
17-letter words containing r, h, a, g

  • spiritual healing — faith healing
  • spongy parenchyma — the lower layer of the ground tissue of a leaf, characteristically containing irregularly shaped cells with relatively few chloroplasts and large intercellular spaces.
  • spruce gall aphid — any of various homopterous insects of the family Adelgidae, as Adelges abietis (spruce gall aphid) and Pineus pinifoliae (pine leaf aphid) that feed and form galls on conifers.
  • squatter's rights — the rights to a property claimed by someone who has occupied it in the owner's absence
  • squeegee merchant — a person who attempts to make money by squeegeeing the windscreens of cars that are stopped at traffic lights and then asking for payment
  • stag's-horn coral — staghorn coral.
  • stage-door johnny — a man who often goes to a theater or waits at a stage door to court an actress.
  • stereolithography — a process for creating three-dimensional objects using a computer-controlled laser to build up the required structure, layer by layer, from a liquid photopolymer that solidifies.
  • stereophotography — photography producing stereoscopic images.
  • straight arm lift — a wrestling attack, in which a wrestler twists the opponent's arm against the joint and lifts him or her by it, often using the shoulder as a fulcrum
  • substantive right — a right, as life, liberty, or property, recognized for its own sake and as part of the natural legal order of society.
  • teachers' college — a college, usually having a four-year curriculum and granting a bachelor's degree, for training teachers for elementary and secondary schools
  • teaching practice — Teaching practice is a period that a student teacher spends teaching at a school as part of his or her training.
  • teaching software — computer software for use in providing online education
  • technical drawing — the study and practice, esp as a subject taught in school, of the basic techniques of draughtsmanship, as employed in mechanical drawing, architecture, etc
  • the age of reason — the 18th century in W Europe
  • the bag of tricks — every device; everything
  • the major leagues — the two main leagues of professional baseball clubs in the U.S., the National League and the American League
  • the morning after — the aftereffects of excess, esp a hangover
  • thermocoagulation — the coagulation of tissue by heat-producing high-frequency electric currents, used therapeutically to remove small growths or to create specific lesions in the brain.
  • thread-legged bug — any of certain insects of the family Reduviidae, characterized by an elongated, slender body and long frail legs, the front pair of which are raptorial.
  • three-legged race — a race among a number of paired contestants, each contestant having one leg tied to the adjacent leg of his or her partner.
  • threshing machine — a machine for removing grains and seeds from straw and chaff.
  • thuringian forest — a forested mountain region in central Germany: a resort area.
  • tiglath-pileser i — died 1102? b.c, king of Assyria c1115–1102?.
  • to argue the toss — If you say that someone argues the toss, you are criticizing them for continuing to argue for longer than is necessary about something that is not very important.
  • trick photography — photography that creates an illusion
  • trigger mechanism — a physiological or psychological process caused by a stimulus and resulting in a usually severe reaction.
  • turbosupercharger — (formerly) a turbocharger.
  • ultimate strength — the quantity of the utmost tensile, compressive, or shearing stress that a given unit area of a certain material is expected to bear without failing.
  • vaginal discharge — emission from the female genitalia
  • verkhoyansk range — a mountain range in the Sakha Republic, in E Siberia, Russia. About 600 miles (970 km) long.
  • visitation rights — the legal right granted to a divorced or separated parent to visit a child in the custody of the other parent.
  • vulcan death grip — (jargon)   A variant of Vulcan nerve pinch derived from a Star Trek classic epsisode where a non-existant "Vulcan death grip" was used to fool Romulans that Spock had killed Kirk.
  • warehousing costs — the costs involved in storing goods in a warehouse
  • washington square — a short novel (1881) by Henry James.
  • well-photographed — a picture produced by photography.
  • wheatstone bridge — a circuit for measuring an unknown resistance by comparing it with known resistances.
  • without regard to — with no concern for
  • wring one's hands — If someone wrings their hands, they hold them together and twist and turn them, usually because they are very worried or upset about something. You can also say that someone is wringing their hands when they are expressing sorrow that a situation is so bad but are saying that they are unable to change it.
  • youth programming — the creation and scheduling of television programmes specifically aimed at young people
  • zoogeographically — In a zoogeographical way.
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