
12-letter words containing r, i, c, e, o, a

  • soldier crab — a small blue Australian estuarine crab of the Mictyris genus usually found in large numbers
  • sorbefacient — inducing absorption
  • sorosilicate — any of the silicates in which each silicate tetrahedron shares one of its four oxygen atoms with a neighboring tetrahedron, the ratio of silicon to oxygen being two to seven.
  • special sort — a character, such as an accented letter, that is not a usual member of any font
  • spectatorial — a person who looks on or watches; onlooker; observer.
  • spermatocide — spermicide.
  • spirochaetal — resulting from spirochaetes
  • stenographic — the art of writing in shorthand.
  • stercoranism — the belief that the consecrated Eucharistic elements, the bread and wine, are subject to decay and pass through the body like other ingested things
  • stercoranist — a person who believes in stercoranism
  • stereoacuity — the ability of a person to see objects as separate entities along a range of distances
  • stereoptican — a projector usually consisting of two complete lanterns arranged so that one picture appears to dissolve while the next is forming.
  • stereotactic — movement of an organism in response to contact with a solid.
  • superorganic — of or relating to the structure of cultural elements within society conceived as independent of and superior to the individual members of society.
  • technocratic — of, relating to, or designating a technocrat or technocracy.
  • testificator — a person who witnesses
  • tetramorphic — (in art) of or related to a composite representation of the four evangelists' symbols
  • the creation — God's act of bringing the universe into being
  • theanthropic — of or relating to both God or a god and human beings; both divine and human.
  • theocratical — a form of government in which God or a deity is recognized as the supreme civil ruler, the God's or deity's laws being interpreted by the ecclesiastical authorities.
  • theoretician — a person who deals with or is expert in the theoretical side of a subject: a military theoretician.
  • thermostatic — a device, including a relay actuated by thermal conduction or convection, that functions to establish and maintain a desired temperature automatically or signals a change in temperature for manual adjustment.
  • thiobacteria — bacteria found esp. in stagnant water and at the bottom of the sea, that oxidize or reduce sulfur compounds, as hydrogen sulfide
  • torrefaction — to subject to fire or intense heat; parch, roast, or scorch.
  • trace fossil — a fossilized track, trail, burrow, boring, or other structure in sedimentary rock that records the presence or behavior of the organism that made it.
  • traffic cone — conical road markers
  • tragi-comedy — A tragi-comedy is a play or other written work that is both sad and amusing.
  • trainer sock — a sock designed to be worn with a training shoe, often cut low at the ankle so that very little shows above the shoe
  • transcension — transcendence.
  • transfection — the insertion into a cell of a bacterial plasmid that contains a foreign virus or genetic material.
  • transoceanic — extending across or traversing the ocean: a transoceanic cable.
  • trefoil arch — an arch with cusplike intrados.
  • trial docket — docket (def 1).
  • trial-docket — Also called trial docket. a list of cases in court for trial, or the names of the parties who have cases pending.
  • tricephalous — with three heads
  • trichopteran — trichopterous.
  • tricorporate — having three bodies
  • trimolecular — pertaining to or having three molecules.
  • trochanteric — belonging or relating to a trochanter
  • tropicalised — to make tropical, as in character or appearance.
  • tropicalized — to make tropical, as in character or appearance.
  • tubocurarine — the principal active alkaloid of curare, C 38 H 44 Cl 2 N 2 O, used as a muscle relaxant, especially as an adjunct to anesthesia.
  • turacoverdin — a green pigment found in certain feathers of the touraco
  • uncommercial — not engaged in or involved with commerce or trade.
  • undemocratic — pertaining to or of the nature of democracy or a democracy.
  • undercoating — a coat or jacket worn under another.
  • unheroically — in an unheroic manner
  • unimolecular — of or involving only one molecular entity
  • unimportance — a lack of importance
  • unproclaimed — to announce or declare in an official or formal manner: to proclaim war.
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