
15-letter words containing p, o, s, l, e

  • punctiliousness — extremely attentive to punctilios; strict or exact in the observance of the formalities or amenities of conduct or actions.
  • purposelessness — having no purpose or apparent meaning.
  • push one's luck — the force that seems to operate for good or ill in a person's life, as in shaping circumstances, events, or opportunities: With my luck I'll probably get pneumonia.
  • put oneself out — to move or place (anything) so as to get it into or out of a specific location or position: to put a book on the shelf.
  • pyrocrystalline — crystallized from a molten magma or highly heated solution.
  • radar telescope — (in radar astronomy) a very large radar antenna used to study planetary bodies in the solar system.
  • radio telescope — a system consisting of an antenna, either parabolic or dipolar, used to gather radio waves emitted by celestial sources and bring them to a receiver placed in the focus.
  • reception class — A reception class is a class that children go into when they first start school at the age of four or five.
  • refuelling stop — a stop made so that fresh fuel can be supplied (to an aircraft, vehicle, etc)
  • refuse disposal — the act of disposing of rubbish and waste
  • renal corpuscle — Malpighian body (sense 2)
  • reported clause — A reported clause is a subordinate clause that indicates what someone said or thought. For example, in 'She said that she was hungry', 'she was hungry' is a reported clause.
  • resolving power — Optics. the ability of an optical device to produce separate images of close objects.
  • responsibleness — answerable or accountable, as for something within one's power, control, or management (often followed by to or for): He is responsible to the president for his decisions.
  • retail politics — a political strategy or campaign style of meeting and speaking directly to as many voters as possible: New Hampshire is a state where retail politics are decisive. Not every candidate is good at retail politics.
  • retrospectively — with contemplation of past situations, events, etc.: You should examine your relationship retrospectively.
  • sale of produce — the selling of something that is produced, esp agricultural products
  • sales promotion — the methods or techniques for creating public acceptance of or interest in a product, usually in addition to standard merchandising techniques, as advertising or personal selling, and generally consisting of the offer of free samples, gifts made to a purchaser, or the like.
  • samuel prescottSamuel, 1751–77, U.S. patriot during the American Revolution: rode with Paul Revere and William Dawes to warn Colonists that British troops were marching from Boston, April 18, 1775.
  • sauce espagnole — brown sauce.
  • scaphocephalous — of or relating to scaphocephalus
  • scolopendriform — resembling scolopendra
  • screw propeller — a rotary propelling device, as for a ship or airplane, consisting of a number of blades that radiate from a central hub and are so inclined to the plane of rotation as to tend to drive a helical path through the substance in which they rotate.
  • seafood platter — a plate of assorted seafood, served in a restaurant
  • second republic — the republic established in France in 1848 and replaced by the Second Empire in 1852.
  • security police — a police force responsible for maintaining order at a specific locale or under specific circumstances, as at an airport or factory.
  • seidlitz powder — a laxative consisting of two powders, tartaric acid and a mixture of sodium bicarbonate and Rochelle salt (sodium potassium tartrate)
  • self perception — the act or faculty of perceiving, or apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding.
  • self-absorption — preoccupation with oneself or one's own affairs.
  • self-censorship — the act or practice of censoring.
  • self-compatible — able to be fertilized by its own pollen.
  • self-complacent — pleased with oneself; self-satisfied; smug.
  • self-conception — self-concept.
  • self-employment — the act or fact of being self-employed.
  • self-exploiting — to utilize, especially for profit; turn to practical account: to exploit a business opportunity.
  • self-expression — the expression or assertion of one's own personality, as in conversation, behavior, poetry, or painting.
  • self-hypnotized — hypnotized by oneself.
  • self-inspection — the act of inspecting or viewing, especially carefully or critically: an inspection of all luggage on the plane.
  • self-oppression — the feeling of being heavily burdened, mentally or physically, by troubles, adverse conditions, anxiety, etc.
  • self-perception — the act or faculty of perceiving, or apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding.
  • self-persuasion — the act of persuading or seeking to persuade.
  • self-possession — the quality of being self-possessed; control of one's feelings, behavior, etc.; composure; poise.
  • self-proclaimed — to announce or declare in an official or formal manner: to proclaim war.
  • self-production — produced by oneself or itself.
  • self-propulsion — propulsion by a vehicle's own engine, motor, or the like.
  • self-protection — protection of oneself or itself.
  • self-supporting — the supporting or maintaining of oneself or itself without reliance on outside aid.
  • seller's option — (on the New York Stock Exchange) a special transaction that gives the seller the right to make late delivery of a security within a specified period, ranging from 5 to not more than 60 business days for stocks.
  • separate school — (in Canada) a school for a large religious minority financed by its rates and administered by its own school board but under the authority of the provincial department of education
  • sepoy rebellion — the Indian Mutiny of 1857–58
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