
12-letter words containing p, u, c

  • sarcophagous — carnivorous.
  • scapulimancy — divination of the future by observation of the cracking of a mammal's scapula that has been heated by a fire or hot instrument.
  • scapulomancy — divination of the future by observation of the cracking of a mammal's scapula that has been heated by a fire or hot instrument.
  • scatophagous — feeding on dung or excrement
  • schizopodous — of or relating to a schizopod
  • schopenhauer — Arthur [ahr-too r] /ˈɑr tʊər/ (Show IPA), 1788–1860, German philosopher.
  • schuman plan — the plan for establishing the European Coal and Steel Community, proposed by Robert Schuman, French political leader, in 1950.
  • scissor jump — a type of jump involving a scissor-like movement of the legs
  • scolopaceous — (of birds or other animals) like a snipe, a shore bird with a straight beak
  • scouring pad — a small pad, as of steel wool or plastic mesh, used for scouring pots, pans, etc.
  • scripturally — (sometimes initial capital letter) of, relating to, or in accordance with sacred writings, especially the Scriptures.
  • scrophularia — a member of a genus of flowering plants which have a square stem and are known as figworts
  • scrub typhus — an acute febrile disease characterized by severe headache, skin rash, chills, and swelling of the lymph nodes, caused by the bite of mites infected with the microorganism Rickettsia tsutsugamushi: occurs mainly in Asia, Australia, and the islands of the western Pacific
  • scrupulosity — having scruples, or moral or ethical standards; having or showing a strict regard for what one considers right; principled: scrupulous about defending human rights.
  • scrupulously — having scruples, or moral or ethical standards; having or showing a strict regard for what one considers right; principled: scrupulous about defending human rights.
  • seed capsule — the part of a fruit enclosing the seeds; pericarp
  • semipellucid — somewhat pellucid; partially translucent or transparent
  • semiprecious — (of a stone) having commercial value as a gem but not classified as precious, as the amethyst or garnet.
  • septuplicate — a group, series, or set of seven identical copies (usually preceded by in).
  • sextuplicate — a group, series, or set of six identical copies: The application is to be submitted in sextuplicate.
  • sheep fescue — a widely distributed grass, Festuca ovina, having densely clustered stems and cultivated for lawns and forage.
  • ship biscuit — hardtack.
  • shrimp sauce — a sauce made from shrimps
  • sitka spruce — a spruce, Picea sitchensis, of western North America, having long, silvery-white needles, grown as an ornamental.
  • sivapithecus — a genus of extinct Miocene primates of Asia that resemble the modern orangutan.
  • skeuomorphic — an ornament or design on an object copied from a form of the object when made from another material or by other techniques, as an imitation metal rivet mark found on handles of prehistoric pottery.
  • soup kitchen — a place where food, usually soup, is served at little or no charge to the needy.
  • spaciousness — containing much space, as a house, room, or vehicle; amply large.
  • special jury — struck jury.
  • special rule — a principle or regulation governing conduct, action, procedure, arrangement, etc.: the rules of chess.
  • speciousness — apparently good or right though lacking real merit; superficially pleasing or plausible: specious arguments.
  • speculatrice — a female speculator
  • speech sound — any of the set of distinctive sounds of a given language. Compare phoneme.
  • spencer gulf — an inlet of the Indian Ocean in S Australia, between the Eyre and Yorke Peninsulas. Length: about 320 km (200 miles). Greatest width: about 145 km (90 miles)
  • spinulescent — producing spines
  • spongicolous — relating to the skeleton of some marine animals
  • sprachgefuhl — a sensitivity to language, especially for what is grammatically or idiomatically acceptable in a given language.
  • standing cup — a tall decorative cup of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, having a raised cover.
  • starch syrup — glucose (def 2).
  • starch-syrup — a sugar, C 6 H 12 O 6 , having several optically different forms, the common dextrorotatory form (dextroglucose, or -glucose) occurring in many fruits, animal tissues and fluids, etc., and having a sweetness about one half that of ordinary sugar, and the rare levorotatory form (levoglucose, or -glucose) not naturally occurring.
  • stegocarpous — (of a moss) belonging to the division Stegocarpi, having an operculate capsule
  • stick up for — to pierce or puncture with something pointed, as a pin, dagger, or spear; stab: to stick one's finger with a needle.
  • stipulaceous — of, relating to, having, resembling, or living on stipules
  • stockpunisht — punished by being put in stocks
  • stomach pump — a suction pump for removing the contents of the stomach, used especially in cases of poisoning.
  • stump speech — a political campaign speech, especially one made on a campaign tour.
  • stumpknocker — spotted sunfish.
  • stupefacient — stupefying; producing stupor.
  • stupefaction — the state of being stupefied; stupor.
  • stupefactive — serving to stupefy.
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