
19-letter words containing r, e, a, s, t

  • interlaced scanning — a system of scanning a television picture, first along the even-numbered lines, then along the odd-numbered lines, in one complete scan
  • intermediate school — a school for pupils in grades 4 through 6.
  • intermediate system — (networking)   (IS) An Open Systems Interconnection system which performs network layer forwarding. It is analogous to an IP router.
  • internal conversion — the emission of an electron by an atom with an excited nucleus, occurring as a result of the transfer of energy from the nucleus to the electron.
  • internal resistance — the resistance within a battery, or other voltage source, that causes a drop in the source voltage when there is a current.
  • internal translator — (language, mathematics)   (IT) An early compiler for mathematics developed by A.J. Perlis et al at Carnegie Tech ca 1957. IT was originally written for the Burroughs 205, then the IBM 650. IT was the forerunner of RUNCIBLE, GATE, CORRELATE and GAT. IT source code was converted to PIT, thence to SPIT. IT-2 produced machine language directly, IT-3 developed at Carnegie added double-precision floating-point.
  • internal-combustion — of or relating to an internal-combustion engine.
  • international style — the general form of architecture developed in the 1920s and 1930s by Gropius, Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, and others, characterized by simple geometric forms, large untextured, often white, surfaces, large areas of glass, and general use of steel or reinforced concrete construction.
  • intersecting arcade — interlacing arcade.
  • interstellar medium — the matter occurring between the stars of our Galaxy, largely in the spiral arms, and consisting mainly of huge clouds of ionized, neutral, or molecular hydrogen
  • interval estimation — the process of estimating a parameter of a given population by specifying an interval of values and the probability that the true value of the parameter falls within this interval.
  • intervertebral disc — any of the cartilaginous discs between individual vertebrae, acting as shock absorbers
  • intervertebral disk — the plate of fibrocartilage between the bodies of adjacent vertebrae.
  • intracutaneous test — a test for immunity or allergy to a particular antigen by observing the local reaction following injection of a small amount of the antigen into the skin.
  • iphigenia in tauris — a drama (413? b.c.) by Euripides.
  • irish water spaniel — one of an Irish breed of large water spaniels having a thick, curly, liver-colored coat, a topknot of long, loose curls, and a thin, tapering tail covered with short hair.
  • isenheim altarpiece — an altarpiece (1510?–15?) painted by Matthias Grünewald.
  • islet of langerhans — any of several masses of endocrine cells in the pancreas that secrete insulin, somatostatin, and glucagon.
  • isobutyl propionate — a colorless liquid, C 7 H 14 O 2 , used chiefly as a paint, varnish, and lacquer solvent.
  • it stands to reason — it is logical
  • italian east africa — a former Italian territory in E Africa, formed in 1936 by the merging of Eritrea and Italian Somaliland with newly conquered Ethiopia: taken by the British Imperial forces 1941.
  • jacques montgolfier — Jacques Étienne [zhahk ey-tyen] /ʒɑk eɪˈtyɛn/ (Show IPA), 1745–99, and his brother Joseph Michel [zhaw-zef mee-shel] /ʒɔˈzɛf miˈʃɛl/ (Show IPA) 1740–1810, French aeronauts: inventors of the first practical balloon 1783.
  • japanese arborvitae — a Japanese evergreen tree, Thuja standishii, having spreading branches with bright-green leaves.
  • jerusalem artichoke — Also called girasol. a sunflower, Helianthus tuberosus, having edible, tuberous, underground stems or rootstocks.
  • job creation scheme — a governmental scheme to increase the number of jobs in an area, organization, etc
  • joseph of arimathea — a wealthy disciple who provided a tomb for Jesus' body: Matt. 27:57-60
  • juan de fuca strait — strait between Vancouver Island and NW Wash.: c. 100 mi (161 km) long
  • judicial separation — a decree of legal separation of spouses that does not dissolve the marriage bond.
  • jumping bristletail — any of several thysanuran insects that live in dark, warm, moist places, as under leaves, bark, and dead tree trunks and along rocky seacoasts, and are active jumpers, making erratic leaps when disturbed.
  • kansas-nebraska act — the act of Congress in 1854 annulling the Missouri Compromise, providing for the organization of the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, and permitting these territories self-determination on the question of slavery.
  • keyboard instrument — any musical instrument that is played using a keyboard
  • knights hospitalers — a member of the religious and military order (Knights Hospitalers or Knights of St. John of Jerusalem) originating about the time of the first Crusade (1096–99) and taking its name from a hospital at Jerusalem.
  • landscape architect — A landscape architect is the same as a landscape gardener.
  • large munsterlander — a strongly built gun dog with a long dense black-and-white coat
  • lateral line system — a system of sensory organs in fishes and aquatic amphibians consisting of a series of cells on the head and along the sides of the body that detect pressure changes and vibrations
  • lead someone astray — If someone or something leads you astray, they make you believe something that is not true, causing you to make a wrong decision.
  • learning disability — a disorder, as dyslexia, usually affecting school-age children of normal or above-normal intelligence, characterized by difficulty in understanding or using spoken or written language, and thought to be related to impairment or slowed development of perceptual motor skills.
  • least recently used — (operating systems) (LRU) A rule used in a paging system which selects a page to be paged out if it has been used (read or written) less recently than any other page. The same rule may also be used in a cache to select which cache entry to flush. This rule is based on temporal locality - the observation that, in general, the page (or cache entry) which has not been accessed for longest is least likely to be accessed in the near future.
  • leisure occupations — activities which you enjoy and which you perform in your free time
  • let one's hair down — any of the numerous fine, usually cylindrical, keratinous filaments growing from the skin of humans and animals; a pilus.
  • liability insurance — insurance covering the insured against losses arising from injury or damage to another person or property.
  • licensing agreement — an agreement that sets out the fees and terms of use for something available only under licence
  • lie in one's throat — to tell a foul or outrageous lie
  • like a cheshire cat — If someone is grinning like a Cheshire cat or like the Cheshire cat, they are smiling very widely.
  • limited partnership — a partnership formed by at least one general partner and at least one special partner.
  • liquorice all-sorts — a brand of assorted sweets containing liquorice as well as coloured candy made of sugar, gelatine, and coconut
  • lobster-tail helmet — a burgonet fitted with a long, articulated tail of lames for protecting the nape of the neck, worn by cavalry in the 17th century.
  • lose one's heart to — to fall in love with
  • love at first sight — instant romantic attraction to sb
  • lupus erythematosus — any of several autoimmune diseases, especially systemic lupus erythematosus, characterized by red, scaly skin patches.
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