
11-letter words containing r, i, c, e, o, a

  • fractionize — to divide (a number or quantity) into fractions
  • fractionlet — a small piece
  • francophile — friendly to or having a strong liking for France or the French.
  • frescobaldi — Girolamo [jee-raw-lah-maw] /dʒiˈrɔ lɑ mɔ/ (Show IPA), 1583–1643, Italian organist and composer.
  • garçonnière — a bachelor's apartment or quarters
  • genocidaire — a person who is guilty of genocide
  • geometrical — of or relating to geometry or to the principles of geometry.
  • germaphobic — Alternative form of germophobic.
  • guinea corn — durra.
  • haematocrit — Alternative spelling of hematocrit.
  • helicograph — an instrument for drawing helices.
  • hemeralopic — (medicine) Unable to see clearly in bright light; day-blind; suffering from hemeralopia.
  • hemorrhagic — a profuse discharge of blood, as from a ruptured blood vessel; bleeding.
  • hercegovina — Herzegovina.
  • heteroscian — a name applied to the people who live in temperate zones, so given because in these areas shadows created by the sun at noon will fall in opposite directions
  • heterotaxic — of, relating to, or characterized by heterotaxis.
  • hierodeacon — a monk who is also a deacon.
  • hippocrates — ("Father of Medicine") c460–c377 b.c, Greek physician.
  • hod carrier — a mason's assistant whose work is to carry hods of materials to the mason.
  • horseracing — Alternative form of horse racing.
  • hypercholia — abnormally large secretion of bile.
  • icosahedral — Of, relating to, or having the shape of an icosahedron.
  • icosahedron — a solid figure having 20 faces.
  • ideogrammic — Being, or pertaining to, an ideogram.
  • ideographic — an ideogram.
  • importances — the quality or state of being important; consequence; significance.
  • imprecation — the act of imprecating; cursing.
  • imprecatory — to invoke or call down (evil or curses), as upon a person.
  • incinerator — a furnace or apparatus for burning trash, garbage, etc., to ashes.
  • incoronated — crowned
  • incorporate — to form into a legal corporation.
  • incorporeal — not corporeal or material; insubstantial.
  • incremation — Burning; especially, the act of burning a dead body; cremation.
  • ineptocracy — (countable, pejorative) A government characterized by incompetent leaders.
  • infomercial — a long commercial that informs or instructs, especially in an original and entertaining manner: an infomercial on making Christmas decorations using the sponsor's brand of glue.
  • insectivora — the order comprising the insectivores.
  • interaction — reciprocal action, effect, or influence.
  • interatomic — between atoms.
  • intercostal — pertaining to muscles, parts, or intervals between the ribs.
  • intercupola — the space between an inner and an outer dome.
  • interocular — being, or situated, between the eyes.
  • intersocial — relating to, devoted to, or characterized by friendly companionship or relations: a social club.
  • intolerance — lack of tolerance; unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect opinions or beliefs contrary to one's own.
  • involucrate — having an involucre.
  • ion chamber — an apparatus for detecting and analyzing ionizing radiation, consisting of a vessel filled with a gas at normal or lower than normal pressure and fitted with two electrodes such that the current between the electrodes is a function of the amount of ionization of the gas.
  • irrevocable — not to be revoked or recalled; unable to be repealed or annulled; unalterable: an irrevocable decree.
  • irrevocably — not to be revoked or recalled; unable to be repealed or annulled; unalterable: an irrevocable decree.
  • isoceraunic — representing, having, or indicating equality in the frequency or intensity of thunderstorms: isoceraunic line; isoceraunic map.
  • isokeraunic — isoceraunic.
  • isometrical — Dated form of isometric.
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