
19-letter words containing p, o, l, e, n, a

  • consultation period — a period during which consultations are held before a policy decision is made
  • contemplative order — a religious order whose members are devoted to prayer rather than works.
  • conventional weapon — a nonnuclear weapon.
  • conversational lisp — (language)   (CLISP) A mixed English-like, ALGOL-like surface syntax for Interlisp.
  • corporal punishment — Corporal punishment is the punishment of people by hitting them.
  • cult of personality — a cult promoting adulation of a living national leader or public figure, as one encouraged by Stalin to extend his power.
  • de-compartmentalize — to divide into categories or compartments.
  • deflate compression — deflate
  • deflationary spiral — Geometry. a plane curve generated by a point moving around a fixed point while constantly receding from or approaching it.
  • dental receptionist — a receptionist working in a dental surgery
  • department of labor — the department of the U.S. federal government that promotes and improves the welfare, opportunities, and working conditions of wage earners. Abbreviation: DOL.
  • departmentalisation — Alternative spelling of departmentalization.
  • departmentalization — to divide into departments.
  • dependable software — software reliability
  • depletion allowance — a tax allowance granted in certain industries, such as the oil and gas industries, to compensate for the depletion of the oil, gas, etc owned by the company
  • development company — a company that buys land and builds houses, offices, shops, or factories on it, or buys existing buildings and makes them more modern
  • directional coupler — (communications)   (tap) A passive device used in cable systems to divide and combine radio frequency signals. A directional coupler has at least three ports: line in, line out, and the tap. The signal passes between line in and line out ports with loss referred to as the insertion loss. A small portion of the signal power applied to the line in port passes to the tap port. A signal applied to the tap port is passed to the line in port less the tap attenuation value. The tap signals are isolated from the line out port to prevent reflections. A signal applied to the line out port passes to the line in port and is isolated from the tap port. Some devices provide more than one tap output line (multi-taps).
  • dispersion relation — the relationship between the angular frequency (ω;) of a wave and the magnitude of its wave vector (k). Thus the wave's speed is ω/k
  • diversional therapy — the structured use of leisure time in recreation and play as a form of or supplement to conventional therapy
  • dobsonian telescope — a relatively inexpensive Newtonian telescope, suitable for visual but not photographic use, in which the tube assembly slips freely in the lower base.
  • echoencephalography — a device that employs reflected ultrasonic waves to examine the position of brain structures.
  • electrode potential — the potential difference developed when an electrode of an element is placed in a solution containing ions of that element
  • electron micrograph — a photograph or image of a specimen taken using an electron microscope
  • electronic graphics — (on television) the production of graphic designs and text by electronic means
  • employment tribunal — (in England, Scotland, and Wales) a tribunal that rules on disputes between employers and employees regarding unfair dismissal, redundancy, etc
  • english toy spaniel — breed of dog
  • entitlement program — a government program providing defined sectors of the population with social benefits
  • equal opportunities — Equal opportunities refers to the policy of giving everyone the same opportunities for employment, pay and promotion, without discriminating against particular groups.
  • european parliament — law: assembly in Strasbourg
  • evaporative cooling — a method of reducing temperature that uses evaporation
  • expressionistically — In an expressionistic manner.
  • family practitioner — medical specialization in general practice, requiring training beyond that of general practice and leading to board certification.
  • female impersonator — a male performer who dresses as and impersonates women.
  • first person plural — a grammatical category of pronouns and verbs used by the speaker to refer to or talk about himself together with others
  • flowering raspberry — a shrub, Rubus ordoratus, of eastern North America, having loose clusters of showy purplish or rose-purple flowers and inedible, dry, red fruit.
  • focal plane shutter — an opaque shield in a camera, lying in the focal plane of the lens, that, when tripped, admits light to expose the film or plate for a predetermined period, usually a fraction of a second
  • focal-plane shutter — a camera shutter situated directly in front of the film.
  • fractal compression — (algorithm)   A technique for encoding images using fractals.
  • free alongside ship — (of a shipment of goods) delivered to the dock without charge to the buyer, but excluding the cost of loading onto the vessel
  • gallipoli peninsula — peninsula in S European Turkey, forming the NW shore of the Dardanelles: c. 55 mi (89 km) long
  • general post office — (in the U.S. postal system) the main post office of a city, county, etc., that also has branch post offices. Abbreviation: G.P.O., GPO.
  • gentleman-pensioner — (formerly) a gentleman-at-arms.
  • geocentric parallax — the apparent displacement of an observed object due to a change in the position of the observer.
  • go jump in the lake — a body of fresh or salt water of considerable size, surrounded by land.
  • gregorian telescope — a telescope similar in design to the Cassegrainian telescope but less widely used.
  • ground-plane aerial — a quarter-wave vertical dipole aerial in which the electrical image forming the other quarter-wave section is formed by reflection in a system of radially disposed metal rods or in a conductive sheet
  • gulf of carpentaria — a shallow inlet of the Arafura Sea, in N Australia between Arnhem Land and Cape York Peninsula
  • gulf of tehuantepec — an inlet of the Pacific on the south coast of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in S Mexico
  • hamiltonian problem — (computability)   (Or "Hamilton's problem") A problem in graph theory posed by William Hamilton: given a graph, is there a path through the graph which visits each vertex precisely once (a "Hamiltonian path")? Is there a Hamiltonian path which ends up where it started (a "Hamiltonian cycle" or "Hamiltonian tour")? Hamilton's problem is NP-complete. It has numerous applications, sometimes completely unexpected, in computing.
  • hang on the lips of — to listen to with close attention
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