
11-letter words containing p, o, i, r

  • sporulative — involving or relating to sporulation
  • spot strike — a labor strike by a local branch of a union.
  • spring lock — a lock that fastens automatically by a spring.
  • spring roll — an egg roll.
  • spring snow — corn snow.
  • springboard — a flexible board, projecting over water, from which divers leap or spring.
  • springhouse — a small storehouse built over a spring or part of a brook, for keeping such foods as meat and dairy products cool and fresh.
  • stasimorphy — structural modification by arrested development
  • stereoptics — the branch of stereoscopy that is concerned with optics
  • stereotypic — a process, now often replaced by more advanced methods, for making metal printing plates by taking a mold of composed type or the like in papier-mâché or other material and then taking from this mold a cast in type metal.
  • stipitiform — having the form of a stipe.
  • stipuliform — shaped like a stipule.
  • strip joint — a nightclub or other establishment featuring striptease performances.
  • strip poker — a game of poker in which the losers in a hand remove an article of clothing.
  • strongpoint — a fortified defensive position; stronghold.
  • subprioress — a nun junior to a prioress
  • subtropical — bordering on the tropics; nearly tropical.
  • sun-worship — the act of worshipping the sun as a deity
  • superegoist — an exceptionally selfish or self-centred person; someone who is very self-important
  • superheroic — Also, heroical. of, relating to, or characteristic of a hero or heroine.
  • superimpose — to impose, place, or set over, above, or on something else.
  • superiority — the quality or condition of being superior.
  • supernation — a large body of people, associated with a particular territory, that is sufficiently conscious of its unity to seek or to possess a government peculiarly its own: The president spoke to the nation about the new tax.
  • superpolite — extremely polite
  • superprofit — above-average profits gained through enterprise
  • supersonics — the branch of science that deals with supersonic phenomena.
  • supervision — the act or function of supervising; superintendence.
  • supervisory — of, relating to, or having supervision.
  • suppository — a solid, conical mass of medicinal substance that melts upon insertion into the rectum or vagina.
  • suppression — the act of suppressing.
  • suppuration — the process of suppurating.
  • surgeonship — the position or responsibility of a surgeon
  • suspiration — a long, deep sigh.
  • sword-point — the point of a sword
  • symposiarch — the president, director, or master of a symposium.
  • taboparesis — the occurrence of two conditions (general paresis and tabes dorsalis) at the same time
  • temporality — temporal character or nature; temporariness.
  • temporalize — to make temporal in time; place in time.
  • temporarily — lasting, existing, serving, or effective for a time only; not permanent: a temporary need; a temporary job.
  • temporizing — an agreement for a limited period of time
  • term policy — a policy whose period of coverage is in excess of one year, usually paying a reduced premium rate, as in fire insurance.
  • terpsichore — Classical Mythology. the Muse of dancing and choral song.
  • tetraploidy — having a chromosome number that is four times the basic or haploid number.
  • the tropics — that part of the earth's surface between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn; the Torrid Zone
  • theomorphic — having the form or likeness of God or a deity.
  • thermophile — a thermophilic organism.
  • thixotropic — the property exhibited by certain gels of becoming liquid when stirred or shaken.
  • thoroughpin — an abnormal swelling just above the hock of a horse, usually appearing on both sides of the leg and sometimes causing lameness.
  • thrift shop — a retail store that sells secondhand goods at reduced prices.
  • thyrotropic — capable of stimulating the thyroid gland.
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