
9-letter words containing p, o, t, a, c

  • proactive — serving to prepare for, intervene in, or control an expected occurrence or situation, especially a negative or difficult one; anticipatory: proactive measures against crime.
  • procacity — insolence
  • procreant — procreating or generating: a sufficiently procreant breed of fish; a procreant cause.
  • procreate — to beget or generate (offspring).
  • proctodea — parts of the anus
  • prolactin — an anterior pituitary polypeptide hormone that stimulates lactation by the mammary glands at parturition in mammals, the activity of the crop in birds, and in some mammalian species the production of progesterone by the corpus luteum.
  • prostatic — Also, prostatic [pro-stat-ik] /prɒˈstæt ɪk/ (Show IPA). of or relating to the prostate gland.
  • provocant — a person who deliberately behaves controversially to provoke argument or other strong reactions
  • psoriatic — a common chronic, inflammatory skin disease characterized by scaly patches.
  • ptolemaic — of or relating to Ptolemy or his system of astronomy.
  • ptomainic — causing or resulting from ptomaines
  • pyroclast — a piece of lava ejected from a volcano
  • recaption — the taking back without violence of one's property or a member of one's family or household unlawfully in the possession or custody of another.
  • recompact — to pack or join (something) closely together again
  • retropack — a system of retrorockets on a spacecraft
  • rhapontic — a type of rhubarb
  • sarcoptic — related to or caused by itch-mites that cause mange in animals
  • scapegoat — a person or group made to bear the blame for others or to suffer in their place.
  • scapolite — any of a group of minerals of variable composition, essentially silicates of aluminum, calcium, and sodium, occurring as massive aggregates or tetragonal crystals.
  • scarpetto — a type of shoe traditionally worn by Alpine climbers
  • scopulate — broom-shaped; brushlike.
  • shopcraft — any of various skilled trades involving maintenance or repair work, as metalworking or boilermaking, especially in the railroad industry.
  • simpatico — congenial or like-minded; likable: I find our new neighbor simpatico in every respect.
  • sleepcoat — a lightweight, knee-length garment for sleep or lounging, styled like a pajama top and having a sash.
  • sociopath — a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.
  • space out — the unlimited or incalculably great three-dimensional realm or expanse in which all material objects are located and all events occur.
  • spaceport — a site at which spacecraft are tested, launched, sheltered, maintained, etc.
  • spaceshot — a launch of a space vehicle beyond the earth's atmosphere.
  • spectator — a weekly periodical (1711–12, 1714) issued by Joseph Addison and Richard Steele.
  • sport car — a small, high-powered automobile with long, low lines, usually seating two persons.
  • sportance — pleasurable or playful activities
  • spot card — spot (def 10b).
  • spot cash — an amount of money paid immediately in cash
  • stenopaic — (of an optic device) having a narrow opening devised to improve eyesight by limiting obscurations
  • stopwatch — a watch with a hand or hands that can be stopped or started at any instant, used for precise timing, as in races.
  • stroupach — a cup of tea
  • sycophant — a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite.
  • sympatico — simpatico
  • syncopate — Music. to place (the accents) on beats that are normally unaccented. to treat (a passage, piece, etc.) in this way.
  • tape echo — a means of delaying the repeat of a sound by adjusting the time lapse between the recording and playback heads of a tape recorder
  • tocopilla — a seaport in N Chile.
  • top whack — the maximum price
  • top-class — Top-class means among the finest of its kind.
  • topcastle — a large fighting top used in medieval ships.
  • topically — pertaining to or dealing with matters of current or local interest: a topical reference.
  • townscape — a scene or view, either pictorial or natural, of a town or city.
  • trap rock — trap2
  • vitascope — one of the first motion-picture projectors, developed by Thomas Edison.
  • zapotecan — a group of Amerindian languages spoken mainly in Oaxaca, Mexico
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