
16-letter words containing r, e, l, a

  • calculate a risk — If you calculate a risk, you decide how likely an event is, whether the insurer should underwrite the risk, and at what cost.
  • call data record — (telecommunications)   (CDR) A data record that contains information related to a telephone call, including the origination and destination addresses of the call, the time the call started and ended, the duration of the call, the time of day the call was made, toll charges that were added through the network, or charges for operator services.
  • call to quarters — a bugle call shortly before taps, notifying soldiers to retire to their quarters
  • calorimetrically — In a calorimetric manner.
  • can't tell apart — If you can't tell two people or things apart, they look exactly the same to you.
  • canada bluegrass — a Eurasian grass, Poa compressa, naturalized in North America, having creeping rootstocks and bluish-green leaves.
  • canada mayflower — a small wildflower (Maianthemum canadense) of the lily family, with white flowers and red, beadlike berries, found in the N U.S. and in Canada; bead-ruby
  • canadian soldier — the mayfly.
  • candlelit dinner — a meal for a couple which is illuminated by a candle or candles, esp in order to create a romantic mood
  • cannonball serve — (in tennis) a very fast low serve
  • canterbury bells — a cultivated bellflower (Campanula medium) with white, pink, or blue cuplike flowers
  • canterbury tales — an unfinished literary work by Chaucer, largely in verse, consisting of stories told by pilgrims on their way to the shrine of St. Thomas à Becket at Canterbury
  • cape cod lighter — a device for lighting a fire, as in a fireplace, consisting of a lump of nonflammable material on a metal rod, that is soaked in kerosene or the like and lighted with a match.
  • cape may warbler — a North American wood warbler, Dendroica tigrina, olive-green striped with black on the wings and back and yellow striped with black on the breast.
  • capital reserves — the money which a company holds in reserve
  • capsule wardrobe — a collection of clothes and accessories that includes only items considered essential
  • carbon bisulfide — carbon disulfide
  • carbon disulfide — a heavy, volatile, colorless liquid, CS2, highly flammable and poisonous, used as a solvent, insecticide, etc.
  • carbonless paper — a sheet of paper impregnated with dye which transfers writing or typing onto the copying surface below without the necessity for carbon pigment
  • carboxylesterase — (enzyme) Any enzyme that catalyses the hydrolysis of a carboxylic ester.
  • cardinal numbers — Also called cardinal numeral. any of the numbers that express amount, as one, two, three, etc. (distinguished from ordinal number).
  • cardinal virtues — the most important moral qualities, traditionally justice, prudence, temperance, and fortitude
  • careless driving — the offence of driving without due care
  • caricature plant — a tropical Old World shrub, Graptophyllum pictum, of the acanthus family, characterized by purple or red tubular flowers and leaf markings resembling the profile of a human face.
  • carnal knowledge — Chiefly Law. sexual intercourse.
  • carnot principle — the principle that no heat engine can be more efficient than one operating on a Carnot cycle of reversible changes
  • caroline islands — an archipelago of over 500 islands and islets in the W Pacific Ocean east of the Philippines, all of which are now part of the Federated States of Micronesia, except for the Palau group: formerly part of the US Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands; centre of a typhoon zone. Area: (land) 1183 sq km (457 sq miles)
  • carolus linnaeus — Carolus [kar-uh-luh s] /ˈkær ə ləs/ (Show IPA), (Carl von Linné) 1707–78, Swedish botanist.
  • carry-on luggage — luggage that is taken inside an aircraft by hand personally by a passenger
  • cartridge player — an audio or video system that reads cartridges of magnetic tape
  • caryophyllaceous — of, relating to, or belonging to the Caryophyllaceae, a family of flowering plants including the pink, carnation, sweet william, and chickweed
  • cascade particle — the least massive member of the xi particle family.
  • cash on delivery — If you pay for goods cash on delivery, you pay for them in cash when they are delivered. The abbreviation C.O.D. is also used.
  • catachrestically — In a catachrestic way.
  • category listing — A category listing is a list of different product categories such as menswear, womenswear, and childrenswear.
  • category planner — A category planner is a person whose job to plan and co-ordinate future inventory and sales volume in one or more product categories.
  • catering college — a further education college where you learn to cook as a profession
  • cathedral church — the principal church in a diocese
  • cedar of lebanon — a cedar, Cedrus libani, of SW Asia with level spreading branches and fragrant wood
  • cedar revolution — the popular protests in 2005 that brought down the Lebanese cabinet and prompted Syria to withdraw its troops from Lebanon
  • celebrity status — the prominence of film star, footballer, musician etc who is constantly photographed and written about in tabloids and magazines
  • celestial empire — Chinese Empire
  • celestial sphere — an imaginary sphere of infinitely large radius enclosing the universe so that all celestial bodies appear to be projected onto its surface
  • central american — of or relating to Central America or its inhabitants
  • central cylinder — stele (def 4).
  • central european — involving or denoting the people, countries, cultures, or languages of Central Europe
  • central tendency — the tendency of the values of a random variable to cluster around the mean, median, and mode
  • centrally heated — A centrally heated building or room has central heating.
  • centrifugal pump — a pump having a high-speed rotating impeller whose blades throw the water outwards
  • cepheid variable — any of a class of variable stars with regular cycles of variations in luminosity (most ranging from three to fifty days). There is a relationship between the periods of variation and the absolute magnitudes, which is used for measuring the distance of such stars
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