
11-letter words containing p, o, l, t, r

  • scriptorial — of or relating to a scriptorium
  • self-profit — Often, profits. pecuniary gain resulting from the employment of capital in any transaction. Compare gross profit, net profit. the ratio of such pecuniary gain to the amount of capital invested. returns, proceeds, or revenue, as from property or investments.
  • serial port — A serial port on a computer is a place where you can connect the computer to a device such as a modem or a mouse.
  • silverpoint — a technique of drawing with a silver stylus on specially prepared paper.
  • slipperwort — any of several tropical American plants belonging to the genus Calceolaria, of the figwort family, having opposite or whorled leaves and slipper-shaped flowers.
  • spectrology — the study of ghosts, phantoms, or apparitions.
  • speculatory — a place suitable for observation
  • spheroplast — a Gram-negative bacterial cell with a cell wall that has been altered or is partly missing, resulting in a spherical shape.
  • sports hall — venue for physical activities
  • sporulation — to produce spores.
  • sporulative — involving or relating to sporulation
  • stipuliform — shaped like a stipule.
  • stoop labor — the physical labor associated with the cultivation or picking of crops in farm fields, especially as performed by poorly paid, unskilled workers.
  • strandloper — a member of an extinct tribe of Khoikhoi or Bushmen who lived on seafood gathered on the beaches of southern Africa
  • stroke play — medal play.
  • stylography — the art of writing, tracing, drawing, etc., with a style.
  • subtropical — bordering on the tropics; nearly tropical.
  • sulphurator — an apparatus used in treating anything with sulphur or sulphur fumes, such as in fumigating
  • sulphurwort — an umbelliferous perennial plant, Peucedanum officinale, of which the roots produce a smell like that of sulphur
  • superpolite — extremely polite
  • supervolute — (of convolute leaves) enveloping a rolled up leaf within the bud
  • supportable — capable of being supported; endurable; maintainable.
  • supracostal — above the rib
  • tele-ported — to transport (a body) by telekinesis.
  • telesphorus — pope a.d. 125?–136?.
  • temporality — temporal character or nature; temporariness.
  • temporalize — to make temporal in time; place in time.
  • temporarily — lasting, existing, serving, or effective for a time only; not permanent: a temporary need; a temporary job.
  • term policy — a policy whose period of coverage is in excess of one year, usually paying a reduced premium rate, as in fire insurance.
  • tetraploidy — having a chromosome number that is four times the basic or haploid number.
  • thermophile — a thermophilic organism.
  • thermopylae — a pass in E Greece, between the cliffs of Mt. Oeta and the Gulf of Lamia: Persian defeat of the Spartans 480 b.c.
  • thorn apple — any poisonous plant belonging to the genus Datura, of the nightshade family, the species of which bear capsules covered with prickly spines, especially the jimson weed, D. stramonium.
  • tidal power — the use of the rise and fall of tides involving very large volumes of water at low heads to generate electric power
  • timbrophily — the love of stamps; stamp collecting
  • tolyl group — any of three univalent, isomeric groups having the formula C 7 H 7 –, derived from toluene.
  • tool pusher — A tool pusher is someone who supervises drilling operations on an oil rig.
  • topless bar — a bar in which barmaids or waitresses work naked from the waist up
  • transportal — an act of transporting
  • trapezoidal — Geometry. a quadrilateral plane figure having two parallel and two nonparallel sides. British. trapezium (def 1b).
  • tripersonal — consisting of or existing in three persons, as the Godhead.
  • tripetalous — having three petals.
  • triphyllous — having three leaves.
  • triple bond — a chemical linkage consisting of three covalent bonds between two atoms of a molecule, represented in chemical formulas by three lines or six dots, as CH≡CH or CH⋮⋮CH.
  • triptolemus — a favorite of Demeter and the inventor of the plow and patron of agriculture, connected with the Eleusinian mysteries.
  • trisepalous — having three sepals.
  • trophically — of or relating to nutrition; concerned in nutritive processes.
  • trophoblast — the layer of extraembryonic ectoderm that chiefly nourishes the embryo or develops into fetal membranes with nutritive functions.
  • trophoplasm — the cytoplasm that is involved in the nutritive processes of a cell
  • tropicality — pertaining to, characteristic of, occurring in, or inhabiting the tropics, especially the humid tropics: tropical flowers.
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