
26-letter words containing r, e, m, y, t

  • refinery’s own consumption — Refinery's own consumption is the gas and fuel which is burnt to operate the units in a refinery and generate electricity and steam.
  • reticuloendothelial system — the aggregate of the phagocytic cells, including certain cells of the bone marrow, lymphatic system, liver, and spleen, that have reticular and endothelial characteristics and function in the immune system's defense against foreign bodies. Abbreviation: RES.
  • statistical-thermodynamics — the science that deals with average properties of the molecules, atoms, or elementary particles in random motion in a system of many such particles and relates these properties to the thermodynamic and other macroscopic properties of the system.
  • subscriber identity module — (telecommunications, wireless)   (SIM or "SIM card") A component, usually in the form of a miniature smart-card, that is theoretically tamper-proof and is used to associate a mobile subscriber with a mobile network subscription. The SIM holds the subscriber's unique MSISDN along with secret information such as a private encryption key and encryption and digital signature algorithms. Most SIMs also contain non-volatile storage for network and device management, contact lists, text messages sent and received, logos and in some cases even small Java programs.
  • symbionese liberation army — a group of urban guerrillas, active in the early 1970s in the U.S.
  • system product interpreter — Restructured EXtended eXecutor
  • take someone's breath away — strike someone with awe; thrill
  • temperature-humidity index — a number representing an estimate of the effect of temperature and moisture on humans, computed by multiplying the sum of dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperature readings by 0.4 and adding 15, with 65 assumed as the highest comfortable index. Abbreviation: T.H.I.
  • the department of the navy — the United States federal department that supports and leads the United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps
  • the entertainment industry — the businesses connected with music, films, TV etc
  • the liberal democrat party — a political party in Britain which was formed from a merger of the Liberal Party and the Social Democratic Party
  • throw a monkey wrench into — to disrupt the orderly functioning or realization of
  • to be made public property — to become known to everyone
  • to call something your own — If you have something you can call your own, it belongs only to you, rather than being controlled by or shared with someone else.
  • to lay a finger on someone — If you say that someone did not lay a finger on a particular person or thing, you are emphasizing that they did not touch or harm them at all.
  • to work your way somewhere — If you work your way somewhere, you move or progress there slowly, and with a lot of effort or work.
  • triple combination therapy — treatment with three different drugs
  • yaml ain't markup language — (data, language)   (YAML) A data serialisation language designed to be readable and writable by humans and to work well with modern programming languages. YAML uses printable Unicode characters to represent both structure and data. The structural syntax is simple and terse. For example, indentation is used for structure, colons separate pairs, and dashes are used for list items. YAML can represent mappings (hashes or dictionaries), sequences (arrays or lists), scalars (strings or numbers), or any combination of the above. It has a simple typing system and reference syntax. Its structures will be particularly familiar to programmers using Perl, Python, PHP, Ruby, or Javascript, but YAML can be used with any programming language. YAML is, in some respects, a simpler alternative to XML, though it does not share the constraints imposed by XML's SGML legacy and has somewhat different aims.
  • zermelo fränkel set theory — (mathematics)   A set theory with the axioms of Zermelo set theory (Extensionality, Union, Pair-set, Foundation, Restriction, Infinity, Power-set) plus the Replacement axiom schema: If F(x,y) is a formula such that for any x, there is a unique y making F true, and X is a set, then {F x : x in X} is a set. In other words, if you do something to each element of a set, the result is a set. An important but controversial axiom which is NOT part of ZF theory is the Axiom of Choice.
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