
12-letter words containing r, e, i, d, n, t

  • fault-finder — a person who habitually finds fault, complains, or objects, especially in a petty way.
  • field centre — a research centre equipped for field studies, usually located in or near an area of scientific interest
  • field cornet — a commander of burgher troops called up in time of war or in an emergency, esp during the 19th century
  • field ration — ration issued and authorized for troops in the field.
  • fire hydrant — a hydrant for use in extinguishing fires.
  • flat-grained — (of sawed lumber) having the annual rings at an angle of less than 45° with the broader surfaces.
  • foredestined — Simple past tense and past participle of foredestine.
  • foreordinate — foreordain.
  • foundationer — a person supported by funds from a foundation, or serving as a member of a foundation
  • fractionated — Simple past tense and past participle of fractionate.
  • fragmentized — fragmented.
  • freestanding — (of sculpture or architectural elements) unattached to a supporting unit or background; standing alone.
  • friend-court — amicus curiae.
  • frightenedly — thrown into a fright; afraid; scared; terrified: a frightened child cowering in the corner.
  • giant powder — dynamite composed of nitroglycerin and kieselguhr.
  • glutaredoxin — (enzyme) Any of a family of small redox enzymes that use glutathione as a cofactor.
  • glycerinated — to impregnate with glycerin.
  • golden ratio — the ratio of two lengths, equal in value to (1 + √5)/2, and given by b/a = (b + a)/b; it is the reciprocal of the golden section and also equal to (1 + golden section)
  • gradeflation — grade inflation.
  • granodiorite — a coarse-grained acid igneous rock containing almost twice as much plagioclase as orthoclase: intermediate in composition between granite and diorite
  • greenlighted — to give permission to proceed; authorize: The renovation project was green-lighted by the board of directors.
  • grid current — the current that moves within the vacuum tube from the grid to the cathode.
  • guide center — a command to a marching formation to align itself behind a guide marching at the head of the formation.
  • guilt-ridden — If a person is guilt-ridden, they feel very guilty about something.
  • hand-printed — (of numbers, letters, or designs) printed, or put on a surface, by hand rather than by machine
  • hand-written — to write (something) by hand.
  • handicrafter — One who engages in handicrafts.
  • health drink — a drink that claims to be beneficial to health
  • heartrending — causing or expressing intense grief, anguish, or distress.
  • hedenbergite — a contact metamorphic mineral of the pyroxene family, calcium ferrous silicate, CaFe(SiO 3) 2 , that forms black prismatic crystals in crystalline limestone.
  • hereditament — any inheritable estate or interest in property.
  • hereditarian — a person who believes that differences between individuals or groups, including moral and intellectual attributes, are predominantly determined by genetic factors (opposed to environmentalist).
  • heterodyning — Present participle of heterodyne.
  • hidradenitis — (medicine) inflammation of the sweat glands.
  • hindforemost — with the back part in the front place
  • hindquarters — the posterior end of a halved carcass of beef, lamb, etc., sectioned usually between the twelfth and thirteenth ribs.
  • hinterlander — One who lives in the hinterland.
  • horatian ode — an ode consisting of several stanzas all of the same form.
  • housetrained — Simple past tense and past participle of housetrain.
  • hydrastinine — a white, crystalline, poisonous alkaloid, C 11 H 13 NO 3 , synthesized from hydrastine: used to arrest bleeding, especially in the uterus.
  • hydrokinetic — pertaining to the motion of liquids.
  • hydrozincite — a hydrous zinc carbonate, Zn 5 (CO 3) 2 (OH) 6 , an important ore of zinc in some localities.
  • immoderation — lack of moderation.
  • impersonated — to assume the character or appearance of; pretend to be: He was arrested for impersonating a police officer.
  • imprest fund — a fund of petty cash.
  • in regard to — to look upon or think of with a particular feeling: to regard a person with favor.
  • in the cards — a usually rectangular piece of stiff paper, thin pasteboard, or plastic for various uses, as to write information on or printed as a means of identifying the holder: a 3″ × 5″ file card; a membership card.
  • in the round — having a flat, circular surface, as a disk.
  • in the world — the earth or globe, considered as a planet.
  • in-and-outer — a person who is by turns in and out of a particular situation, condition, venture, investment, etc.
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