
7-letter words containing r, e, l, a

  • bailers — Plural form of bailer.
  • ballers — Plural form of baller.
  • balmier — Comparative form of balmy.
  • barbell — A barbell is a long bar with adjustable weights on either side that people lift to strengthen their arm and shoulder muscles.
  • barbels — Plural form of barbel.
  • barbule — a very small barb
  • barkley — Alben William [al-buh n] /ˈæl bən/ (Show IPA), 1877–1956, vice president of the U.S. 1949–53.
  • barless — without a bar or bars
  • barline — A vertical line in musical notation indicating the start of a new bar.
  • barrels — Plural form of barrel.
  • battler — a hostile encounter or engagement between opposing military forces: the battle of Waterloo.
  • baulker — Someone who baulks.
  • beagler — a person who hunts with beagles
  • becrawl — to crawl all over
  • bedrail — a rail or board along the side of a bed that connects the headboard with the footboard
  • belabor — If you say that someone belabors the point, you mean that they keep on talking about it, perhaps in an annoying or boring way.
  • belarus — a republic in E Europe; part of the medieval Lithuanian and Polish empires before being occupied by Russia; a Soviet republic (1919–91); in 1997 formed a close political and economic union with Russia: mainly low-lying and forested. Languages: Belarussian; Russian. Religion: believers are mostly Christian. Currency: rouble. Capital: Minsk. Pop: 9 625 888 (2013 est). Area: 207 600 sq km (80 134 sq miles)
  • belayer — a person who controls the safety rope for a climber
  • belgard — a loving gaze
  • bellari — a city in SE India, in Karnataka.
  • bepearl — to decorate with pearls
  • bergall — cunner.
  • bilayer — a cell membrane consisting of two layers
  • blabber — a person who blabs
  • blacker — lacking hue and brightness; absorbing light without reflecting any of the rays composing it.
  • bladder — Your bladder is the part of your body where urine is stored until it leaves your body.
  • blagger — informal conversation in a public place, often deceitful.
  • blamers — to hold responsible; find fault with; censure: I don't blame you for leaving him.
  • blander — pleasantly gentle or agreeable: a bland, affable manner.
  • blanker — (of paper or other writing surface) having no marks; not written or printed on: a blank sheet of paper.
  • blarney — Blarney is things someone says that are flattering and amusing but probably untrue, and which you think they are only saying in order to please you or to persuade you to do something.
  • blaster — a sudden and violent gust of wind: Wintry blasts chilled us to the marrow.
  • blather — If someone is blathering on about something, they are talking for a long time about something that you consider boring or unimportant.
  • blatter — a prattle
  • bleaker — bare, desolate, and often windswept: a bleak plain.
  • bleared — made dim or blurred by tiredness or tears
  • bloater — a herring, or sometimes a mackerel, that has been salted in brine, smoked, and cured
  • brabble — to quarrel noisily over trifles
  • bradley — A(ndrew) C(ecil). 1851–1935, English critic; author of Shakespearian Tragedy (1904)
  • braille — Braille is a system of printing for blind people. The letters are printed as groups of raised dots that you can feel with your fingers.
  • braless — not wearing a bra
  • bramble — Brambles are wild prickly bushes that produce blackberries.
  • bramley — a variety of cooking apple having juicy firm flesh
  • brangle — a squabble, dispute, or wrangle
  • brantle — a French dance
  • brattle — a rattling or clattering sound
  • braudel — ˈFernand Paul (fɛʀˈnɑ̃ pɔl) ; fernänˈ p^ōl) 1902-85; Fr. historian
  • bravely — possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance.
  • brawler — a noisy quarrel, squabble, or fight.
  • brawley — a city in S California.
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