
9-letter words containing p, r, e, t, l

  • pleuritic — inflammation of the pleura, with or without a liquid effusion in the pleural cavity, characterized by a dry cough and pain in the affected side.
  • pleuritis — an instance of pleurisy
  • plicature — the act or procedure of folding.
  • pole star — Polaris.
  • pole-star — Polaris.
  • polltaker — a person or organization that conducts polls; pollster.
  • polyester — Chemistry. a polymer in which the monomer units are linked together by the group –COO–, usually formed by polymerizing a polyhydric alcohol with a polybasic acid: used chiefly in the manufacture of resins, plastics, and textile fibers.
  • polyether — a polymeric ether.
  • polywater — a subtance mistakenly identified as a polymeric form of water, now known to be water containing ions from glass or quartz.
  • portalled — a door, gate, or entrance, especially one of imposing appearance, as to a palace.
  • portatile — portable
  • portobelo — a small port in Panama, on the Caribbean northeast of Colón: the most important port in South America in colonial times; declined with the opening of the Panama Canal. Pop: 3300 (1997)
  • postiller — a writer of postils; an annotator
  • potboiler — a mediocre work of literature or art produced merely for financial gain.
  • potholder — a thick piece of material, as a quilted or woven pad, used in handling hot pots and dishes.
  • potlicker — Midland and Southern U.S. Eye Dialect. pot liquor.
  • poulterer — a dealer in poultry, hares, and game; poultryman.
  • pre-elect — to choose or select by vote, as for an office: to elect a mayor. Antonyms: reject.
  • pre-trial — occurring before a trial
  • prebattle — existing, occurring or carried out in the period before a battle
  • prebuttal — an argument constructed in anticipation of a criticism: The alderman began his speech with a question-answer style prebuttal.
  • precoital — sexual intercourse, especially between a man and a woman.
  • predilect — chosen in preference; preferred
  • prefilter — any substance, as cloth, paper, porous porcelain, or a layer of charcoal or sand, through which liquid or gas is passed to remove suspended impurities or to recover solids.
  • preflight — occurring or done before a flight: a preflight briefing of the plane's crew.
  • prelatess — a female prelate
  • prelatial — of, or relating to, a prelate
  • prelation — the setting of one above another
  • prelatism — prelacy; episcopacy.
  • prelatize — to advocate or bring under the authority of prelacy
  • prelature — the office of a prelate.
  • prelocate — to set, fix, or establish in a position, situation, or locality; place; settle: to locate our European office in Paris.
  • premortal — subject to death; having a transitory life: all mortal creatures.
  • preputial — the fold of skin that covers the head of the penis; foreskin.
  • prerectal — in front of the rectum
  • preselect — to select in advance; choose beforehand.
  • presently — in a little while; soon: They will be here presently.
  • preseptal — of or relating to a septum.
  • presettle — to settle ahead of
  • pretibial — Anatomy. the inner of the two bones of the leg, that extend from the knee to the ankle and articulate with the femur and the talus; shinbone.
  • pretravel — occurring prior to travel
  • prevalent — widespread; of wide extent or occurrence; in general use or acceptance.
  • priestley — J(ohn) B(oynton) [boin-tuh n,, -tn] /ˈbɔɪn tən,, -tn/ (Show IPA), 1894–1984, English novelist.
  • printable — capable of being printed.
  • printless — making, retaining, or showing no print or impression.
  • privately — belonging to some particular person: private property.
  • profluent — flowing smoothly or abundantly forth.
  • prolative — functioning to complete the predicate
  • proleptic — Rhetoric. the anticipation of possible objections in order to answer them in advance.
  • proletary — in ancient Rome, a member of the lowest class of citizens, who had no property
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