
20-letter words containing r, h, a, g

  • royal british legion — an organization founded in 1921 to provide services and assistance for former members of the armed forces
  • rub up the wrong way — to arouse anger (in); annoy
  • sarcastic fringehead — any fish of the genus Neoclinus, characterized by a row of fleshy processes on the head, as N. blanchardi (sarcastic fringehead) of California coastal waters.
  • satellite photograph — a photograph taken by an artificial satellite from space
  • scatter site housing — public housing, especially for low-income families, built throughout an urban area rather than being concentrated in a single neighborhood.
  • scavenger's daughter — an instrument of torture that doubled over and squeezed the body so strongly and violently that blood was brought forth from the ears and nose: invented in 16th-century England.
  • schrodinger equation — the wave equation of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. Also called Schrödinger wave equation. Compare wave equation (def 2).
  • semiautobiographical — pertaining to or being a fictionalized account of an author's own life.
  • serve a person right — to pay a person back, esp for wrongful or foolish treatment or behaviour
  • set the ball rolling — to open or initiate (an action, discussion, movement, etc)
  • sex change operation — a surgical operation designed to change a person's physical sexual characteristics to those of the opposite sex
  • short message system — A short message system is a way of sending short written messages from one mobile phone to another. The abbreviation SMS is also used.
  • shoulder-length hair — hair that reaches a person's shoulders
  • software methodology — (programming)   The study of how to navigate through each phase of the software process model (determining data, control, or uses hierarchies, partitioning functions, and allocating requirements) and how to represent phase products (structure charts, stimulus-response threads, and state transition diagrams).
  • st. george's channel — a channel between Wales and Ireland, connecting the Irish Sea and the Atlantic. 100 miles (160 km) long; 50–90 miles (81–145 km) wide.
  • state highway patrol — a state's road traffic police
  • straight as an arrow — direct, unwavering
  • straight-cut tobacco — tobacco that is cut in such a way that it will lie flat.
  • sweetheart agreement — a contract made through collusion between management and labor representatives containing terms beneficial to management and detrimental to union workers.
  • synchronized skating — the art or sport of teams of up to twenty skaters holding onto each other and moving in patterns in time to music
  • technology agreement — a framework designed by trade unions for negotiating changes in employment caused by the introduction of new technology
  • tetrahydrogestrinone — a synthetic anabolic steroid. Formula: C21H28O2
  • the (great) pyramids — the three large pyramids at Gîza, Egypt: the largest is the Pyramid of Khufu
  • the (great) unwashed — The unwashed or the great unwashed is a way of referring to poor or ordinary people.
  • the founding fathers — any of the men who were members of the U.S. Constituional Convention of 1787
  • the garment industry — the manufacturing of items of clothing
  • the grass is greener — If you say the grass is greener somewhere else, you mean that other people's situations always seem better or more attractive than your own, but may not really be so.
  • the greater antilles — a group of islands in the Caribbean, including Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico
  • the grove of academe — the academic world
  • the hearing impaired — people whose hearing is partially defective
  • the high renaissance — the period from about the 1490s to the 1520s in painting, sculpture, and architecture in Europe, esp in Italy, when the Renaissance ideals were considered to have been attained through the mastery of Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Raphael
  • the legal profession — the profession of law
  • the roaring twenties — a phrase used to describe the decade of the 1920s (esp in America), so called due to the social, artistic, and cultural dynamism of the period
  • there's no mistaking — You can say there is no mistaking something when you are emphasizing that you cannot fail to recognize or understand it.
  • thought transference — transference of thought by extrasensory means from the mind of one individual to another; telepathy.
  • thread language zero — (language)   (TL0) The instruction set of the TAM (Threaded Abstract Machine), used to implement Id.
  • to be a warning shot — to be a warning
  • to be at loggerheads — to be in conflict
  • to bring up the rear — If a person or vehicle is bringing up the rear, they are the last person or vehicle in a moving line of them.
  • to flog a dead horse — If you say that someone is flogging a dead horse, you mean that they are trying to achieve something impossible.
  • to go the extra mile — If you say that someone is willing to go the extra mile, you mean that they are willing to make a special effort to do or achieve something.
  • to reach new heights — to become higher than ever before
  • track-laying vehicle — A track-laying vehicle is a vehicle whose wheels run inside a continuous chain or track.
  • tubing head pressure — The tubing head pressure is the pressure on the tubing, which is measured at the wellhead.
  • video graphics array — (hardware)   (VGA) A display standard for IBM PCs, with 640 x 480 pixels in 16 colours and a 4:3 aspect ratio. There is also a text mode with 720 x 400 pixels. IBM technical references define the *product name* of their original VGA display board as "Video Graphics Array", in contrast to the preceding boards, the "Color Graphics Adapter" (CGA) and "Enhanced Graphics Adapter" (EGA). See also Super Video Graphics Adapter.
  • visual merchandising — Visual merchandising is the use of attractive displays and floor plans to increase customer numbers and sales volumes.
  • warrensville heights — a city in NE Ohio.
  • watering of the eyes — the formation of tears in the eyes
  • weights and measures — units or standards of measurement
  • with a grain of salt — to season with salt.
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