
15-letter words containing r, e, i, d, n, t

  • third ventricle — one of the four cavities of the brain, lying on the midline between the cerebral hemispheres
  • thorndike's law — the principle that all learnt behaviour is regulated by rewards and punishments, proposed by Edward Lee Thorndike (1874–1949), US psychologist
  • thought reading — mind reading.
  • three of a kind — a set of three cards of the same denomination.
  • thunderstricken — Archaic. to strike with a thunderbolt.
  • thyroid hormone — A thyroid hormone is a hormone, especially thyroxine or triiodothyronine, produced by the thyroid gland.
  • tidal benchmark — a benchmark used as a reference for tidal observations.
  • time difference — the difference in clock time between two or more different time zones
  • tirso de molina — Luis [loo-ees] /luˈis/ (Show IPA), 1535–1600, Spanish Jesuit theologian.
  • to bear in mind — If you tell someone to bear something in mind or to keep something in mind, you are reminding or warning them about something important which they should remember.
  • to make friends — If you make friends with someone, you begin a friendship with them. You can also say that two people make friends.
  • to one's credit — commendation or honor given for some action, quality, etc.: Give credit where it is due.
  • track and field — athletics events
  • track-and-field — of, relating to, or participating in the sports of running, pole-vaulting, broad-jumping, etc.: a track-and-field athlete.
  • tracking device — an electronic security device which allows you to monitor the location of a person or object, esp a vehicle
  • trading partner — a person, organization, or country with whom somebody customarily does business
  • train attendant — a railway employee charged with managing the safe boarding of passengers, ticket inspection, etc
  • transfer window — the period during the year in which a football club can transfer players from other teams into their own
  • treacle pudding — a sponge cake with syrup on top
  • treasure island — (italics) a novel (1883) by R. L. Stevenson.
  • trial and error — experimentation or investigation in which various methods or means are tried and faulty ones eliminated in order to find the correct solution or to achieve the desired result or effect.
  • tricotyledonous — having three cotyledons.
  • trojan asteroid — one of a number of asteroids that have the same mean motion and orbit as Jupiter, preceding or following the planet by a longitude of 60°
  • trondheim fiord — an inlet of the North Sea, extending into N Norway. 80 miles (129 km) long.
  • trondheim fjord — an inlet of the Norwegian Sea in Norway, and Norway's third longest fjord, near which is the port of Trondheim
  • truman doctrine — the policy of President Truman, as advocated in his address to Congress on March 12, 1947, to provide military and economic aid to Greece and Turkey and, by extension, to any country threatened by Communism or any totalitarian ideology.
  • tunbridge wells — a city in SW Kent, in SE England: mineral springs; resort.
  • turn inside out — If you say that something has been turned inside out, you mean that it is the opposite of what you expect or think it should be.
  • turnaround time — the total time taken between the submission of a program for execution and the return of the complete output to the customer
  • ultra-modernist — very advanced in ideas, design, or techniques.
  • un-incarcerated — to imprison; confine.
  • un-romanticized — to make romantic; invest with a romantic character: Many people romanticize the role of an editor.
  • uncharacterized — to mark or distinguish as a characteristic; be a characteristic of: Rich metaphors characterize his poetry.
  • unconstrainedly — in an unconfined manner
  • undemonstrative — not given to open exhibition or expression of emotion, especially of affection.
  • under the knife — an instrument for cutting, consisting essentially of a thin, sharp-edged, metal blade fitted with a handle.
  • under-education — to educate too little or poorly.
  • undercapitalize — to provide an insufficient amount of capital for (a business enterprise).
  • underestimation — to estimate at too low a value, rate, or the like.
  • underinvestment — insufficient investment or laying out of money with the expectation of profit
  • underpopulation — having a population lower than is normal or desirable.
  • underproduction — production that is less than normal or than is required by the demand.
  • understandingly — mental process of a person who comprehends; comprehension; personal interpretation: My understanding of the word does not agree with yours.
  • unextraordinary — beyond what is usual, ordinary, regular, or established: extraordinary costs.
  • unindoctrinated — to instruct in a doctrine, principle, ideology, etc., especially to imbue with a specific partisan or biased belief or point of view.
  • unintermittedly — in an unintermitted manner
  • uninterruptedly — in a manner that is not broken, discontinued, or hindered
  • united brethren — a Protestant denomination, of Wesleyan beliefs and practices, founded in 1800.
  • unpractisedness — the quality or state of being unpractised
  • unrehabilitated — to restore to a condition of good health, ability to work, or the like.
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