
14-letter words containing r, e, i, d, n, t

  • credit control — (in a business) the practice of maximizing revenue by making sure that customers are a good credit risk
  • credit manager — a person employed in a business firm to administer credit service to its customers, especially to evaluate the extension and amount of credit to be granted.
  • creditableness — The state or quality of being creditable.
  • cricoarytenoid — A muscle connecting the cricoid cartilage and arytenoid cartilage.
  • cutting garden — a household flower garden planted solely for growing flowers that are to be cut and displayed indoors.
  • cylinder front — a front cover for a desk or the like, consisting either of a solid piece or of a tambour sliding up and back in quadrantal grooves.
  • cyproheptadine — a type of antihistamine drug used in the treatment of allergies
  • dacryoadenitis — Inflammation of the lacrimal glands.
  • daniel websterDaniel, 1782–1852, U.S. statesman and orator.
  • dark continent — Africa, especially before the late 19th cent. when little was known of it
  • data integrity — (data)   The absence of unintended changes or errors in some data. Integrity implies that the data is an exact copy of some original version, e.g. that it has not been corrupted in the process of being written to, and read back from, a hard disk or during transmission via some communications channel. Integrity may further imply that the information represented by the data has been validated, i.e. verified to conform to certain constraints, e.g. a date's year, month and day parts are within the appropriate ranges and the date actually exists.
  • dating service — a service that provides introductions to people seeking a companion with similar interests
  • daughterliness — The quality of being daughterly.
  • dead president — a banknote
  • decentralising — Present participle of decentralise.
  • decentralizing — Present participle of decentralize.
  • dechlorination — the removal of chlorine from a substance
  • dechristianize — to make non-Christian
  • decolorization — decolor.
  • deconsecrating — Present participle of deconsecrate.
  • deconsecration — The opposite of consecration, to undo consecration. Desecration or defilement.
  • deconstructing — Present participle of deconstruct.
  • deconstruction — a technique of literary analysis that regards meaning as resulting from the differences between words rather than their reference to the things they stand for. Different meanings are discovered by taking apart the structure of the language used and exposing the assumption that words have a fixed reference point beyond themselves
  • deconstructive — of or relating to deconstruction
  • decontaminator — A device that decontaminates.
  • decoration day — Memorial Day
  • decoration-day — Also called Decoration Day. a day, May 30, set aside in most states of the U.S. for observances in memory of dead members of the armed forces of all wars: now officially observed on the last Monday in May.
  • decorativeness — The condition of being decorative.
  • decrementation — The act or process of decrementing.
  • defenestrating — Present participle of defenestrate.
  • defenestration — the act of throwing someone out of a window
  • defibrillating — Present participle of defibrillate.
  • defibrillation — the application of an electric current to the heart to restore normal rhythmic contractions after the onset of atrial or ventricular fibrillation
  • dehydroretinol — (organic compound) A derivative of retinol having an extra double bond; vitamin A2.
  • deliberateness — carefully weighed or considered; studied; intentional: a deliberate lie.
  • demilitarising — Present participle of demilitarise.
  • demilitarizing — Present participle of demilitarize.
  • demonstrations — Plural form of demonstration.
  • demonstratives — Plural form of demonstrative.
  • demoralisation — Alternative spelling of demoralization.
  • demoralization — to deprive (a person or persons) of spirit, courage, discipline, etc.; destroy the morale of: The continuous barrage demoralized the infantry.
  • dendritic cell — a branching cell of the lymph nodes, blood, and spleen that functions as a network trapping foreign protein.
  • denitrificator — an apparatus which is used in denitrification, particularly in sulphuric acid works
  • denmark strait — a channel between SE Greenland and Iceland, linking the Arctic Ocean with the Atlantic
  • dennis ritchie — (person)   Dennis M. Ritchie, co-author of the Unix operating system, inventor of the C programming language and demigod. See also K&R, Core War, If you want X, you know where to find it.
  • denumerability — the quality of being countable
  • depolarisation — Alternative spelling of depolarization.
  • depolarization — a sharp division, as of a population or group, into opposing factions.
  • depreciatingly — So as to disparage or belittle.
  • deregistration — The process of which an employee is removed from work registrant status.
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