
15-letter words containing p, r, e, t, l

  • precinct police — the police responsible for a district of a city
  • preconceptional — a conception or opinion formed beforehand.
  • predeterminable — able to be predetermined; able to be determined in advance
  • predicate logic — (logic)   (Or "predicate calculus") An extension of propositional logic with separate symbols for predicates, subjects, and quantifiers. For example, where propositional logic might assign a single symbol P to the proposition "All men are mortal", predicate logic can define the predicate M(x) which asserts that the subject, x, is mortal and bind x with the universal quantifier ("For all"): All x . M(x) Higher-order predicate logic allows predicates to be the subjects of other predicates.
  • preequalization — preemphasis.
  • preferentialism — the economic system of preference, esp amongst British commonwealth countries
  • preferentialist — someone who believes in preferentialism
  • preimplantation — relating to the period before implantation in the uterus
  • prelate nullius — a prelate having independent jurisdiction over a district not under a diocesan bishop.
  • prepresidential — describing the period before a person's rise to presidency
  • present oneself — to appear, esp at a specific time and place
  • president-elect — a president after election but before induction into office.
  • press the flesh — the soft substance of a human or other animal body, consisting of muscle and fat.
  • presynaptically — in a presynaptic manner
  • preternaturally — out of the ordinary course of nature; exceptional or abnormal: preternatural powers.
  • price inflation — inflation fuelled by rising prices
  • printer's devil — devil (def 5).
  • prismatic layer — the middle layer of the shell of certain mollusks, consisting chiefly of crystals of calcium carbonate.
  • prittle-prattle — foolish or idle talk; babble
  • private soldier — A private soldier is a soldier of the lowest rank in an army or the marines.
  • privately owned — owned by a private individual or organization, rather than by the state or a public body
  • problematically — of the nature of a problem; doubtful; uncertain; questionable.
  • process control — a method of controlling and improving a process using statistical analysis
  • processionalist — a member of a procession
  • production line — an arrangement of machines or sequence of operations involved with a single manufacturing operation or production process. Compare assembly line, line1 (def 29).
  • professionalist — to give a professional character or status to; make into or establish as a profession.
  • proletarianized — to convert or transform into a member or members of the proletariat: to proletarianize the middle class.
  • proletarization — to proletarianize.
  • propeller shaft — a shaft that transmits power from an engine to a propeller.
  • property ladder — progress from cheaper to more expensive housing
  • proportionately — proportioned; being in due proportion; proportional.
  • proprietorially — in the manner of a proprietor
  • proteolytically — by a proteolytic process
  • pseudo-critical — inclined to find fault or to judge with severity, often too readily.
  • pseudo-military — of, for, or pertaining to the army or armed forces, often as distinguished from the navy: from civilian to military life.
  • pseudotripteral — having an arrangement of columns suggesting a tripteral structure but without the inner colonnades.
  • public interest — the welfare or well-being of the general public; commonwealth: health programs that directly affect the public interest.
  • public property — Public property is land and other assets that belong to the general public and not to a private owner.
  • public-spirited — having or showing an unselfish interest in the public welfare: a public-spirited citizen.
  • puerto vallarta — a city in W Mexico.
  • pulitzer prizes — one of a group of annual prizes in journalism, literature, music, etc., established by Joseph Pulitzer: administered by Columbia University; first awarded 1917.
  • pulmobranchiate — possessing a pulmobranch
  • pure land sects — Mahayana Buddhist sects venerating the Buddha as the compassionate saviour
  • purple trillium — birthroot (def 1).
  • pyrocrystalline — crystallized from a molten magma or highly heated solution.
  • pyroelectricity — electrification or electrical polarity produced in certain crystals by temperature changes.
  • pyrotechnically — in a pyrotechnical manner
  • radar telescope — (in radar astronomy) a very large radar antenna used to study planetary bodies in the solar system.
  • radio telephone — A radio telephone is a telephone which carries sound by sending radio signals rather than by using wires. Radio telephones are often used in cars.
  • radio telescope — a system consisting of an antenna, either parabolic or dipolar, used to gather radio waves emitted by celestial sources and bring them to a receiver placed in the focus.
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