
31-letter words containing r, h, n, e, a, l

  • a hardware programming language — (language)   (AHPL) A register-level language by Hill and Peterson, some of whose operators resemble APL. HPSIM2 is a function-level simulator, available from Engrg Expt Sta, University of Arizona.
  • actions speak louder than words — If you say that actions speak louder than words, you mean that people's actions show their real attitudes, rather than what they say. This expression is sometimes used to advise a person to do something positive.
  • analog hardware design language — (language)   (AHDL) A language under development by the US Air Force.
  • and the rest/all the rest of it — You can add and the rest or all the rest of it to the end of a statement or list when you want to refer in a vague way to other things that are associated with the ones you have already mentioned.
  • apple attachment unit interface — (hardware, networking)   (AAUI) A 14-position, 0.050-inch-spaced ribbon contact connector. Early Power Macs and Quadras had an AAUI (Apple Attachment Unit Interface) port (rectangular shaped) for Ethernet, which requires a transceiver. To use twisted pair cabling, you would need to get a twisted pair transceiver for the computer with an AAUI port. Some Power Mac computers had both an AAUI and RJ-45 port; you can use one or the other, but not both. The pin-out is: Pin Signal Name Signal Description ---- -------------- --------------------------------- 1 FN Pwr Power (+12V @ 2.1W or +5V @ 1.9W) 2 DI-A Data In circuit A 3 DI-B Data In circuit B 4 VCC Voltage Common 5 CI-A Control In circuit A 6 CI-B Control In circuit B 7 +5V +5 volts (from host) 8 +5V Secondary +5 volts (from host) 9 DO-A Data Out circuit A 10 DO-B Data Out circuit B 11 VCC Secondary Voltage Common 12 NC Reserved 13 NC Reserved 14 FN Pwr Secondary +12V @ 2.1W or +5V @ 1.9W Shell Protective Gnd Protective Ground AAUI signals have the same description, function, and electrical requirements as the AUI signals of the same name, as detailed in IEEE 802.3-1990 CSMA/CD Standard, section 7.
  • between a rock and a hard place — having to choose between two equally unpleasant alternatives
  • british commonwealth of nations — a voluntary association of independent nations and dependent territories linked by historical ties (as parts of the former British Empire) and cooperating on matters of mutual concern, especially regarding economics and trade.
  • burn a hole in someone's pocket — If you say that some money is burning a hole in someone's pocket, you mean that they want to spend it as soon as possible.
  • central office exchange service — (communications)   (Centrex) A PBX service providing switching at the central office instead of at the company premises. Typically, the telephone company owns and manages all the communications equipment necessary to implement the PBX and then sells various services to the company.
  • consortium for lexical research — (body)   (CLR) A repository for natural language processing software, lexical data, tools and resources; set up in July 1991 in the Computing Research Laboratory of New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA. CLR maintained a public FTP archive site and a separate members-only library. As of 1994-02-01, CLR had about 60 members, mostly academic institutions, including most US natural language processing centres. Materials could be contributed in exchange for membership. In 2006, the CRL closed down due to lack of funding. The CLR FTP server and e-mail address seems to have disappeared with it.
  • department of homeland security — the department of the U.S. federal government charged with protecting U.S. territory from terrorist attacks and providing a coordinated response to large-scale emergencies. Abbreviation: DHS.
  • dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane — DDT.
  • ear, nose and throat specialist — a medical practitioner who specializes in dealing with diseases affecting the ear, nose and throat
  • environmental health department — the department of a local authority which deals with prevention of the spread of communicable diseases, food safety and hygiene, control of infestation by insects or rodents, etc
  • every cloud has a silver lining — If you say that every cloud has a silver lining, you mean that every sad or unpleasant situation has a positive side to it.
  • foreign and commonwealth office — the department of British government which promotes the United Kingdom's interests abroad
  • four horsemen of the apocalypse — four riders on white, red, black, and pale horses symbolizing pestilence, war, famine, and death, respectively. Rev. 6:2–8.
  • general paralysis of the insane — a disease of the central nervous system: a late manifestation of syphilis, often occurring up to 15 years after the original infection, characterized by mental deterioration, speech defects, and progressive paralysis
  • geographical information system — Geographic Information System
  • get (or keep) the ball rolling — to start (or maintain) some action
  • graphics language object system — (graphics, language)   (GLOS) A language with statements for describing graphics objects (line, circle, polygon, etc.), written by Michael J McLean and Brian Hicks at the University of Queensland, St. Lucia in 1978. New objects are defined using procedures. 2-D transformations are context dependent and may be nested.
  • growth hormone releasing factor — a substance produced in the hypothalamus that regulates the release of growth hormone by the anterior pituitary gland. Abbreviation: GRF.
  • health maintenance organization — a plan for comprehensive health services, prepaid by an individual or by a company for its employees, that provides treatment, preventive care, and hospitalization to each participating member in a central health center. Abbreviation: HMO.
  • hide one's light under a bushel — something that makes things visible or affords illumination: All colors depend on light.
  • hierarchical design methodology — (programming)   (HDM) A method for specifying software and systems using hierarchies of abstract machines, developed by Larry Robinson at SRI International circa 1975-1976. The specifications were written in SPECIAL.
  • histrionic personality disorder — a psychological disorder usually beginning in early adulthood, characterized by excessive emotional expression and attention-seeking behavior. Abbreviation: HPD.
  • human t-cell lymphotropic virus — HTLV.
  • industrial workers of the world — an international industrial labor union, considered radical by many, that was organized in Chicago in 1905 and that disintegrated after 1920. Abbreviation: I.W.W., IWW.
  • international business machines — (company)   (IBM) The best known American computer manufacturer, founded by Thomas J. Watson (born 1874-02-17), known as "Big Blue" after the colour of its logo. IBM makes everything from mainframes to personal computers (PCs) and has been immensely successful in selling them, chiefly to business. It has often been said that "Nobody has ever been sacked for buying IBM". The IBM PC in its various versions has been so successful that unqualified reference to a "PC" almost certainly means a PC from IBM, or one of the many brands of clone produced by other manufacturers to cash in on IBM's original success. Alternative expansions of "IBM" such as Inferior But Marketable; It's Better Manually; Insidious Black Magic; It's Been Malfunctioning; Incontinent Bowel Movement, illustrate the considerable antipathy most hackers have long felt toward the "industry leader" (see fear and loathing). Quarterly sales $15351M, profits $689M (Aug 1994).
  • international phonetic alphabet — the set of symbols and modifiers designed, principally on the basis of articulatory considerations, to provide a consistent and universally understood system for transcribing the speech sounds of any language: devised by the International Phonetic Association. Abbreviation: IPA, I.P.A.
  • last but one/last but three etc — You can use phrases such as the last but one, the last but two, or the last but three, to refer to the thing or person that is, for example, one, two, or three before the final person or thing in a group or series.
  • multi-user shared hallucination — (communications, application)   (MUSH) A user-extendable MUD. A MUSH provides commands which the players can use to construct new rooms or make objects and puzzles for other players to explore.
  • nakhichevan autonomous republic — a region belonging to Azerbaijan, from which it is separated by part of Armenia; annexed by Russia in 1828; unilaterally declared secession from the Soviet Union in 1990. Capital: Nakhichevan. Pop: 363 000 (2000 est). Area: 5500 sq km (2120 sq miles)
  • national endowment for the arts — an independent agency that stimulates the growth and development of the arts in the U.S. by awarding grants to individuals and organizations.
  • not all sth is cracked up to be — If you say that something is not all it's cracked up to be, you mean that it is not as good as other people have said it is.
  • old lady of threadneedle street — the Bank of England (used as a nickname).
  • pay the piper and call the tune — to bear the cost of an undertaking and control it
  • put someone in his or her place — to humble someone who is arrogant, conceited, forward, etc
  • secondary sexual characteristic — any of various features distinguishing individuals of different sex but not directly concerned in reproduction. Examples are the antlers of a stag and the beard of a man
  • see the handwriting on the wall — to foresee impending disaster or misfortune: Dan. 5:5-28
  • software publishing certificate — (security)   (SPC) A public key certification standard (PKCS) #7 signed data object containing X.509 certificates. SPCs are used for digital signatures as applicable to computer software.
  • software publishing corporation — (company)   (SPC) The company that produces Harvard Graphics.
  • supplementary ideographic plane — (text, standard)   (SIP) The third plane (plane 2) defined in Unicode/ISO 10646, designed to hold all the ideographs descended from Chinese writing (mainly found in Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese and Chinese) that aren't found in the Basic Multilingual Plane. The BMP was supposed to hold all ideographs in modern use; unfortunately, many Chinese dialects (like Cantonese and Hong Kong Chinese) were overlooked; to write these, characters from the SIP are necessary. This is one reason even non-academic software must support characters outside the BMP.
  • telocator alphanumeric protocol — (communications, protocol)   (TAP, or "IXO", "PET") A protocol for submitting requests to a pager service. IXO/TAP is an ASCII-based, half-duplex protocol that allows the submission of a numeric or alphanumeric message. See also RFC 1568.
  • the internal security committee — a committee of the US House of Representatives that was abolished in 1975. Prior to its renaming in 1969, it was known as the House Un-American Activities Committee, and was notorious for its anti-Communist investigations in the late 1940s and 1950s
  • the national assembly for wales — the elected assembly for Wales, based in Cardiff, that has certain powers devolved from the UK government
  • to burn the candle at both ends — If you burn the candle at both ends, you try to do too many things in too short a period of time so that you have to stay up very late at night and get up very early in the morning to get them done.
  • to pour cold water on something — If you pour cold water on an idea or suggestion, you show that you have a low opinion of it.
  • voters telecommunications watch — (body)   (VTW) A non-profit organisation based in New York, founded by Shabbir J. Safdar to protect the rights of Internet users. The VTW has actively opposed regulation of encryption and restrictions on Internet free speech. VTW created the animated "Free Speech" fireworks icon that has been displayed on many web pages since June 12, 1996, the day that a three-judge panel in Philadelphia ruled the CDA unconstitutional.
  • you could have heard a pin drop — You can say you could have heard a pin drop when a place is extremely quiet, especially because everyone is waiting for someone to speak or when someone has made a shocking remark.

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