
17-letter words containing p, o, u, l, e

  • down the plughole — If you say that something has gone down the plughole, you mean that it has failed or has been lost or wasted.
  • drop one's bundle — several objects or a quantity of material gathered or bound together: a bundle of hay.
  • empirical formula — a chemical formula indicating the proportion of each element present in a molecule
  • employee discount — When the employees of a store or other retail business are entitled to an employee discount, they do not have to pay the full price for goods they buy in the store.
  • employment equity — a policy or programme designed to reserve jobs for people formerly disadvantaged under apartheid
  • equal opportunity — policies that bar discrimination
  • equinoctial point — either of the two points at which the celestial equator intersects the ecliptic
  • explicit function — a function whose values may be computed directly, as y = x2 + 1
  • fluorescent strip — a fluorescent light in the form of a long strip
  • foucault pendulum — a pendulum that demonstrates the rotation of the earth by exhibiting an apparent change in its plane of oscillation.
  • fourfold purchase — a tackle that is composed of a rope passed through two fourfold blocks in such a way as to provide mechanical power in the ratio of 1 to 5 or 1 to 4, depending on whether hauling is done on the running or the standing block and without considering friction. Compare tackle (def 2).
  • frequency polygon — a frequency curve consisting of connected line segments formed by joining the midpoints of the upper edges of the rectangles in a histogram whose class intervals are of uniform length.
  • full linear group — the group of all nonsingular linear transformations mapping a finite-dimensional vector space into itself.
  • function complete — (programming)   State of a software component or system such that each function described by the software's functional specification can be reached by at least one functional path, and attempts to operate as specified.
  • gridiron pendulum — a clock pendulum having, as part of its shaft, an arrangement of brass and steel rods having different coefficients of expansion, such that the pendulum has the same length at any temperature.
  • guadalupe hidalgo — a city in the Federal District of Mexico: famous shrine; peace treaty 1848.
  • henry of portugal — ("the Navigator") 1394–1460, prince of Portugal: sponsor of geographic explorations.
  • hold one's end up — the last part or extremity, lengthwise, of anything that is longer than it is wide or broad: the end of a street; the end of a rope.
  • hospitality suite — a suite or room, as in a hotel or convention center, rented by a business firm, political candidate, or the like, to meet and entertain clients, potential customers, etc.
  • hydrogen sulphide — Chemistry
  • ice-cream parlour — a place where people go to eat ice cream
  • illegal procedure — a penalty assessed against the offensive team for a technical rules violation, as in assuming an illegal formation.
  • impossible figure — a picture of an object that at first sight looks three-dimensional but cannot be a two-dimensional projection of a real three-dimensional object, for example a picture of a staircase that re-enters itself while appearing to ascend continuously
  • inclusion complex — a solid solution in which molecules of one compound occupy places in the crystal lattice of another compound. Compare adduct (def 2).
  • insupportableness — The state of being insupportable; insufferableness.
  • irreproducibility — The quality of not being reproducible.
  • jumping-off place — a place for use as a starting point: Paris was the jumping-off place for our tour of Europe.
  • keep your balance — If you keep your balance, for example when standing in a moving vehicle, you remain steady and do not fall over. If you lose your balance, you become unsteady and fall over.
  • l'hospital's rule — the theorem that for the quotient of two functions satisfying certain conditions on a given closed interval, each having infinite limit or zero as limit at a given point, the limit of the quotient at the given point is equal to the limit of the quotient of the derivatives of each function.
  • la perouse strait — a strait between S Sakhalin Island, Russia and N Hokkaido Island, Japan connecting the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan. 25 miles (40 km) wide.
  • least upper bound — an upper bound that is less than or equal to all the upper bounds of a particular set. 3 is the least upper bound of the set consisting of 1, 2, 3. Abbr.: lub.
  • leizhou peninsula — a peninsula of SE China, in SW Guangdong province, separated from Hainan Island by Hainan Strait
  • lighthouse keeper — a person who mans a lighthouse and makes sure that the light is working properly
  • liquid petrolatum — mineral oil.
  • liquid propellant — a rocket propellant in liquid form.
  • lumpenproletariat — the lowest level of the proletariat comprising unskilled workers, vagrants, and criminals and characterized by a lack of class identification and solidarity.
  • medical procedure — A medical procedure is a medical treatment or operation.
  • methylidyne group — the trivalent group ≡CH.
  • microencapsulated — Encapsulated using microencapsulation.
  • mounted policeman — policemen who patrol on horseback
  • multiple cropping — the use of the same field for two or more crops, whether of the same or of different kinds, successively during a single year.
  • multiple exposure — the filming of more than one scene in a single frame
  • multipotentiality — The capacity to develop in multiple ways; the state of having multiple potentialities.
  • muscle dysmorphia — a mental disorder primarily affecting males, characterized by obsessions about a perceived lack of muscularity, leading to compulsive exercising, use of anabolic steroids, etc. Compare body dysmorphic disorder.
  • neuropathological — (medicine) Of, pertaining to, or arising from neuropathology, the pathology of nerve tissue.
  • neuropharmacology — the branch of pharmacology concerned with the effects of drugs on the nervous system.
  • neurophysiologist — the branch of physiology dealing with the functions of the nervous system.
  • neuropsychologist — A neurologist or psychologist whose speciality is neuropsychology.
  • oil of turpentine — a colorless, flammable, volatile essential oil having a penetrating odor and a pungent, bitter taste, obtained from turpentine oleoresin by distillation: used in paints and varnishes, and in medicine as a carminative, vermifuge, expectorant, rubefacient, and, formerly, as a diuretic.
  • olympic peninsula — a large peninsula of W Washington
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