
14-letter words containing r, e, p, l, i, s

  • presentational — of or relating to presentation.
  • presentimental — expressing a presentiment
  • press clipping — clipping (def 2).
  • pressing plant — a manufacturing plant where phonograph records are produced by pressing in a mold or by stamping.
  • pretensionless — without pretension
  • price controls — government regulation of prices by establishing maximum price levels for goods or services, as during a period of inflation.
  • princess royal — the eldest daughter of a king or queen.
  • principalities — a state ruled by a prince, usually a relatively small state or a state that falls within a larger state such as an empire.
  • private school — a school founded, conducted, and maintained by a private group rather than by the government, usually charging tuition and often following a particular philosophy, viewpoint, etc.
  • proceleusmatic — inciting, animating, or inspiring.
  • processability — capable of being processed.
  • professionally — following an occupation as a means of livelihood or for gain: a professional builder.
  • progestational — prepared for pregnancy, as the lining of the uterus prior to menstruation or in the early stages of gestation itself; progravid.
  • proletarianism — the practices, attitudes, or social status of a proletarian.
  • proportionless — lacking proportion; disproportionate
  • prosthetically — a device, either external or implanted, that substitutes for or supplements a missing or defective part of the body.
  • proventriculus — the glandular portion of the stomach of birds, in which food is partially digested before passing to the ventriculus or gizzard.
  • provincialised — to make provincial in character.
  • pseudo-liberal — favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
  • pseudodipteral — having an arrangement of columns suggesting a dipteral structure but without the inner colonnade.
  • pteridophilist — a person who shows an excessive enthusiam for ferns
  • public servant — a person holding a government office or job by election or appointment; person in public service.
  • public service — the business of supplying an essential commodity, as gas or electricity, or a service, as transportation, to the general public.
  • purple passion — a variety of the velvet plant, Gynura aurantiaca, having trailing stems and leaves densely covered with purple hairs, grown as a houseplant.
  • putrescibility — liable to become putrid.
  • pyelonephritis — inflammation of the kidney and its pelvis, caused by a bacterial infection.
  • pyelonephrosis — any disease of the kidney and its pelvis.
  • quadrupedalism — The condition of being a quadruped.
  • quadruplicates — Plural form of quadruplicate.
  • quasi-particle — an object that is similar to a particle, but does not meet the full criteria of a particle
  • quasi-personal — of, relating to, or coming as from a particular person; individual; private: a personal opinion.
  • quasiparticles — Plural form of quasiparticle.
  • rejection slip — a notification of rejection, attached by a publisher to a manuscript before returning the work to its author.
  • repositionable — to put in a new or different position; shift: to reposition the artwork on the advertising layout.
  • repressibility — the quality or condition of being repressible
  • residual power — power retained by a governmental authority after certain powers have been delegated to other authorities.
  • respectability — the state or quality of being respectable.
  • respectabilize — to make respectable
  • respiritualize — to spiritualize again; reinvest with a spiritual character or meaning
  • responsibility — the state or fact of being responsible, answerable, or accountable for something within one's power, control, or management.
  • restricted epl — (language)   (REPL) The efficient subset of EPL used to write the core of Multics.
  • rhizocephalous — belonging to the Rhizocephala, a group of degenerate hermaphrodite crustaceans that are parasitic chiefly on crabs.
  • runcible spoon — a forklike utensil with two broad prongs and one sharp, curved prong, as used for serving hors d'oeuvres.
  • sakha republic — an administrative division in E Russia, in NE Siberia on the Arctic Ocean: the coldest inhabited region of the world; it has rich mineral resources. Capital: Yakutsk. Pop: 948 100 (2002). Area: 3 103 200 sq km (1 197 760 sq miles)
  • self-appraisal — the act of estimating or judging the nature or value of something or someone.
  • self-important — having or showing an exaggerated opinion of one's own importance; pompously conceited or haughty.
  • self-operating — automatic.
  • self-operative — automatic.
  • self-ownership — the state or fact of being an owner.
  • self-parodying — given to or involving self-parody
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