
18-letter words containing r, a, c, e, s, t

  • cigar-store indian — a wooden statue of an American Indian, traditionally displayed at the entrance of cigar stores.
  • circulatory system — the system concerned with the transport of blood and lymph, consisting of the heart, blood vessels, lymph vessels, etc
  • citizen journalism — the involvement of non-professionals in reporting news, esp in blogs and other websites
  • citizenship papers — the document stating that a naturalized person has been formally declared a citizen
  • clark's nutcracker — a nutcracker, Nucifraga columbiana, of western North America, having pale gray plumage and black and white wings and tail.
  • cleopatra's needle — either of two Egyptian obelisks, originally set up at Heliopolis about 1500 bc: one was moved to the Thames Embankment, London, in 1878, the other to Central Park, New York, in 1880
  • closed corporation — a corporation the stock of which is owned by a small number of persons and is rarely traded on the open market
  • coast rhododendron — a rhododendron, Rhododendron macrophyllum, of western North America, having large clusters of rose-purple flowers spotted with brown: the state flower of Washington.
  • coast-guard cutter — a cutter used by the U.S. Coast Guard.
  • collection charges — the charges levied to cover expenses for the collection of debt
  • collision diameter — the distance between the centers of two colliding molecules when at their closest point of approach.
  • color transparency — a positive color image photographically produced on transparent film or glass and viewed by transmitted light, usually by projection.
  • combination square — an adjustable device for carpenters, used as a try square, miter square, level, etc.
  • combustion chamber — an enclosed space in which combustion takes place, such as the space above the piston in the cylinder head of an internal-combustion engine or the chambers in a gas turbine or rocket engine in which fuel and oxidant burn
  • combustion furnace — a furnace used in the laboratory to carry out elemental analysis of organic compounds
  • compensation award — an amount of money awarded as compensation in a court case
  • compensation order — (in Britain) the requirement of a court that an offender pay compensation for injury, loss, or damage resulting from an offence, either in preference to or as well as a fine
  • complementarianism — The doctrine that genders in a society should have complementary roles.
  • complementary base — either of the nucleotide bases linked by a hydrogen bond on opposite strands of DNA or double-stranded RNA: guanine is the complementary base of cytosine, and adenine is the complementary base of thymine in DNA and of uracil in RNA.
  • complexity measure — (algorithm)   A quantity describing the complexity of a computation.
  • compressor station — A compressor station is a facility with several compressors (= devices that increase the pressure of air or natural gas) and other equipment to pump natural gas under pressure over long distances.
  • concentration span — the length of time a person can concentrate on something
  • conceptual realism — the doctrine that universals have real and independent existence.
  • concrete universal — a principle that necessarily has universal import but is also concrete by virtue of its arising in historical situations.
  • condensation trail — contrail.
  • congregate housing — a type of housing in which each individual or family has a private bedroom or living quarters but shares with other residents a common dining room, recreational room, or other facilities.
  • congregationalists — a form of Protestant church government in which each local religious society is independent and self-governing.
  • connected subgraph — (mathematics)   A connected graph consisting of a subset of the nodes and edges of some other graph.
  • consecrated ground — ground that has been made or declared sacred or holy, and is therefore suitable for Christian burial
  • conservation grade — relating to food produced using traditional methods where possible, and following strict specifications regarding animal feeds and welfare, the use of chemical fertilizers, wildlife conservation, and land management
  • conservative party — The Conservative Party is the main right-of-centre party in Britain.
  • consolato del mare — a code of maritime law compiled in the Middle Ages: it drew upon ancient law and has influenced modern law.
  • constituency party — a branch of a political party operating within a constituency
  • construction paper — Construction paper is a type of stiff, colored paper that children use for drawing and for making things.
  • contact dermatitis — dermatitis caused by direct contact with an irritating substance, as an allergen or chemical
  • contents insurance — the insurance for the personal property in a household
  • contrastive stress — a stress imposed on a word or syllable contrary to its normal accentuation in order to contrast it with an alternative word or syllable or to focus attention on it, as the stress given to the normally unstressed word of in government of the people, by the people, for the people in order to point up the parallel between of, by, and for and to distinguish of from words such as over or against.
  • controlled-release — A controlled-release drug or preparation is released into the body in specified amounts over a specified period of time.
  • conversation chair — an English chair of the 18th century designed to be straddled facing the back of the chair with the elbows resting on the crest rail: an English imitation of the voyeuse.
  • conversation class — a class in which one learns to speak a foreign language
  • conversation piece — something, esp an unusual object, that provokes conversation
  • conversationalists — Plural form of conversationalist.
  • cornucopian thesis — the belief that, as long as science and technology continue to advance, growth can continue for ever because these new advances create new resources
  • corpuscular theory — the theory, originally proposed by Newton, and revived with the development of the quantum theory, that light consists of a stream of particles
  • correspondent bank — A correspondent bank is a bank that provides services such as accepting deposits for another bank.
  • costume department — the department in a theatre or television company that is responsible for actors' costumes
  • cot death syndrome — the unexplained sudden death of an infant during sleep
  • couldn't care less — If you say that you couldn't care less about someone or something, you are emphasizing that you are not interested in them or worried about them. In American English, you can also say that you could care less, with the same meaning.
  • counter-aggression — the action of a state in violating by force the rights of another state, particularly its territorial rights; an unprovoked offensive, attack, invasion, or the like: The army is prepared to stop any foreign aggression.
  • counterattractions — Plural form of counterattraction.
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