, e.g. 0, 8, 4, 12, 2, 6, 8, 10, 14, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15. Each vertical scan adds rows in the middle of the gaps left by the previous one. Interlacing is also supported by other formats. JPEG supports a functionally similar concept known as Progressive JPEG. [How does the algorithm differ?] See also progressive/sequential coding.
  • projection machine — an apparatus that projects motion pictures; projector.
  • projection printer — enlarger.
  • propaganda machine — the group of people, publications, etc, such as of a government, country etc, responsible for the organized dissemination of information, allegations, etc, to assist or damage the cause of a government, movement, etc
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