
14-letter words containing r, e, p, n, t

  • bancroft prize — one of a group of annual awards for literary achievement in American history and biography: administered by Columbia University.
  • beta-endorphin — a potent endorphin released by the anterior pituitary gland in response to pain, trauma, exercise, or other forms of stress.
  • bioprospecting — searching for plant or animal species for use as a source of commercially exploitable products, such as medicinal drugs
  • black panthers — (in the US) a militant Black political party founded in 1965 to end the political dominance of White people
  • blotting paper — Blotting paper is thick soft paper that you use for soaking up and drying ink on a piece of paper.
  • bowstring hemp — a hemplike fibre obtained from the sansevieria
  • breaking point — If something or someone has reached breaking point, they have so many problems or difficulties that they can no longer cope with them, and may soon collapse or be unable to continue.
  • breast implant — an object such as a sachet filled with gel introduced surgically into a woman's breast to enlarge it
  • britney spears — beers
  • brownie points — a credit toward advancement or good standing gained especially by currying favor.
  • bush carpenter — a rough-and-ready unskilled workman
  • butylene group — any of four bivalent isomeric groups having the formula –C 4 H 8 –.
  • cafeteria plan — a fringe-benefit plan under which employees may choose from among various benefits those that best fit their needs, up to a specified dollar value.
  • cancer patient — a person who is receiving medical treatment for a malignant growth or tumour
  • captain cooker — a wild pig
  • carbon capture — the capture of atmospheric carbon dioxide, esp as a technique to prevent climate change
  • carpenter moth — any of various large moths of the family Cossidae, the larvae of which bore beneath and cause damage to tree bark
  • carpet bombing — Carpet bombing is heavy bombing from aircraft, with the intention of hitting as many places as possible in a particular area.
  • carpet bowling — a form of bowls played indoors on a strip of carpet, at the centre of which lies an obstacle round which the bowl has to pass
  • carpet muncher — lesbian
  • catherine parrCatherine, Catherine Parr.
  • central europe — an area between Eastern and Western Europe, generally accepted as comprising Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Switzerland
  • central powers — (before World War I) Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary after they were linked by the Triple Alliance in 1882
  • centripetalism — the movement of things towards a centre
  • cerro de punta — a mountain in central Puerto Rico: highest peak on the island. 4389 feet (1339 meters).
  • chase pointers — (programming)   To determine a chain of memory locations where each location holds a pointer to the next, starting from some initial pointer, e.g. traversing a linked list or other graph structure. This may be performed by a computer executing a program or by a programmer going through a core dump or using a debugger.
  • chemoreception — the response of a chemoreceptor to chemical stimuli
  • chest expander — a device for strengthening the chest muscles, consisting of two handles attached to strong springs or elastic cords that the user pulls apart across the chest
  • chromoproteins — Plural form of chromoprotein.
  • cinametography — Misspelling of cinematography.
  • cine projector — a machine which projects successive frames from a reel of film to create moving pictures
  • cinematography — Cinematography is the technique of making films for the cinema.
  • circumspection — Circumspection is cautious behaviour and a refusal to take risks.
  • clean up after — If you clean up after someone, you clean or tidy a place that they have made dirty or untidy.
  • co-respondents — men's two-coloured shoes, usually black and white or brown and white
  • colour printer — a printer that prints in colour on paper
  • complementizer — a word or morpheme that serves to introduce a complement clause or a reduced form of such a clause, as that in I wish that he would leave
  • compound meter — any time signature in which the upper figure is a multiple of 3, as 6/8, 9/8, 12/8, etc.
  • conceptual art — art in which the idea behind a particular work, and the means of producing it, are more important than the finished work
  • conceptualizer — a person who conceptualizes
  • conduct report — a report about the behaviour of a student, employee, prisoner etc
  • coniferophytes — Plural form of coniferophyte.
  • container port — a port that is adapted or built for the use of cargo containers
  • container ship — A container ship is a ship that is designed for carrying goods that are packed in large metal or wooden boxes.
  • contemperation — the act of contempering
  • contemperature — the action of mixing together harmoniously or proportionately
  • contemporanean — contemporary
  • contemporaries — existing, occurring, or living at the same time; belonging to the same time: Newton's discovery of the calculus was contemporary with that of Leibniz.
  • contemporarily — existing, occurring, or living at the same time; belonging to the same time: Newton's discovery of the calculus was contemporary with that of Leibniz.
  • contemporising — to place in or regard as belonging to the same age or time.
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