
18-letter words containing r, e, i, d, n, t

  • induction ceremony — a ceremony held to mark a person's formal introduction or entry into an office, position, group, etc
  • inductive relation — A relation R between domains D and E is inductive if for all chains d1 .. dn in D and e1 .. en in E,
  • industrial disease — occupational disease (def 1).
  • industrial dispute — disagreement between workers and managers
  • industrial hygiene — the science that assesses, controls, and prevents occupational factors or sources of stress in the workplace that may significantly affect the health and well-being of employees or of the community in general
  • industrial vehicle — a vehicle designed for use in industry
  • informatory double — a double intended to inform one's partner that one has a strong hand and to urge a bid regardless of the strength of his or her hand.
  • infrared astronomy — the study of infrared radiation emitted by celestial objects.
  • instrument landing — an aircraft landing accomplished by use of gauges on the instrument panel and ground-based radio equipment, with limited reference to outside visual signals.
  • insurance adjuster — An insurance adjuster is the same as a claims adjuster.
  • integrated circuit — a circuit of transistors, resistors, and capacitors constructed on a single semiconductor wafer or chip, in which the components are interconnected to perform a given function. Abbreviation: IC.
  • integrated studies — a course that includes a number of subjects and is organized by theme
  • inter-independence — Also, independency. the state or quality of being independent.
  • interbroker dealer — a specialist who matches the needs of different market makers and facilitates dealings between them
  • interconnectedness — the quality or condition of being interconnected; interrelatedness: the interconnectedness of all nations working toward world peace.
  • interdealer broker — an agent who is paid a commission to bring buyers and sellers together
  • interdependability — capable of being depended on; worthy of trust; reliable: a dependable employee.
  • interior decorator — a person whose profession is the execution of interior design.
  • interlacing arcade — an arcade, especially a blind one, composed of arches (interlacing arches) so arranged and cut that each arch seems to intersect and be intersected by one or more other arches.
  • international code — a code used at sea by the navies of certain nations, using a series of flags representing digits from zero through nine.
  • iridescent seaweed — a red alga, Irideae cordata, found on the Pacific coast of North America, having broad, leathery, iridescent blades.
  • jose de san martin — José de [haw-se th e] /hɔˈsɛ ðɛ/ (Show IPA), 1778–1850, South American general and statesman, born in Argentina: leader in winning independence for Argentina, Peru, and Chile; protector of Peru 1821–22.
  • justice department — the United States federal department for enforcing federal laws
  • keyword in context — (algorithm, information science)   (KWIC) A document search method that creates indexes of document text or titles. Each keyword is stored in the resulting index along with some surrounding text, usually the word or phrase that precedes or follows the keyword in the text or title.
  • kirtland's warbler — a wood warbler, Dendroica kirtlandii, breeding only in north-central Michigan and wintering in the Bahamas, bluish gray above, striped with black and pale yellow below: an endangered species.
  • kitchen-sink drama — a type of drama of the 1950s depicting the sordid aspects of domestic reality
  • knight of the road — a tramp
  • knotted cranesbill — a British wildflower, Geranium nodosum, an meadow geranium with bright pink or purple flowers
  • labeled bracketing — a representation of the constituent structure of a string, as a word or sentence, comparable to a tree diagram, in which each constituent is shown in brackets and given a subscript grammatical label, with each bracketed item corresponding to a node in a tree diagram.
  • limited government — confined within limits; restricted or circumscribed: a limited space; limited resources.
  • literal-mindedness — the quality or state of tending to take words in their literal sense
  • little st. bernardGreat, a mountain pass between SW Switzerland and NW Italy, in the Pennine Alps: Napoleon led his army through it in 1800; location of a hospice. 8108 feet (2470 meters) high.
  • long hundredweight — a hundredweight of 112 pounds (50.8 kg), the usual hundredweight in Great Britain, but now rare in the U.S.
  • loschmidt's number — the number of molecules in one cubic centimeter of an ideal gas at standard temperature and pressure, equal to 2.687 × 10 19.
  • lunitidal interval — the period of time between the moon's transit and the next high lunar tide.
  • magnetic recording — the process of recording sound or other data on magnetic tape, wire, etc.
  • make someone tired — to annoy or vex someone
  • mandelbrot, benoit — Benoit Mandelbrot
  • marine underwriter — an underwriter who specializes in marine insurance
  • materials handling — the loading, unloading, and movement of goods, as within a factory or warehouse, especially by the aid of mechanical devices.
  • medical dictionary — a specialized dictionary covering terms used in the health professions by doctors, nurses, and others involved in allied health care services. A dictionary with authoritative spellings and definitions is a particularly crucial resource in medicine, where a misspelling or misunderstanding can have unfortunate consequences for people under care. Print dictionaries in this field may be sorted alphabetically or may be categorized according to medical specializations or by the various systems in the body, as the immune system and the respiratory system. The online Medical Dictionary on Dictionary.com allows alphabetical browsing in the combined electronic versions of more than one authoritative medical reference, insuring access to correct spellings, as well as immediate, direct access to a known search term typed into the search box on the site: A medical dictionary reveals that large numbers of medical terms are formed from the same Latin and Greek parts combined and recombined.
  • mendel's first law — the principle, originated by Gregor Mendel, stating that during the production of gametes the two copies of each hereditary factor segregate so that offspring acquire one factor from each parent.
  • mental retardation — Usually Offensive. a developmental disorder characterized in varying degrees by a subnormal ability to learn, a substantially low IQ, and impaired social adjustment.
  • metabolic syndrome — Pathology. a group of medical conditions present simultaneously in a patient, as high blood pressure, low HDL cholesterol levels, and an excess of abdominal fat, that increases a person's risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Also called insulin resistance syndrome.
  • methylene chloride — a colorless, volatile liquid, CH 2 Cl 2 , used chiefly as a solvent, as a refrigerant, and as a local anesthetic in dentistry.
  • methylprednisolone — A synthetic glucocorticoid drug, with chemical formula C22H30O5.
  • microsoft extended — (computer)   (MSX) A Range of computers created in an attempt by the industry to create a standard for home computers, similar to VHS did with home video. The basic MSX machine contained a Z80 CPU working at 3.58MHz. MSX machines were produced by such giants as Sony, Yamaha, Panasonic, Toshiba, Daewoo, and Philips. The MSX standard was designed by a company called ASCII in cooperation with Microsoft who provided a firmware version of its BASIC for the machine. Because this BASIC version was an extended version of MicroSoft Basic, it was called "MicroSoft eXtended BASIC"; Hence "MSX". Microsoft also produced MSX-DOS - a stripped-down version of MS-DOS. Extensions to the MSX included MSX2, MSX2+ and TurboR.
  • mid-atlantic ridge — a north-south suboceanic ridge in the Atlantic Ocean from Iceland to Antarctica on whose crest are several groups of islands; shown by plate tectonics to be the axis along which North America has split away from Eurasia, and along which South America has split away from Africa.
  • mineralocorticoids — Plural form of mineralocorticoid.
  • minority president — (in the US) a president who has been elected by the largest number of votes cast but not by a majority of the electorate
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