
15-letter words containing p, o, i, r

  • treaty of paris — a treaty of 1763 signed by Britain, France, and Spain that ended their involvement in the Seven Years' War
  • trifluoperazine — a compound, C 21 H 24 F 3 N 3 S, used as an antipsychotic.
  • tropicalization — to make tropical, as in character or appearance.
  • trypanosomiasis — any infection caused by a trypanosome.
  • turkish cypriot — denoting ethnically Turkish inhabitants of Cyprus
  • typographically — of or relating to typography.
  • ultra-patriotic — of, like, suitable for, or characteristic of a patriot.
  • ultramicroscope — an instrument that uses scattering phenomena to detect the position of objects too small to be seen by an ordinary microscope.
  • ultramicroscopy — the use of the ultramicroscope.
  • umbrella policy — An umbrella policy is a policy that provides excess limits and gives additional excess coverage over the normal limits and coverage of liability policies.
  • unary operation — an operation in a mathematical system by which one element is used to yield a single result, as squaring or taking the square root.
  • uncomplimentary — of the nature of, conveying, or expressing a compliment, often one that is politely flattering: a complimentary remark.
  • uncomprehending — to understand the nature or meaning of; grasp with the mind; perceive: He did not comprehend the significance of the ambassador's remark.
  • uncomprehensive — of large scope; covering or involving much; inclusive: a comprehensive study of world affairs.
  • uncompromisable — that cannot or should not be compromised
  • uncooperatively — in an uncooperative or unhelpful manner
  • uncopyrightable — not able to be copyrighted
  • uncorresponding — identical in all essentials or respects: corresponding fingerprints.
  • under suspicion — suspected of a crime
  • underpopulation — having a population lower than is normal or desirable.
  • underproduction — production that is less than normal or than is required by the demand.
  • unix conspiracy — [ITS] According to a conspiracy theory long popular among ITS and TOPS-20 fans, Unix's growth is the result of a plot, hatched during the 1970s at Bell Labs, whose intent was to hobble AT&T's competitors by making them dependent upon a system whose future evolution was to be under AT&T's control. This would be accomplished by disseminating an operating system that is apparently inexpensive and easily portable, but also relatively unreliable and insecure (so as to require continuing upgrades from AT&T). This theory was lent a substantial impetus in 1984 by the paper referenced in the back door entry. In this view, Unix was designed to be one of the first computer viruses (see virus) - but a virus spread to computers indirectly by people and market forces, rather than directly through disks and networks. Adherents of this "Unix virus" theory like to cite the fact that the well-known quotation "Unix is snake oil" was uttered by DEC president Kenneth Olsen shortly before DEC began actively promoting its own family of Unix workstations. (Olsen now claims to have been misquoted.)
  • unopportunistic — adhering to a policy of opportunism; practicing opportunism.
  • unpatriotically — in a manner that is not enthusiastically supporting one's country and its ways of life
  • unpolished rice — a partly refined rice, hulled and deprived of its germ but retaining some bran.
  • unprepossessing — that impresses favorably; engaging or attractive: a confident and prepossessing young man.
  • unpretentiously — without pretension
  • unprogressively — in an unprogressive manner
  • unproportionate — proportioned; being in due proportion; proportional.
  • unprotestantize — to make something (e.g. a church, country, etc) a religion other than Protestant
  • unsportsmanlike — a man who engages in sports, especially in some open-air sport, as hunting, fishing, racing, etc.
  • upper arlington — a city in central Ohio, near Columbus.
  • upward mobility — movement from one social level to a higher one (upward mobility) or a lower one (downward mobility) as by changing jobs or marrying.
  • upwardly mobile — See under vertical mobility (def 1).
  • uropygial gland — a gland opening on the back at the base of the tail in most birds that secretes an oily fluid used by the bird in preening its feathers.
  • utility program — system software used to perform standard operations, as sorting data or copying data from one file to another, for application programs or other system software.
  • variola porcina — an acute infectious viral disease of pigs characterized by skin eruptions
  • vernier compass — a compass on a transit (vernier transit) having a vernier for adjusting magnetic bearings to read as true bearings.
  • vespertilionine — of or relating to the bats of the subfamily Vespertilioninae, common in temperate regions and including most familiar species.
  • vicar apostolic — Roman Catholic Church. a titular bishop serving either in a district where no episcopal see has been established, or in one where the succession of bishops has been interrupted.
  • vine phylloxera — a homopterous insect, Phylloxera vitifolia, typically feeding on vine juices
  • viper's bugloss — the blueweed.
  • visible exports — goods sold to a foreign country or countries
  • visible imports — products that a company or country buys from other countries
  • voronoi polygon — (mathematics, graphics)   For a member s of a set S of points in a Euclidean space, the locus of points in the plane that are closer to s than to any other member of S.
  • voting precinct — one of several areas, each containing a polling place, into which a town or city is split for voting purposes
  • water pollution — the pollution of the sea and rivers
  • weapons carrier — a light truck for transporting weapons or munitions in the field.
  • weatherproofing — Present participle of weatherproof.
  • white corpuscle — white blood cell.
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