
16-letter words containing r, e, p, i, g

  • overcomplicating — Present participle of overcomplicate.
  • pacific sturgeon — a dark gray sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus, inhabiting marine and fresh waters along the northwestern coast of North America, valued as a food and sport fish.
  • parachute rigger — a person who inspects, repairs, and packs or folds parachutes.
  • parallel parking — parking along curb in line with other vehicles
  • parallel sailing — sailing along a parallel of latitude.
  • parents' evening — an occasion when the parents of children at a school and their teachers come together (outside normal school hours, in the evening) in order to discuss the progress or work of the children
  • parliament hinge — a butt hinge the knuckle of which protrudes from the door so that the door when fully opened stands away from the wall.
  • partial ordering — a relation defined on a set, having the properties that each element is in relation to itself, the relation is transitive, and if two elements are in relation to each other, the two elements are equal.
  • passenger pigeon — an extinct pigeon, Ectopistes migratorius, once found in great numbers in North America, noted for its sustained migratory flights.
  • past progressive — a verb form consisting of an auxiliary be in the past tense followed by a present participle and used especially to indicate that an action or event was incomplete or in progress at a point of reference in the past, as was sleeping in I was sleeping when the phone rang.
  • pattern matching — 1. A function is defined to take arguments of a particular type, form or value. When applying the function to its actual arguments it is necessary to match the type, form or value of the actual arguments against the formal arguments in some definition. For example, the function length [] = 0 length (x:xs) = 1 + length xs uses pattern matching in its argument to distinguish a null list from a non-null one. There are well known algorithm for translating pattern matching into conditional expressions such as "if" or "case". E.g. the above function could be transformed to 2. Descriptive of a type of language or utility such as awk or Perl which is suited to searching for strings or patterns in input data, usually using some kind of regular expression.
  • peace campaigner — someone who campaigns for peace or an end to conflict
  • pelican crossing — place to cross road
  • pension mortgage — an arrangement whereby a person takes out a mortgage and pays the capital repayment instalments into a pension fund and the interest to the mortgagee. The loan is repaid out of the tax-free lump sum proceeds of the pension plan on the borrower's retirement
  • percentage point — difference: one per cent
  • peregrine falcon — a globally distributed falcon, Falco peregrinus, much used in falconry because of its swift flight: several subspecies are endangered.
  • perfecting press — a rotary press for printing both sides of a sheet or web in one operation.
  • permanganic acid — an acid, HMnO 4 , known only in solution.
  • personal hygiene — bodily cleanliness
  • petrol rationing — a scheme rationing the amount of petrol that an individual is allowed to purchase
  • pharmacogenetics — the branch of pharmacology that examines the relation of genetic factors to variations in response to drugs.
  • pharmacogenomics — the study of human genetic variability in relation to drug action and its application to medical treatment
  • philip r. bagley — (person)   A pioneer of computer document retrieval. See metadata.
  • philoprogenitive — producing offspring, especially abundantly; prolific.
  • philosopher king — the Platonic ideal of a ruler, philosophically trained and enlightened.
  • philosopher-king — the Platonic ideal of a ruler, philosophically trained and enlightened.
  • phosphor fatigue — screen saver
  • picture moulding — the edge around a framed picture
  • pietermaritzburg — a province in the E part of the Republic of South Africa. 35,284 sq. mi. (91,886 sq. km). Capital: Pietermaritzburg.
  • pleasure-seeking — always looking for pleasure
  • pneumatic trough — a trough filled with liquid, especially water, for collecting gases in bell jars or the like by displacement.
  • point de hongrie — flame stitch.
  • polarizing angle — the law that light will receive maximum polarization from a reflecting surface when it is incident to the surface at an angle (angle of polarization or polarizing angle) having a tangent equal to the index of refraction of the surface.
  • portrait gallery — a gallery where pictures are displayed
  • portuguese india — a former Portuguese overseas territory on the W coast of India, consisting of the districts of Gôa, Daman, and Diu: annexed by India December 1961. Capital: Gôa.
  • portuguese timor — former (1914-75) Portuguese territory in the Malay Archipelago
  • posigrade rocket — an auxiliary rocket used to separate the sections of a multistage rocket, fired in the direction of flight.
  • postremogeniture — a system of inheritance under which the estate of a deceased person goes to his youngest son. Also called ultimogeniture. Compare primogeniture (def 2).
  • potential energy — the energy of a body or a system with respect to the position of the body or the arrangement of the particles of the system.
  • poynting theorem — the theorem that the rate of flow of electromagnetic energy through unit area is equal to the Poynting vector, i.e. the cross product of the electric and magnetic field intensities
  • practice manager — the manager of a business such as a medical practice, dental practice, or legal practice
  • praetorian guard — the bodyguard of a military commander, especially the imperial guard stationed in Rome.
  • pragmatic theory — the theory of truth that the truth of a statement consists in its practical consequences, especially in its agreement with subsequent experience.
  • pre-registration — the act of registering.
  • preemptive right — a privilege given to an existing shareholder to buy a portion of a new stock issue at the offering price on a pro-rata per-share basis.
  • preserved ginger — fresh ginger preserved in syrup and used in cooking, esp desserts
  • pressure flaking — a method of manufacturing a flint tool by pressing flakes from a stone core with a pointed implement, usually of wood tipped with antler or copper.
  • pressure welding — the welding together of two objects by holding them together under pressure.
  • prestidigitation — sleight of hand; legerdemain.
  • prestige pricing — the practice of giving a product a high price to convey the idea that it must be of high quality or status
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