
12-letter words containing r, e, p, i, g

  • sporogenesis — the production of spores; sporogony.
  • spring break — a vacation from school or college during the spring term, lasting about a week.
  • spring fever — a listless, lazy, or restless feeling commonly associated with the beginning of spring.
  • spring vetch — any of several mostly climbing plants belonging to the genus Vicia, of the legume family, having pinnate leaves ending in tendrils and bearing pealike flowers, especially V. sativa (spring vetch) cultivated for forage and soil improvement.
  • spring water — water from natural underground source
  • spring-clean — to subject (a place) to a spring-cleaning.
  • springkeeper — a salamander
  • spur gearing — a system of spur gears.
  • sputteringly — in a sputtering manner
  • stauropegion — (in an autocephalous church) a monastery subject directly to the primate.
  • stenographic — the art of writing in shorthand.
  • stereotyping — a process, now often replaced by more advanced methods, for making metal printing plates by taking a mold of composed type or the like in papier-mâché or other material and then taking from this mold a cast in type metal.
  • supercooling — to cool (a liquid) below its freezing point without producing solidification or crystallization; undercool.
  • superglacial — on the surface of a glacier.
  • supergravity — a hypothetical symmetry among groups of particles containing fermions and bosons, especially in theories of gravity (supergravity) that unify electromagnetism, the weak force, and the strong force with gravity into a single unified force.
  • superheating — Superheating of steam is raising its temperature to well above boiling point.
  • superhighway — a highway designed for travel at high speeds, having more than one lane for each direction of traffic, a safety strip dividing the two directions, and cloverleaves to route the traffic on and off the highway. Compare expressway.
  • superkingdom — in some systems of biological classification, either of the two major subdivisions, prokaryote or eukaryote, into which all living organisms can be placed
  • superorganic — of or relating to the structure of cultural elements within society conceived as independent of and superior to the individual members of society.
  • target price — anticipated retail cost
  • top dressing — tennis court
  • tracing tape — (on a building site) one of several lines stretched between batter boards to outline the foundations.
  • tragelaphine — of or relating to a tragelaph
  • triple bogey — a score of three strokes over par on a hole.
  • triple fugue — a fugue with a subject and two countersubjects developed simultaneously.
  • triple-digit — being in the hundreds or in a figure or amount from 100 through 999: triple-digit budget figures.
  • trying plane — a plane with a long body for planing the edges of long boards
  • typing error — an error made while using a keyboard to write something
  • typing paper — paper for typing on
  • underlapping — to extend partly under.
  • underpinning — a system of supports beneath a wall or the like.
  • underpricing — the state of being priced at too low a level or amount
  • undespairing — not despairing; not giving in to despair
  • unperforming — not performing
  • unpretending — unpretentious; genuine
  • unprevailing — lacking force, not effective
  • unprivileged — belonging to a class that enjoys special privileges; favored: the privileged few.
  • unprotesting — an expression or declaration of objection, disapproval, or dissent, often in opposition to something a person is powerless to prevent or avoid: a protest against increased taxation.
  • unrepiningly — in an unrepining manner
  • unresponding — to reply or answer in words: to respond briefly to a question.
  • valve spring — a helical spring used to hold closed a valve in the cylinder head of an internal-combustion engine
  • videographer — a person who makes films with a video camera.
  • voting paper — a ballot.
  • wallpapering — Present participle of wallpaper.
  • watering pot — a container for water, typically of metal or plastic and having a spout with a perforated nozzle, for watering or sprinkling plants, flowers, etc.
  • weaponeering — the act of fitting out with weapons
  • web scraping — the extraction and copying of data from a website into a structured format using a computer program: Hackers pose a threat with techniques like web scraping. Our search engine uses web scraping to index sites.
  • webliography — a list of electronic documents, websites, or other resources available on the World Wide Web, especially those relating to a particular subject: a student's annotated webliography on Shakespeare.
  • whimperingly — In a whimpering way.
  • whisperingly — In a whispering manner; quietly.
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