
21-letter words containing p, r, o, e, s

  • deprovincialization's — to make provincial in character.
  • disk operating system — DOS.
  • disruptive technology — A disruptive technology is a new technology, such as computers and the Internet, which has a rapid and major effect on technologies that existed before.
  • distributed processes — (DP) The first concurrent language based on remote procedure calls.
  • distributive property — Mathematics. the property that terms in an expression may be expanded in a particular way to form an equivalent expression.
  • double predestination — the doctrine that God has foreordained both those who will be saved and those who will be damned.
  • double spanish burton — a tackle having one standing block and two running blocks, giving a mechanical advantage of five, neglecting friction.
  • drop in someone's lap — give someone the responsibility of
  • dusky seaside sparrow — a species of sparrow, Ammospiza maritima, existing in two subspecies, one (Cape Sable seaside sparrow) having dark olive-drab plumage with a lighter breast and underbelly, and the other (dusky seaside sparrow) having bold black and white markings on the breast and underbelly: the dusky seaside sparrow is almost extinct.
  • eastern european time — a standard time used by some countries in Eastern Europe, such as Finland, Romania, etc and also some countries of the Middle East and North Africa
  • electroencephalograms — Plural form of electroencephalogram.
  • electromagnetic pulse — a surge of electromagnetic radiation, esp one resulting from a nuclear explosion, which can disrupt electronic devices and, occasionally, larger structures and equipment
  • electronic publishing — Electronic publishing is the publishing of documents in a form that can be read on a computer, for example as a CD-ROM.
  • electronystagmography — A diagnostic test to record involuntary movements of the eye caused by a condition known as nystagmus. It can also be used to diagnose the cause of vertigo, dizziness or balance dysfunction by testing the vestibular system.
  • endoplasmic reticulum — an extensive intracellular membrane system whose functions include synthesis and transport of lipids and, in regions where ribosomes are attached, of proteins
  • enter into the spirit — If you enter into the spirit of something, you take part in it in an enthusiastic way.
  • epidermolysis bullosa — type of genetic skin disorder
  • european space agency — an organization dedicated to space exploration with 18 European countries as members
  • exposure compensation — the act of overriding a camera's automatic exposure in order to achieve a particular effect or due to difficult lighting conditions
  • file service protocol — (protocol)   (FSP) A protocol, similar to FTP, for copying files between computers. It's designed for anonymous archives, and has protection against server and network overloading. It doesn't use connections so it can survive interruptions in service. Until 1993-08-12, FSP didn't stand for anything. Wen-King was responsible for the initials and Michael Grubb <[email protected]> for their eventual expansion. Other suggestions were "File Slurping Protocol", "Flaky Stream Protocol" and "FTP's Sexier Partner".
  • flip someone the bird — give someone the finger (see phrase under finger)
  • foreground processing — a type of processing that supports interaction between interactive and batch operations
  • foreign correspondent — a correspondent, as for a periodical, assigned to send back articles and news dispatches from a foreign country for publication.
  • forensic anthropology — the branch of physical anthropology in which anthropological data, criteria, and techniques are used to determine the sex, age, genetic population, or parentage of skeletal or biological materials in questions of civil or criminal law.
  • framing specification — A specification of the "protocol bits" that surround the "data bits" on a communications channel to allow the data to be "framed" into chunks, like start and stop bits in EIA-232. It allows a receiver to synchronize at points along the data stream.
  • freedom of expression — the unrestrained right to voice ideas, opinions, etc
  • french fried potatoes — a more formal name for chips
  • frequent wash shampoo — a shampoo whose mildness allows it to be used frequently
  • gastrohepatic omentum — lesser omentum.
  • gender disappointment — a feeling of depression or anxiety experienced by an expectant parent when the gender of the baby does not match his or her preference
  • geometric progression — a sequence of terms in which the ratio between any two successive terms is the same, as the progression 1, 3, 9, 27, 81 or 144, 12, 1, 1/12, 1/144.
  • gestalt psychotherapy — a therapy devised in the US in the 1960s in which patients are encouraged to concentrate on the immediate present and to express their true feelings
  • gird (up) one's loins — to get ready to do something difficult or strenuous
  • gobject introspection — (programming)   A GNOME project that defines a syntax for introspection annotation pragmas to be used in the GObject library source code. Rather than actual introspection, these are intended to allow automatic generation of bindings (APIs) to expose the library to higher-level languages. The sort of information provided is the type and direction (in, out, inout) of function parameters and the responsibility for freeing memory used by data structures.
  • grease someone's palm — the part of the inner surface of the hand that extends from the wrist to the bases of the fingers.
  • help a person on with — to assist a person in the putting on of (clothes)
  • historic places trust — (in New Zealand) the statutory body concerned with the conservation of historic buildings, esp with ancient Māori sites
  • homolosine projection — an equal-area projection of the world, distorting ocean areas in order to minimize the distortion of the continents.
  • house of prostitution — a brothel.
  • hypercholesterolaemia — the condition of having a high concentration of cholesterol in the blood
  • hyperkinetic disorder — another name for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • hysterosalpingography — (medicine) X-ray examination of the uterus and oviducts following injection of a radiopaque substance.
  • identical proposition — a proposition in which the subject and predicate have the same meaning, as, “That which is mortal is not immortal.”.
  • identification papers — documents that serve to establish someone's identity
  • ieee computer society — (body)   The society of the IEEE which publishes the journal "Computer".
  • immunoelectrophoresis — a technique for the separation and identification of mixtures of proteins, consisting of electrophoresis followed by immunodiffusion.
  • imprecise probability — (probability)   A probability that is represented as an interval (as opposed to a single number) included in [0,1].
  • in (or out of) phase — in (or not in) a state of exactly parallel movements, oscillations, etc.; in (or not in) synchronization
  • in someone's presence — If you are in someone's presence, you are in the same place as that person, and are close enough to them to be seen or heard.
  • indicated horse-power — the horsepower of a reciprocating engine as shown by an indicator record. Abbreviation: ihp, IHP.
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