
12-letter words containing r, e, i, d, n, t

  • tardenoisian — of or referring to a Mesolithic culture characterized by small flint instruments
  • tear-stained — marked or wet with tears: a tear-stained letter.
  • tetrodotoxin — a neurotoxin, C 11 H 17 N 3 O 3 , occurring in a species of puffer fish: ingestion of the toxin is usually rapidly fatal due to heart failure or asphyxiation; used experimentally to block impulse conduction potential in excitable cells.
  • the in-crowd — fashionable people; top people
  • the nearside — the side of a vehicle normally nearer the kerb (in Britain, the left side)
  • thermidorian — a member of the French moderate group who participated in the downfall of Robespierre and his followers on the 9th Thermidor (July 27th), 1794.
  • thioridazine — a phenothiazine, C 21 H 26 N 2 S 2 , used as an antipsychotic chiefly in the treatment of acute psychoses and schizophrenia.
  • third finger — the finger next to the little finger; ring finger.
  • third gender — a gender classification in societies that recognize a gender other than male or female.
  • third person — the grammatical person used by the speaker of an utterance in referring to anyone or anything other than the speaker or the one (third person singular) or ones (third person plural) being addressed.
  • thunderstick — bull-roarer.
  • tidal energy — energy obtained by harnessing tidal power
  • time-honored — revered or respected because of antiquity and long continuance: a time-honored custom.
  • tin-fluoride — stannous fluoride.
  • tinker's dam — the least value or merit; nothing or anything at all: It's not worth a tinker's damn.
  • top dressing — tennis court
  • tradescantia — any plant of the American genus Tradescantia, widely cultivated for their striped variegated leaves: family Commelinaceae
  • transcending — to rise above or go beyond; overpass; exceed: to transcend the limits of thought; kindness transcends courtesy.
  • transdialect — to translate (speech, writing, etc.) into a different dialect.
  • transit shed — a building located on or near a pier (piershed) or wharf (wharf shed) used for short-term storage of cargo in transit.
  • tredecillion — a cardinal number represented in the U.S. by 1 followed by 42 zeros, and in Great Britain by 1 followed by 78 zeros.
  • trendsetting — establishing or influencing a new trend or fashion.
  • trepidations — tremulous fear, alarm, or agitation; perturbation.
  • tribute band — A tribute band is a pop group that plays the music and copies the style of another, much more famous, pop group.
  • trick ending — an ending of a story or play, etc., that employs a surprise element or character to resolve the plot.
  • trickle-down — of, relating to, or based on the trickle-down theory: the trickle-down benefits to the local community.
  • trondhjemite — a coarse-grained igneous rock composed of quartz, plagioclase feldspar, and a small amount of biotite.
  • trudeaumania — obsessional enthusiasm for Pierre Trudeau
  • turacoverdin — a green pigment found in certain feathers of the touraco
  • twenty-third — next after the twenty-second; being the ordinal number for 23.
  • two-cylinder — (of an engine) having two cylinders
  • ultrarefined — having been refined exceptionally well or thoroughly
  • un-disrupted — to cause disorder or turmoil in: The news disrupted their conference.
  • un-liberated — to set free, as from imprisonment or bondage.
  • unaccredited — officially recognized as meeting the essential requirements, as of academic excellence: accredited schools.
  • unadvertised — to announce or praise (a product, service, etc.) in some public medium of communication in order to induce people to buy or use it: to advertise a new brand of toothpaste.
  • unaffrighted — to frighten.
  • unattributed — to regard as resulting from a specified cause; consider as caused by something indicated (usually followed by to): She attributed his bad temper to ill health.
  • unauthorized — lacking permission; unsanctioned: unauthorized access.
  • uncalibrated — to determine, check, or rectify the graduation of (any instrument giving quantitative measurements).
  • unchristened — not christened
  • uncirculated — to move in a circle or circuit; move or pass through a circuit back to the starting point: Blood circulates throughout the body.
  • uncreditable — of ignoble character
  • undeliberate — carefully weighed or considered; studied; intentional: a deliberate lie.
  • undemocratic — pertaining to or of the nature of democracy or a democracy.
  • under-script — the letters or characters used in writing by hand; handwriting, especially cursive writing.
  • undercoating — a coat or jacket worn under another.
  • undercutting — to cut under or beneath.
  • underexploit — to make insufficient use of
  • undershirted — wearing an undershirt
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