
19-letter words containing r, e, p, i, g

  • magnetic tape drive — (storage)   (Or "tape drive") A peripheral device that reads and writes magnetic tape.
  • make a pig's ear of — to ruin disastrously
  • megabits per second — (unit)   (Mbps, Mb/s) Millions of bits per second. A unit of data rate. 1 Mb/s = 1,000,000 bits per second (not 1,048,576). E.g. Ethernet can carry 10 Mbps.
  • moving spirit/force — The moving spirit or moving force behind something is the person or thing that caused it to start and to keep going, or that influenced people to take part in it.
  • napierian logarithm — natural logarithm.
  • neuropathologically — In a neuropathologic way.
  • nonproprietary drug — A nonproprietary drug is a generic drug that is essentially similar to a drug with a brand name.
  • old english pattern — a spoon pattern having a stem curving backward at the end.
  • operational testing — (testing)   A US DoD term for testing performed by the end-user on software in its normal operating environment.
  • optimising compiler — (programming, tool)   compiler which attempts to analyse the code it produces and to produce more efficient code by performing program transformation such as branch elimination, partial evaluation, or peep-hole optimisation. Contrast pessimising compiler.
  • orthopaedic surgeon — a surgeon specializing in the branch of surgery concerned with disorders of the spine and joints and the repair of deformities of these parts
  • orthopaedic surgery — surgery concerned with disorders of the spine and joints and the repair of deformities of these parts
  • paleoanthropologist — the study of the origins and predecessors of the present human species, using fossils and other remains.
  • parallel processing — extending in the same direction, equidistant at all points, and never converging or diverging: parallel rows of trees.
  • parliament building — structure housing legislative offices
  • parliamentary agent — (in Britain) a person who is employed to manage the parliamentary business of a private group
  • parthenogenetically — development of an egg without fertilization.
  • particle technology — Particle technology is knowledge and study which relates to particles, and is used in industry.
  • particular negative — a proposition of the form “Some S is not P.” Symbol: O.
  • parting of the ways — When there is a parting of the ways, two or more people or groups of people stop working together or travelling together.
  • passenger enquiries — enquiries from passengers to a transport company such as a railway or airline
  • pastoral counseling — the use of psychotherapeutic techniques by trained members of the clergy to assist parishioners who seek help for personal or emotional problems.
  • patent infringement — breach of copyright
  • pattern recognition — the automated identification of shapes or forms or patterns of speech.
  • paumotu archipelago — Tuamotu Archipelago.
  • pecuniary advantage — financial advantage that is dishonestly obtained by deception and that constitutes a criminal offence
  • pedestrian crossing — place to cross road
  • pen-and-ink drawing — a drawing that is done using a pen rather than a pencil
  • percussion drilling — Percussion drilling is a drilling method which involves lifting and dropping heavy tools to break rock, and uses steel casing tubes to stop the borehole from collapsing.
  • perfect progressive — a verb form including the auxiliary have followed by been and a present participle, noting the continuation of an activity or event, its incompleteness or interruption, and its connection to the temporal point of reference, as in I've been waiting for over an hour, They had been talking about her before she came into the room, or In July, he will have been living here for two years.
  • performance figures — the statistics that indicate how well or badly a company or organization has performed
  • persian gulf states — group of Arab sheikdoms along the Persian Gulf: Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, & United Arab Emirates
  • personal belongings — possessions; things that belong to someone
  • photodisintegration — the disintegration of a nucleus, induced by its absorption of a photon.
  • photographic memory — total recall
  • physical addressing — (networking)   The low level addressing scheme used on Ethernet. The 48-bit destination Ethernet address in a packet is compared with the receiving node's Ethernet address. Compare IP address.
  • pilgrimage of grace — a rebellion in 1536 in N England against the Reformation and Henry VIII's government
  • planning permission — In Britain, planning permission is official permission that you must get from the local authority before building something new or adding something to an existing building.
  • pneumogastric nerve — the vagus nerve.
  • point the finger at — to accuse or blame
  • political geography — the branch of human geography that deals with the relationship between political processes and spatial structures (regions, territories, etc)
  • polyphonic ringtone — (in mobile phones) a ringtone in which more than one musical note is played at the same time
  • popular sovereignty — the doctrine that sovereign power is vested in the people and that those chosen to govern, as trustees of such power, must exercise it in conformity with the general will.
  • portuguese-speaking — being a speaker of Portuguese; having Portuguese as the national language
  • preferential voting — a system of voting designed to permit the voter to indicate an order of preference for the candidates on the ballot.
  • preliminary hearing — initial court session
  • prescription charge — a charge, set by the government, to be paid by a patient for medicines
  • pretty good privacy — (tool, cryptography)   (PGP) A high security RSA public-key encryption application for MS-DOS, Unix, VAX/VMS, and other computers. It was written by Philip R. Zimmermann <[email protected]> of Phil's Pretty Good(tm) Software and later augmented by a cast of thousands, especially including Hal Finney, Branko Lankester, and Peter Gutmann. PGP was distributed as "guerrilla freeware". The authors don't mind if it is distributed widely, just don't ask Philip Zimmermann to send you a copy. PGP uses a public-key encryption algorithm claimed by US patent #4,405,829. The exclusive rights to this patent are held by a California company called Public Key Partners, and you may be infringing this patent if you use PGP in the USA. This is explained in the PGP User's Guide, Volume II. PGP allows people to exchange files or messages with privacy and authentication. Privacy and authentication are provided without managing the keys associated with conventional cryptographic software. No secure channels are needed to exchange keys between users, which makes PGP much easier to use. This is because PGP is based on public-key cryptography. PGP encrypts data using the International Data Encryption Algorithm with a random session key, and uses the RSA algorithm to encrypt the session key. In December 1994 Philip Zimmermann faced prosecution for "exporting" PGP out of the United States but in January 1996 the US Goverment dropped the case. A US law prohibits the export of encryption software out of the country. Zimmermann did not do this, but the US government hoped to establish the proposition that posting an encryption program on a BBS or on the Internet constitutes exporting it - in effect, stretching export control into domestic censorship. If the government had won it would have had a chilling effect on the free flow of information on the global network, as well as on everyone's privacy from government snooping.
  • priority scheduling — (operating system)   Processes scheduling in which the scheduler selects tasks to run based on their priority as opposed to, say, a simple round-robin. Priorities may be static or dynamic. Static priorities are assigned at the time of creation, while dynamic priorities are based on the processes' behaviour while in the system. For example, the scheduler may favour I/O-intensive tasks so that expensive requests can be issued as early as possible. A danger of priority scheduling is starvation, in which processes with lower priorities are not given the opportunity to run. In order to avoid starvation, in preemptive scheduling, the priority of a process is gradually reduced while it is running. Eventually, the priority of the running process will no longer be the highest, and the next process will start running. This method is called aging.
  • process engineering — the branch of engineering concerned with industrial processes, esp continuous ones, such as the production of petrochemicals
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