
13-letter words containing r, e, p, i, g

  • speechreading — the act or process of determining the intended meaning of a speaker by utilizing all visual clues accompanying speech attempts, as lip movements, facial expressions, and bodily gestures, used especially by people with impaired hearing.
  • speed reading — a method of reading faster than normal, esp by skimming
  • sperm washing — a technique that separates sperm from the seminal fluid, used especially for isolating active sperm for artificial insemination.
  • spermatangium — the organ that produces spermatia in red algae.
  • spermatogenic — relating to the development of spermatozoa
  • spinning reel — a fishing reel mounted on a spinning rod, having a stationary spool on the side of which is a revolving metal arm that catches the line and winds it onto the spool as a handle is turned, the metal arm being disengaged during casting so the line spirals freely off the spool, carried by the cast lure.
  • splutteringly — in a spluttering manner
  • sponge finger — sweet finger-shaped biscuit
  • spot reducing — the usually futile effort to exercise one part of the body, as the thighs, in hopes of reducing the amount of fat stored in that area.
  • sprightliness — animated or vivacious; lively.
  • spring a leak — to develop a leak
  • spring beauty — any American spring plant belonging to the genus Claytonia, of the purslane family, especially C. virginica, having an elongated cluster of white flowers tinged with pink.
  • spring binder — a loose-leaf binder in which a single, long, clamplike spring, forming the spine, holds the leaves.
  • spring greens — Young cabbages are sometimes referred to as spring greens.
  • spring peeper — a tree frog, Hyla crucifer, having an X -shaped mark on the back and voicing a shrill call commonly heard near ponds and swamps of eastern North America in the early spring.
  • spring valley — a city in SW California, near San Diego.
  • spring-loaded — (of a machine part) kept normally in a certain position by a spring: a spring-loaded safety valve.
  • springboarded — a flexible board, projecting over water, from which divers leap or spring.
  • spurge family — the large plant family Euphorbiaceae, characterized by herbaceous plants, shrubs, and trees having milky juice, simple alternate leaves or no leaves, usually petalless flowers often with showy bracts, and capsular fruit, and including cassava, croton, crown-of-thorns, poinsettia, snow-on-the-mountain, spurge, and the plants that produce castor oil, rubber, and tung oil.
  • spying charge — an accusation of having taken part in espionage
  • stage whisper — a loud whisper on a stage, meant to be heard by the audience.
  • stargazey pie — a Cornish fish pie served with the head of the fish protruding through the crust
  • staying power — ability or strength to last or endure; endurance; stamina.
  • stepparenting — parenting within a stepfamily
  • straighten up — stand straighter
  • string player — a person who plays an instrument of the violin family.
  • string-puller — a person who uses his or her influence with other people to get things done, often unfairly
  • supergalactic — a system of galaxies.
  • supergraphics — large-scale painted or applied decorative art in bold colors and typically in geometric or typographic designs, used over walls and sometimes floors and ceilings to create an illusion of expanded or altered space.
  • superorganism — a form of life composed of mutually interdependent parts that maintain various vital processes.
  • superregional — involving many regions
  • supreme being — God.
  • table-rapping — the sounds of knocking or tapping made without any apparent physical agency while a group of people sit round a table, and attributed by spiritualists to the spirit of a dead person using this as a means of communication with the living
  • taphrogenesis — the process of forming rifts, resulting in regional faulting and subsidence
  • temporizingly — in a yielding manner
  • thigh-slapper — a very funny joke, remark, story, or incident.
  • tracing paper — a thin, transparent paper for making tracings.
  • tribune group — (in Britain) a group made up of left-wing Labour Members of Parliament: founded 1966
  • trigger happy — ready to fire a gun at the least provocation, regardless of the situation or probable consequences: a trigger-happy hunter.
  • trigger plant — any of several small grasslike plants of the genus Stylidium, having sensitive stamens that are erected when disturbed: family Stylidiaceae
  • trigger price — if a commodity reaches a trigger price, its price, or the conditions governing its sale are changed; a price at which certain consequences ensue
  • trigger-happy — ready to fire a gun at the least provocation, regardless of the situation or probable consequences: a trigger-happy hunter.
  • triple figure — a number made up of three digits.
  • triple-tongue — to interrupt the wind flow by moving the tongue as if pronouncing t and t and k successively, especially in playing rapid passages or staccato notes on a brass instrument.
  • tripping line — a journey or voyage: to win a trip to Paris.
  • turning piece — a wooden pattern for an arch built without centering.
  • uncooperating — to work or act together or jointly for a common purpose or benefit.
  • under-packing — the act or work of a person or thing that packs.
  • underpainting — the first coat of paint, especially the initial painting on a canvas in which the major areas, tones, colors, and forms are indicated in mass.
  • underpinnings — a system of supports beneath a wall or the like.
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