
15-letter words containing r, e, i, d, n, t

  • indeterminately — not determinate; not precisely fixed in extent; indefinite; uncertain.
  • indetermination — the quality or condition of being indeterminate.
  • indeterministic — the doctrine that human actions, though influenced somewhat by preexisting psychological and other conditions, are not entirely governed by them but retain a certain freedom and spontaneity.
  • indirect demand — the secondary demand for labour, raw materials, premises etc which arises from the direct demand for goods
  • indirect labour — work done in administration and sales rather than in the manufacturing of a product
  • indirect object — a word or group of words representing the person or thing with reference to which the action of a verb is performed, in English generally coming between the verb and the direct object and paraphrasable as the object of a preposition, usually to or for, following the direct object, as the boy in He gave the boy a book.
  • indirect speech — Indirect speech is speech which tells you what someone said, but does not use the person's actual words: for example, 'They said you didn't like it', 'I asked him what his plans were', and 'Citizens complained about the smoke'.
  • indiscretionary — lack of discretion; imprudence.
  • indistributable — of a nature that cannot be distributed
  • industriousness — working energetically and devotedly; hard-working; diligent: an industrious person.
  • ineradicability — the quality of being ineradicable
  • inflation rider — An inflation rider is a rider that can be added to a long-term care insurance plan that adjusts the benefits over time to allow for inflation.
  • inside straight — Poker. a set of four cards, as the five, seven, eight, and nine, requiring one card of a denomination next above or below the second or third ranking cards of the set to make a straight.
  • insider trading — the illegal buying and selling of securities by persons acting on privileged information.
  • insubordinately — In an insubordinate manner.
  • integral domain — a commutative ring in which the cancellation law holds true.
  • intercorrelated — to place in or bring into mutual or reciprocal relation; establish in orderly connection: to correlate expenses and income.
  • interdependable — capable of being depended on; worthy of trust; reliable: a dependable employee.
  • interdependence — the quality or condition of being interdependent, or mutually reliant on each other: Globalization of economies leads to an ever-increasing interdependence of countries.
  • interdependency — the quality or condition of being interdependent, or mutually reliant on each other: Globalization of economies leads to an ever-increasing interdependence of countries.
  • interdigitation — An interlinking that resembles the fingers of two hands being locked together.
  • interdivisional — existing or occurring between divisions, esp the divisions of an organization
  • interindividual — a single human being, as distinguished from a group.
  • interior design — the design and coordination of the decorative elements of the interior of a house, apartment, office, or other structural space, including color schemes, fittings, furnishings, and sometimes architectural features.
  • intermodulation — the production in an electrical device of frequencies that are the sums or differences of frequencies of different inputs or of their harmonics.
  • internucleotide — occurring or existing between nucleotides
  • interpenetrated — Simple past tense and past participle of interpenetrate.
  • interrecord gap — the area or space separating consecutive physical records of data on an external storage medium.
  • interstratified — Stratified with two alternating types of strata.
  • into the ground — beyond what is requisite or can be endured; to exhaustion
  • inunderstanding — (obsolete) Devoid of understanding.
  • inverted commas — Inverted commas are punctuation marks that are used in writing to show where speech or a quotation begins and ends. They are usually written or printed as ' ' or " ". Inverted commas are also sometimes used around the titles of books, plays, or songs, or around a word or phrase that is being discussed.
  • ipod generation — members of the generation of adults born after 1970, who are less financially secure than their parents, due to student debt, high house prices, and job insecurity
  • irvine dataflow — (language)   (Always called "Id") A non-strict, single assignment language and incremental compiler developed by Arvind and Gostelow and used on MIT's Tagged-Token Dataflow Architecture and planned to be used on Motorola's Monsoon. See also Id Nouveau.
  • ivan sutherland — Ivan E. Sutherland is widely known for his pioneering contributions. His 1963 MIT PhD thesis, Sketchpad, opened the field of computer graphics. His 1966 work, with Sproull, on a head-mounted display anticipated today's virtual reality by 25 years. He co-founded Evans and Sutherland, which manufactures the most advanced computer image generators now in use. As head of Computer Science Department of Caltech he helped make integrated circuit design an acceptable field of academic study. Dr. Sutherland is on the boards of several small companies and is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Sciences, the ACM and IEEE. He received the ACM's Turing Award in 1988. He is now Vice President and Fellow of Sun Microsystems Laboratories in Mountain View, CA, USA.
  • job description — an abstract of a job analysis containing the classification of and requirements for a job, used in hiring and placing prospective employees.
  • judeo-christian — of or relating to the religious writings, beliefs, values, or traditions held in common by Judaism and Christianity.
  • jurisprudential — the science or philosophy of law.
  • kindergarteners — a child who attends a kindergarten.
  • kindheartedness — The quality of being kindhearted.
  • laryngectomized — having had one's larynx surgically removed by undergoing a laryngectomy
  • leading article — Also called leader. the most important or prominent news story in a newspaper.
  • leading strings — strings or straps formerly used to guide and support a young child learning to walk
  • lean production — Lean production is the same as lean manufacturing.
  • learned society — an organization devoted to the scholarly study of a particular field or discipline, as modern languages, psychology, or history.
  • least sandpiper — a small, American sandpiper, Calidris minutilla, related to the stints of Europe.
  • left-hand drive — A left-hand drive vehicle has the steering wheel on the left side, and is designed to be used in countries where people drive on the right-hand side of the road.
  • library edition — an edition of a book prepared for library use, especially with a library binding.
  • limited partner — special partner.
  • liquid nitrogen — nitrogen in a liquid state
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