
14-letter words containing p, r, e, t, l

  • porter's lodge — a room near the entrance of a public building such as a college, which is occupied by the porter
  • portulacaceous — belonging to the Portulacaceae, the purslane family of plants.
  • postal service — organized handling and delivery of mail
  • posterolateral — situated both laterally and at the posterior
  • postliberation — of, relating to, or occurring in the period after the liberation of a city, state, nation, etc
  • potluck dinner — a meal consisting of whatever food happens to be available without special preparation
  • potter's field — a piece of ground reserved as a burial place for strangers and the friendless poor. Matt. 27:7.
  • potter's wheel — a device with a rotating horizontal disk upon which clay is molded by a potter.
  • poultry farmer — a person who rears domestic fowls, esp chickens, for their eggs or meat
  • pound sterling — pound2 (def 3).
  • pour le merite — for merit.
  • power politics — political action characterized by the exercise or pursuit of power as a means of coercion.
  • power struggle — fight to take control
  • practical joke — a playful trick, often involving some physical agent or means, in which the victim is placed in an embarrassing or disadvantageous position.
  • prandtl number — the ratio of the fluid viscosity to the thermal conductivity of a substance, a low number indicating high convection.
  • pre-calculated — to determine or ascertain by mathematical methods; compute: to calculate the velocity of light.
  • pre-capitalist — a person who has capital, especially extensive capital, invested in business enterprises.
  • pre-collegiate — of or relating to a college: collegiate life.
  • pre-delinquent — (of an account, tax, debt, etc.) past due; overdue.
  • pre-employment — being required or accomplished before an employee begins a new job: a preemployment medical exam.
  • pre-enrollment — the act or process of enrolling.
  • pre-industrial — of, pertaining to, of the nature of, or resulting from industry: industrial production; industrial waste.
  • pre-peritoneal — the serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity and investing its viscera.
  • pre-raphaelite — any of a group of English artists (Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood) formed in 1848, and including Holman Hunt, John Everett Millais, and Dante Gabriel Rossetti, who aimed to revive the style and spirit of the Italian artists before the time of Raphael.
  • pre-sterilized — to destroy microorganisms in or on, usually by bringing to a high temperature with steam, dry heat, or boiling liquid.
  • preapplication — the act of putting to a special use or purpose: the application of common sense to a problem.
  • precalculation — the act or process of calculating; computation.
  • precious metal — a metal of the gold, silver, or platinum group.
  • preconcertedly — in a preconcerted or preplanned manner
  • preconsonantal — immediately preceding a consonant.
  • precontractual — a preexisting contract that legally prevents a person from making another contract of the same nature.
  • predevaluation — of or pertaining to the period prior to devaluation of a given thing
  • predevelopment — advance development; the action of developing in advance
  • predictability — consistent repetition of a state, course of action, behavior, or the like, making it possible to know in advance what to expect: The predictability of their daily lives was both comforting and boring.
  • preestablished — to establish beforehand.
  • preferentially — of, relating to, or of the nature of preference: preferential policies.
  • preformulation — to express in precise form; state definitely or systematically: He finds it extremely difficult to formulate his new theory.
  • premeditatedly — done deliberately; planned in advance: a premeditated murder.
  • premenstrually — in a premenstrual manner
  • preoperational — able to function or be used; functional: How soon will the new factory be operational?
  • preoperatively — in a preoperative context
  • preponderantly — superior in weight, force, influence, numbers, etc.; prevailing: a preponderant misconception.
  • preposterously — completely contrary to nature, reason, or common sense; absurd; senseless; utterly foolish: a preposterous tale.
  • prepublication — the period immediately preceding the publication of a book.
  • prescriptively — that prescribes; giving directions or injunctions: a prescriptive letter from an anxious father.
  • presentability — that may be presented.
  • presentational — of or relating to presentation.
  • presentimental — expressing a presentiment
  • pressing plant — a manufacturing plant where phonograph records are produced by pressing in a mold or by stamping.
  • presumptuously — full of, characterized by, or showing presumption or readiness to presume in conduct or thought, as by saying or doing something without right or permission.
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