
19-letter words containing p, o, i, r

  • incomplete abortion — a miscarriage in which some fetal or placental tissue remains in the uterus.
  • incomplete fracture — a fracture extending partly across the bone.
  • incomprehensibility — impossible to understand or comprehend; unintelligible.
  • incomprehensiveness — The condition of being incomprehensive.
  • incremental plotter — a device that plots graphs on paper from computer-generated instructions
  • index expurgatorius — a list of books now included in the Index Librorum Prohibitorum, forbidden to be read except from expurgated editions.
  • inferiority complex — Psychiatry. intense feeling of inferiority, producing a personality characterized either by extreme reticence or, as a result of overcompensation, by extreme aggressiveness.
  • inflationary spiral — Geometry. a plane curve generated by a point moving around a fixed point while constantly receding from or approaching it.
  • inglenook fireplace — a large fireplace with a space on either side
  • inprise corporation — Borland Software Corporation.
  • insect pest control — the killing, reduction or elimination of insects which are pests, using insecticide, etc
  • instant photography — photography using an instant camera.
  • intangible property — intellectual property, rights ownership
  • intercardinal point — any of the four points of the compass midway between the cardinal points; northeast, southeast, southwest, or northwest.
  • international pitch — diapason normal pitch.
  • interrogation point — question mark.
  • invasion of privacy — an encroachment upon the right to be let alone or to be free from publicity.
  • ionotropic receptor — a receptor that functions directly by opening ion channels that enable specific ions to stream in an out of the cell
  • ipratropium bromide — an anticholinergic bronchodilator, C 20 H 30 BrNO 3 , used in the treatment of chronic bronchitis and in airway obstruction diseases.
  • isobutyl propionate — a colorless liquid, C 7 H 14 O 2 , used chiefly as a paint, varnish, and lacquer solvent.
  • japanese arborvitae — a Japanese evergreen tree, Thuja standishii, having spreading branches with bright-green leaves.
  • jockey for position — If someone is jockeying for position, they are using whatever methods they can in order to get into a better position than their rivals.
  • joseph of arimathea — a wealthy disciple who provided a tomb for Jesus' body: Matt. 27:57-60
  • judicial separation — a decree of legal separation of spouses that does not dissolve the marriage bond.
  • keep one's shirt on — a long- or short-sleeved garment for the upper part of the body, usually lightweight and having a collar and a front opening.
  • kellogg-briand pact — a treaty renouncing war as an instrument of national policy and urging peaceful means for the settlement of international disputes, originally signed in 1928 by 15 nations, later joined by 49 others.
  • kilobits per second — (unit)   (kbps, kb/s) A unit of data rate where 1 kb/s = 1000 bits per second. This contrasts with units of storage where 1 Kb = 1024 bits (note upper case K).
  • kirlian photography — a photographic process that supposedly records electrical discharges naturally emanating from living objects, producing an auralike glow surrounding the object on a photographic plate or film with which the object is in direct contact.
  • knights hospitalers — a member of the religious and military order (Knights Hospitalers or Knights of St. John of Jerusalem) originating about the time of the first Crusade (1096–99) and taking its name from a hospital at Jerusalem.
  • land of opportunity — Arkansas (used as a nickname).
  • leisure occupations — activities which you enjoy and which you perform in your free time
  • life-support system — A life-support system is the same as a life-support machine.
  • linear polarization — polarization of light in which the vibrations are confined to a single plane, that of the wave front.
  • lipopolysaccharides — Plural form of lipopolysaccharide.
  • load-bearing printf — (programming, humour)   The kind of bug present in a program which works correctly when producing debug output but fails when the debugging is turned off. The expression combines load-bearing wall and printf as used in debugging by printf.
  • locomotive workshop — a place where locomotives are built or repaired
  • longitudinal parity — (storage, communications)   An extra byte (or word) appended to a block of data in order to reveal corruption of the data. Bit n of this byte indicates whether there was an even or odd number of "1" bits in bit position n of the bytes in the block. The parity byte is computed by XORing the data bytes in the block. Longitudinal parity allows single bit errors to be detected.
  • lose no opportunity — If you say that someone loses no opportunity to do or say a particular thing, you are emphasizing that they do it or say it whenever it is possible.
  • lymphoproliferation — (medicine) the excessive production of lymphocytes.
  • lymphoproliferative — Characterized by lymphoproliferation.
  • maestro di cappella — a person in charge of an orchestra, esp a private one attached to the palace of a prince in Italy during the baroque period
  • magnetic north pole — the point on Earth to where a compass needle points, and which is situated near the geographic North Pole. However, with time, the exact location can vary.
  • make a pig's ear of — to ruin disastrously
  • means of production — resources: equipment, workers
  • megabits per second — (unit)   (Mbps, Mb/s) Millions of bits per second. A unit of data rate. 1 Mb/s = 1,000,000 bits per second (not 1,048,576). E.g. Ethernet can carry 10 Mbps.
  • membership function — fuzzy subset
  • mercator projection — a conformal projection on which any rhumb line is represented as a straight line, used chiefly in navigation, though the scale varies with latitude and areal size and the shapes of large areas are greatly distorted.
  • metaphosphoric acid — an acid, HPO 3 , derived from phosphorous pentoxide, and containing the smallest amount of water of the phosphoric acids.
  • metropolitan county — (in England) any of the six conurbations established as administrative units in the new local government system in 1974; the metropolitan county councils were abolished in 1986
  • metropolitanization — to make metropolitan.
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