
15-letter words containing r, e, g, a, d, i

  • fighter command — a former unit of the Royal Air Force dedicated to the use of fighter aircraft, esp against enemy bombers and their escorts during WWII
  • fire-and-forget — used to describe a type of missile that, once fired, is able to guide itself to its target
  • flame hardening — the surface hardening of ferrous metals by heating the metal with an oxyacetylene flame followed by rapid cooling
  • floating screed — Building Trades. screed (def 3).
  • fluorine dating — a method of determining the relative age of fossil bones found in the same excavation by comparing their fluorine content.
  • founding father — The founding father of an institution, organization, or idea is the person who sets it up or who first develops it.
  • french marigold — a composite plant, Tagetes patula, of Mexico, having yellow flowers with red markings.
  • fringed gentian — a plant of the genus Gentianopsis (or Gentiana), especially G. crinita, having a tubular blue corolla with four fringed petals.
  • gale-force wind — a wind of force seven to ten on the Beaufort scale or from 45 to 90 kilometres per hour
  • gallant soldier — a South American plant, Galinsoga parviflora, widely distributed as a weed, having small daisy-like flowers surrounded by silvery scales: family Asteraceae (composites)
  • galvanized iron — iron or steel, especially in sheets, coated with zinc to prevent rust.
  • gambier islands — a group of islands in the S Pacific Ocean, in French Polynesia. Chief settlement: Rikitéa. Pop: 1097 (2002). Area: 30 sq km (11 sq miles)
  • gardening leave — If someone who leaves their job is given gardening leave, they continue to receive their salary and in return they agree not to work for anyone else for a period of time.
  • gardening tools — tools used for gardening, such as a trowel, spade, rake, etc
  • gaudier-brzeska — Henri (ɑ̃ri), original name Henri Gaudier. 1891–1915, French vorticist sculptor
  • gender equality — the state of having the same rights, status, and opportunities as others, regardless of one's gender.
  • general holiday — a public holiday
  • general studies — a school subject that includes a variety of skills and topics (such as comprehension, and current affairs, which may complement the study of A-levels in specific subjects)
  • geodemographics — the study and grouping of the people in a geographical area according to socioeconomic criteria, esp for market research
  • gerald mulliganGerald Joseph ("Gerry"; "Jeru") 1927–96, U.S. jazz saxophonist, bandleader, and composer.
  • gila woodpecker — a dull-colored woodpecker, Melanerpes uropygialis, of the southwestern U.S. and Mexico.
  • gilbert islands — a group of islands in the W Pacific: with Banaba, the Phoenix Islands, and three of the Line Islands they constitute the independent state of Kiribati; until 1975 they formed part of the British colony of Gilbert and Ellice Islands; achieved full independence in 1979. Pop: 82 902 (2005). Area: 295 sq km (114 sq miles)
  • gingerbread man — biscuit in the shape of a man
  • girdle traverse — a climb that consists of a complete traverse of a face or crag
  • go like a dream — to move, develop, or work very well
  • goal difference — the number of goals scored by a team minus the number of goals it has conceded
  • golden samphire — a Eurasian coastal plant, Inula crithmoides, with fleshy leaves and yellow flower heads: family Asteraceae (composites)
  • golden starfish — an award given to a bathing beach that meets EU standards of cleanliness
  • golden triangle — (sometimes lowercase) an area of Southeast Asia encompassing parts of Burma, Laos, and Thailand, significant as a major source of opium and heroin.
  • goldenrain tree — a small, deciduous Asian tree (Koelreuteria paniculata) of the soapberry family having small yellow flowers and papery fruit pods
  • grade inflation — the awarding of higher grades than students deserve either to maintain a school's academic reputation or as a result of diminished teacher expectations.
  • grand staircase — a large and impressive staircase
  • grandiloquently — speaking or expressed in a lofty style, often to the point of being pompous or bombastic.
  • graph reduction — A technique invented by Chris Wadsworth where an expression is represented as a directed graph (usually drawn as an inverted tree). Each node represents a function call and its subtrees represent the arguments to that function. Subtrees are replaced by the expansion or value of the expression they represent. This is repeated until the tree has been reduced to a value with no more function calls (a normal form). In contrast to string reduction, graph reduction has the advantage that common subexpressions are represented as pointers to a single instance of the expression which is only reduced once. It is the most commonly used technique for implementing lazy evaluation.
  • graves' disease — a disease characterized by an enlarged thyroid, a rapid pulse, and increased basal metabolism due to excessive thyroid secretion; exophthalmic goiter.
  • graveyard shift — a work shift usually beginning at about midnight and continuing for about eight hours through the early morning hours.
  • great sanhedrin — Sanhedrin (def 1).
  • great-sanhedrin — Also called Great Sanhedrin. the highest council of the ancient Jews, consisting of 71 members, and exercising authority from about the 2nd century b.c.
  • green sandpiper — a species of sandpiper, Tringa ochropus, with a greenish back and wings
  • greenfield park — a town in S Quebec, in E Canada, near Montreal.
  • griqualand east — a former district in S South Africa, SW of Natal.
  • griqualand west — a former district in S South Africa, N of the Orange River and W of the Orange Free State: diamonds found 1867.
  • ground-breaking — the act or ceremony of breaking ground for a new construction project.
  • groundbreakings — Plural form of groundbreaking.
  • guadalupe river — a river in SE Texas, flowing SE to the San Antonio River. 250 miles (402 km) long.
  • guardian angels — an angel believed to protect a particular person, as from danger or error.
  • guardian reader — a reader of the Guardian newspaper, seen as being typically left-wing, liberal, and politically correct
  • guru meditation — (operating system)   The Amiga equivalent of Unix's panic (sometimes just called a "guru" or "guru event"). When the system crashes, a cryptic message of the form "GURU MEDITATION #XXXXXXXX.YYYYYYYY" may appear, indicating what the problem was. An Amiga guru can figure things out from the numbers. In the earliest days of the Amiga, there was a device called a "Joyboard" which was basically a plastic board built onto a joystick-like device; it was sold with a skiing game cartridge for the Atari game machine. It is said that whenever the prototype OS crashed, the system programmer responsible would concentrate on a solution while sitting cross-legged, balanced on a Joyboard, resembling a meditating guru. Sadly, the joke was removed in AmigaOS 2.04. The Jargon File claimed that a guru event had to be followed by a Vulcan nerve pinch but, according to a correspondent, a mouse click was enough to start a reboot.
  • hair of the dog — an alcoholic drink taken as an antidote to a hangover
  • hard of hearing — partially deaf
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