
10-letter words containing r, e, p, i, g

  • page chair — a chair of the 18th century having deep wings continued to form an arch over the seat.
  • palavering — a conference or discussion.
  • panegyrist — a person who panegyrizes; eulogist.
  • panegyrize — to deliver or write a panegyric about; eulogize.
  • parageusia — an abnormal or hallucinatory sense of taste.
  • paraglider — Also called parawing. a steerable glider with inflatable wings proposed for use as an emergency vehicle for travel between a space station and the earth or for the recovery of rocket boosters.
  • paragonite — a mica, similar in composition and appearance to muscovite but containing sodium instead of potassium.
  • paralogize — to draw conclusions that do not follow logically from a given set of assumptions.
  • paraplegia — paralysis of both lower limbs due to spinal disease or injury.
  • paraplegic — paralysis of both lower limbs due to spinal disease or injury.
  • pargetting — the act of a person who pargets.
  • park ridge — a city in NE Illinois.
  • partnering — a person who shares or is associated with another in some action or endeavor; sharer; associate.
  • patterning — a decorative design, as for wallpaper, china, or textile fabrics, etc.
  • pelargonic — of or derived from a pelargonium or pelargonic acid.
  • penguinery — a group, colony, or enclosure of penguins
  • pepperidge — sour gum.
  • perceiving — to become aware of, know, or identify by means of the senses: I perceived an object looming through the mist.
  • performing — to carry out; execute; do: to perform miracles.
  • pergelisol — permafrost.
  • periegesis — a descriptive account of a place or area
  • perigonial — of or pertaining to a perigon
  • perigonium — the envelope of modified leaves surrounding the antheridia in mosses.
  • perigynous — situated around the pistil on the edge of a cuplike receptacle, as stamens or petals.
  • periwigged — wearing a periwig; by extension, excessively adorned
  • permillage — a rate or proportion per thousand. Compare percentage (def 1).
  • permitting — to allow to do something: Permit me to explain.
  • perplexing — to cause to be puzzled or bewildered over what is not understood or certain; confuse mentally: Her strange response perplexed me.
  • persiflage — light, bantering talk or writing.
  • persisting — to continue steadfastly or firmly in some state, purpose, course of action, or the like, especially in spite of opposition, remonstrance, etc.: to persist in working for world peace; to persist in unpopular political activities.
  • perspiring — to secrete a salty, watery fluid from the sweat glands of the skin, especially when very warm as a result of strenuous exertion; sweat.
  • perstringe — to allude to or imply
  • pertaining — to have reference or relation; relate: documents pertaining to the lawsuit.
  • perturbing — to disturb or disquiet greatly in mind; agitate.
  • petrifying — stunning or dazing with horror, fear, etc
  • petrissage — a massage technique that uses firm pressure and works on specific muscles
  • phragmites — any of several tall grasses of the genus Phragmites, having plumed heads, growing in marshy areas, especially the common reed P. australis (or P. communis).
  • pier glass — a tall mirror, often full-length, intended to be set between windows.
  • piercingly — loud or shrill, as the quality of a voice.
  • pig farmer — sb who raises pigs for meat
  • pig's ears — either of two common edible North American fungi, Peziza badia and Discina perlata.
  • pigmentary — of, pertaining to, having, or producing pigment.
  • pigsticker — to hunt for wild boar, usually on horseback and using a spear.
  • pilgrimage — a journey, especially a long one, made to some sacred place as an act of religious devotion: a pilgrimage to Lourdes.
  • pilgrimize — to go on a pilgrimage
  • pine grove — a group of pine trees that are close together
  • pinnigrade — moving by means of finlike parts or flippers, as the seals and walruses.
  • pioneering — a person who is among those who first enter or settle a region, thus opening it for occupation and development by others.
  • pipe organ — organ (def 1).
  • plagiarise — to take and use by plagiarism.
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