
12-letter words containing p, r, i, e

  • disreputable — not reputable; having a bad reputation: a disreputable barroom.
  • disreputably — In a disreputable manner.
  • disrespected — lack of respect; discourtesy; rudeness.
  • disruptively — In a disruptive manner.
  • distemperate — (obsolete) immoderate.
  • distemperoid — resembling distemper.
  • domino paper — a marbleized or figured decorative paper, used for wallpaper, end papers, etc., printed from wood blocks and colored by hand.
  • doorstepping — talking to someone at the door of their home, for political canvassing or to gather information
  • dopaminergic — activated by or sensitive to dopamine.
  • dow compiler — An early system on the Datatron 200 series.
  • drapeability — to cover or hang with cloth or other fabric, especially in graceful folds; adorn with drapery.
  • drapetomania — (dated) an overwhelming urge to run away (from home, a bad situation, responsibility, etc.).
  • dripping wet — If you are dripping wet, you are so wet that water is dripping from you.
  • drop shipper — a wholesaler or distributor who conducts business in drop shipments.
  • drum printer — a line printer that uses a rotating drum with raised characters, against which the paper is pressed.
  • dryopithecus — an extinct genus of generalized hominoids that lived in Europe and Africa during the Miocene Epoch and whose members are characterized by small molars and incisors.
  • ear piercing — hole in ear for jewellery
  • ear-piercing — extremely harsh and irritating to the ear: ear-piercing noise.
  • earsplitting — ear-piercing: an earsplitting explosion.
  • earth pillar — a pillar of earthy matter left by erosion of the surrounding ground.
  • east prussia — a former province in NE Germany: an enclave separated from Germany by the Polish Corridor; now divided between Poland and the Russian Federation. 14,283 sq. mi. (36,993 sq. km). Capital: Königsberg.
  • ectoparasite — an external parasite (opposed to endoparasite).
  • eden prairie — a town in SE Minnesota.
  • ekman spiral — a complex interaction on the surface of the sea between wind, rotation of the earth, and friction forces, discovered by Vagn Walfrid Ekman
  • electrophile — (chemistry) a compound or functional group that is attractive to, and accepts electrons, especially accepting an electron pair from a nucleophile to form a bond.
  • electrophori — Plural form of electrophorus.
  • electrotypic — relating to, or resulting from, electrotypy
  • elephantbird — Alternative form of elephant bird.
  • ellipsograph — an instrument that draws ellipses
  • emancipators — Plural form of emancipator.
  • emancipatory — Of or pertaining to emancipation or to an emancipator.
  • emancipatrix — A woman, girl, or any other entity treated as female who emancipates; a female emancipator.
  • empire state — state of New York
  • empyreumatic — relating to empyreuma
  • enantiomorph — Each of two crystalline or other geometric forms that are mirror images of each other.
  • enantiotropy — the possibility for stable polymorphs to exist in different states on either side of a transition-point temperature
  • encipherment — The act or process of enciphering; encryption.
  • endomorphism — changes in a cooling body of igneous rock brought about by assimilation of fragments of, or chemical reaction with, the surrounding country rock
  • endoparasite — A parasite, such as a tapeworm, that lives inside its host.
  • endoperoxide — one of the substances formed in the biosynthesis of prostaglandins
  • enteroptosis — Visceroptosis of the intestines.
  • enterprising — Having or showing initiative and resourcefulness.
  • entropically — By means of or in relation to entropy.
  • entry permit — customs
  • epanorthosis — (rhetoric) A rhetorical device or element in which a speaker or writer retracts a word that has been spoken and substitutes a stronger or more suitable word; often done for emphasis or sarcasm.
  • ephemerality — (uncountable) The state or condition of being ephemeral; transience.
  • ephemeridian — relating to ephemera
  • epicureanism — An ancient school of philosophy founded in Athens by Epicurus. The school rejected determinism and advocated hedonism (pleasure as the highest good), but of a restrained kind: mental pleasure was regarded more highly than physical, and the ultimate pleasure was held to be freedom from anxiety and mental pain, esp. that arising from needless fear of death and of the gods.
  • epicuticular — Relating to the epicuticle.
  • epigrammatic — Of the nature or in the style of an epigram; concise, clever, and amusing.
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