
16-letter words containing r, i, c, e, o, a

  • archaeologically — In an archaeological manner.
  • archaeomagnetism — an archaeological technique for dating certain clay objects by measuring the extent to which they have been magnetized by the earth's magnetic field
  • archconservative — consistently holding extremely conservative views: publisher of the city's archconservative newspaper.
  • archival storage — a method of retaining information outside of the internal memory of a computer
  • aromatherapeutic — Of or pertaining to aromatherapy.
  • arsenic trioxide — a white poisonous powder used in the manufacture of glass and as an insecticide, rat poison, and weedkiller. Formula: As2O3
  • arteriocapillary — Relating to the arteries and the capillaries.
  • arteriosclerosis — Arteriosclerosis is a medical condition in which the walls of your arteries become hard and thick, so your blood cannot flow through them properly.
  • arteriosclerotic — degenerative changes in the arteries, characterized by thickening of the vessel walls and accumulation of calcium with consequent loss of elasticity and lessened blood flow.
  • arthus' reaction — a severe, local immune reaction to the injection of an antigen in a sensitized host.
  • article of faith — If something is an article of faith for a person or group, they believe in it totally.
  • article of virtu — an object that it interesting because of its rarity, beauty or appeal to a connoisseur
  • associate degree — An associate degree is a college degree that is awarded to a student who has completed a two-year course of study.
  • associate member — a person who is a member of a club, organization etc. but has only partial rights and privileges or subordinate status
  • association area — any of the regions of the cerebral cortex of the brain connected by numerous nerve fibers to all parts of both cerebral hemispheres and coordinating such higher activities as learning and reasoning.
  • atherothrombotic — (medicine) Pertaining to or caused by atherothrombosis, the sudden disruption of an atherosclerotic plaque.
  • atlantic croaker — a person or thing that croaks.
  • atmospheric tide — a movement of atmospheric masses caused by the gravitational attraction of the sun and moon and by daily solar heating.
  • atomic structure — the concept of an atom as a central positively charged nucleus consisting of protons and neutrons surrounded by a number of electrons. The number of electrons is equal to the number of protons: the whole entity is thus electrically neutral
  • atrioventricular — of, relating to, or affecting both the atria and the ventricles of the heart
  • attorney-in-fact — a person authorized by power of attorney to act on the authorizer's behalf outside a court of law.
  • audio conference — a meeting that is conducted by the use of audio telecommunications
  • auditory vesicle — the pouch that is formed by the invagination of an ectodermal placode and that develops into the internal ear.
  • australopithecus — an extinct genus of small-brained,large-toothed bipedal hominids that lived in Africa between one and four million years ago.
  • autoethnographic — Using ethnographic techniques to describe one's own life, or events in which one is a participant.
  • automatic camera — a camera in which the lens aperture or the shutter speed or both are automatically adjusted to the prevailing conditions
  • automatic redial — a telephone service feature whereby the last number dialed is automatically called again, either after a specified time or when activated by the user.
  • automatic repeat — a key on the keyboard of a typewriter, computer, etc, which, when depressed continuously, produces the character repeatedly until the key is released
  • autostereoscopic — Of or pertaining to autostereoscopy.
  • auxiliary police — a part-time reserve attached to a regular police force
  • azodicarbonamide — (chemistry) An organic chemical, a yellow to orange red, odorless, crystalline powder, used in food industry as a food additive, a flour bleaching agent and improving agent and in foaming plastics.
  • background noise — any type of noise that is not the sound that you are specifically listening to or monitoring
  • bacterioplankton — (biology) The bacterial component of marine plankton.
  • badminton racket — the type of racket used in games of badminton
  • baltimore canyon — a submarine valley cut into the continental shelf and slope seaward of Chesapeake Bay.
  • bargaining scope — the range of topics within the scope of a particular set of negotiations leading to a collective agreement
  • barium carbonate — a white, poisonous, water-insoluble powder, BaCO 3 , used chiefly in the manufacture of rodenticides, paints, and dyes.
  • barometric error — error of a timepiece due to the fluctuations in density of the atmosphere through which the balance or pendulum moves.
  • basic dichromate — an orange-red, amorphous, water-insoluble powder, Bi 2 O 3 ⋅2CrO 3 , used chiefly as a pigment in paints.
  • basque provinces — an autonomous region of N Spain, comprising the provinces of Álava, Guipúzcoa, and Vizcaya: inhabited mainly by Basques, who retained virtual autonomy from the 9th to the 19th century. Pop: 1 840 700 (2003 est). Area: about 7250 sq km (2800 sq miles)
  • batch processing — manufacturing products or treating materials in batches, by passing the output of one process to subsequent processes
  • bathroom cabinet — a wall-mounted cabinet in a bathroom, typically with a mirror front and used for the storage of medicines and toiletries
  • bayonet practice — drill in the use of a bayonet
  • beneficial owner — a person entitled to receive the profits or proceeds of property
  • beta abstraction — [lambda-calculus] The conversion of an expression to an application of a lambda abstraction to an argument expression. Some subterm of the original expression becomes the argument of the abstraction and the rest becomes its body. E.g. 4+1 --> (\ x . x+1) 4 The opposite of beta abstraction is beta reduction. These are the two kinds of beta conversion.
  • bidirectionality — capable of reacting or functioning in two, usually opposite, directions.
  • bleaching powder — a white powder with the odour of chlorine, consisting of chlorinated calcium hydroxide with an approximate formula CaCl(OCl).4H2O. It is used in solution as a bleaching agent and disinfectant
  • boarding officer — a coastguard who boards ships suspected of carrying illegal cargoes or posing a security risk
  • bomb calorimeter — a device for determining heats of combustion by igniting a sample in a high pressure of oxygen in a sealed vessel and measuring the resulting rise in temperature: used for measuring the calorific value of foods
  • bonhomme richard — the flagship of John Paul Jones.
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