
9-letter words containing p, t, c, a

  • slapstick — broad comedy characterized by boisterous action, as the throwing of pies in actors' faces, mugging, and obvious farcical situations and jokes.
  • sleepcoat — a lightweight, knee-length garment for sleep or lounging, styled like a pajama top and having a sash.
  • sociopath — a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.
  • space out — the unlimited or incalculably great three-dimensional realm or expanse in which all material objects are located and all events occur.
  • spaceport — a site at which spacecraft are tested, launched, sheltered, maintained, etc.
  • spaceshot — a launch of a space vehicle beyond the earth's atmosphere.
  • spacesuit — a sealed and pressurized suit designed to allow the wearer to leave a pressurized cabin in outer space or at extremely high altitudes within the atmosphere.
  • spartacus — died 71 b.c, Thracian slave, gladiator, and insurrectionist.
  • spartanic — (usually lowercase) suggestive of the ancient Spartans; sternly disciplined and rigorously simple, frugal, or austere.
  • sparticle — a hypothetical elementary particle thought to have been produced in the Big Bang
  • spasmatic — given to spasms
  • spec rate — (benchmark)   Results of the throughput measurement using SPEC benchmark suites CINT92 and CFP92. With the throughput measurement method, several copies of a given benchmark are executed. The method is particularly suitable for multiprocessor systems. The results, called SPEC rate, express how many jobs of a particular type (characterised by the individual benchmark) can be executed in a given time (The SPEC reference time happens to be a week, the execution times are normalized with respect to a VAX 11/780). The SPEC rates therefore characterise the capacity of a system for compute-intensive jobs of similar characteristics. See also SPEC ratio.
  • specialty — a special or distinctive quality, mark, state, or condition.
  • spectacle — anything presented to the sight or view, especially something of a striking or impressive kind: The stars make a fine spectacle tonight.
  • spectator — a weekly periodical (1711–12, 1714) issued by Joseph Addison and Richard Steele.
  • speculate — to engage in thought or reflection; meditate (often followed by on, upon, or a clause).
  • spermatic — of, relating to, or resembling sperm; seminal; generative.
  • spiculate — having the form of a spicule.
  • sport car — a small, high-powered automobile with long, low lines, usually seating two persons.
  • sportance — pleasurable or playful activities
  • spot card — spot (def 10b).
  • spot cash — an amount of money paid immediately in cash
  • stamp act — an act of the British Parliament for raising revenue in the American Colonies by requiring the use of stamps and stamped paper for official documents, commercial writings, and various articles: it was to go into effect on November 1, 1765, but met with intense opposition and was repealed in March, 1766.
  • stenopaic — (of an optic device) having a narrow opening devised to improve eyesight by limiting obscurations
  • step back — retreat, move backwards
  • stepchair — a set of steps folding into a chair.
  • stepdance — a dance in which the steps are the most important characteristic, specifically a solo dance with intricate, vigorous steps, often performed with the hands kept in the pockets.
  • stopwatch — a watch with a hand or hands that can be stopped or started at any instant, used for precise timing, as in races.
  • stroupach — a cup of tea
  • sulphatic — sulphuric, of or pertaining to a sulphate
  • supercrat — a high-ranking bureaucrat, especially one of cabinet rank.
  • supplicat — a petition (to a university) for a degree
  • sweptback — (of the leading edge of an airfoil) forming a markedly obtuse angle with the fuselage.
  • sycophant — a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite.
  • sympatico — simpatico
  • sympatric — originating in or occupying the same geographical area.
  • syncopate — Music. to place (the accents) on beats that are normally unaccented. to treat (a passage, piece, etc.) in this way.
  • tachypnea — excessively rapid respiration.
  • tailpiece — a piece added at the end; an end piece or appendage.
  • tap dance — dance performed with clicking shoes
  • tap-dance — to perform a tap dance.
  • tape deck — a component of an audio system for playing tapes, using an external amplifier and speakers.
  • tape echo — a means of delaying the repeat of a sound by adjusting the time lapse between the recording and playback heads of a tape recorder
  • teacupful — as much as a teacup will hold, equal to 4 fluid ounces (113 grams).
  • tie clasp — an ornamental metal clasp for securing the two ends of a necktie to a shirt front.
  • tocopilla — a seaport in N Chile.
  • top whack — the maximum price
  • top-class — Top-class means among the finest of its kind.
  • topcastle — a large fighting top used in medieval ships.
  • topically — pertaining to or dealing with matters of current or local interest: a topical reference.
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