
11-letter words containing r, e, l, t, o

  • solarimeter — an instrument for measuring solar radiation.
  • soldier ant — a type of ant that has a disproportionately large head
  • sole trader — feme-sole trader.
  • solo mother — a mother with a dependent child or dependent children and no spouse
  • sorrel salt — potassium binoxalate.
  • sorrel tree — a North American tree, Oxydendrum arboreum, of the heath family, having leaves with an acid flavor and drooping clusters of white flowers.
  • soteriology — the doctrine of salvation through Jesus Christ.
  • soul sister — a black female, especially a fellow black female.
  • southlander — a person from the south
  • spectrology — the study of ghosts, phantoms, or apparitions.
  • speculatory — a place suitable for observation
  • spheroplast — a Gram-negative bacterial cell with a cell wall that has been altered or is partly missing, resulting in a spherical shape.
  • sporulative — involving or relating to sporulation
  • st.-leonard — a city in S Quebec, in E Canada: suburb of Montreal.
  • stable door — a door with an upper and lower leaf that may be opened separately
  • stadtholder — stadholder.
  • stakeholder — the holder of the stakes of a wager.
  • stallholder — A stallholder is a person who sells goods at a stall in a market.
  • steamroller — a heavy steam-powered vehicle having a roller for crushing, compacting, or leveling materials used for a road or the like.
  • steelworker — a person employed in the process of manufacturing steel and steel products.
  • stellarator — an experimental plasma-physics device in which magnetic fields confine the plasma within a tube shaped like a figure eight.
  • stereoblind — lacking the ability to see in three dimensions through both eyes
  • stereocilia — any of the long, flexible microvilli that superficially resemble cilia and occur as a brush border or series of tufts on the surface of various epithelial tissues.
  • stilbestrol — a nonsteroidal synthetic estrogen, C 18 H 20 O 2 , used in medicine chiefly in the treatment of menopausal symptoms and in animal feeds for chemical caponization: formerly used during pregnancy for the prevention of miscarriage but discontinued owing to its association with an increased risk of vaginal and cervical cancers in women having had fetal exposure. Abbreviation: DES.
  • stock clerk — a worker in a stockroom who is in charge of the materials and goods stored there.
  • stockholder — Also called stockowner. a holder or owner of stock in a corporation.
  • stoneroller — an American minnow, Campostoma anomalum, named from its habit of moving stones as it feeds.
  • stonewaller — to engage in stonewalling.
  • storyteller — a person who tells or writes stories or anecdotes.
  • strandloper — a member of an extinct tribe of Khoikhoi or Bushmen who lived on seafood gathered on the beaches of southern Africa
  • strawflower — any of several everlasting flowers, especially an Australian composite plant, Helichrysum bracteatum, having heads of chaffy yellow, orange, red, or white flowers.
  • streetology — knowledge of how to get along in an urban neighborhood; street smarts.
  • strenuously — characterized by vigorous exertion, as action, efforts, life, etc.: a strenuous afternoon of hunting.
  • stroke hole — (in a handicap match) a hole at which players with a handicap deduct a stroke from the number taken to play the hole.
  • stroke play — medal play.
  • strong gale — a wind of 47–54 miles per hour (21–24 m/sec).
  • struggle on — If you struggle on, you continue doing something rather than stopping, even though it is difficult.
  • styliferous — having a style (part of the female organ of a plant)
  • superpolite — extremely polite
  • supervolute — (of convolute leaves) enveloping a rolled up leaf within the bud
  • supportable — capable of being supported; endurable; maintainable.
  • swell front — a horizontally convex front, as of a chest of drawers.
  • table board — daily meals provided for pay.
  • tachysterol — an isomer of ergosterol, C28H44O, formed during the production of calciferol by the irradiation of ergosterol
  • tail covert — any of the feathers concealing the bases of a bird's tail feathers.
  • tailor-made — tailored.
  • tailor-make — to make or adjust to meet the needs of the particular situation, individual, object, etc.: to tailor-make a tour.
  • tallow tree — a small tree, Sapium sebiferum, of the spurge family, cultivated in China and the tropics, having popcorn-shaped seeds with a waxy coating that is used for soap, candles, and oil.
  • taylorville — a town in central Illinois.
  • tea trolley — a trolley from which tea is served
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