
11-letter words containing p, o, i, r

  • angiography — a method of obtaining an X-ray of blood vessels by injecting into them a substance, such as one containing iodine, that shows up as opaque on an X-ray picture
  • anisocarpic — (of a flower) having a lower number of carpels than of other floral parts.
  • anisopteran — belonging or pertaining to the suborder Anisoptera, comprising the dragonflies.
  • anisotropic — not isotropic; having different physical properties in different directions
  • antatrophic — preventing or curing atrophy.
  • anteportico — a lesser portico preceding a main portico.
  • anthropical — relating to human nature
  • anthropoids — Plural form of anthropoid.
  • anticipator — to realize beforehand; foretaste or foresee: to anticipate pleasure.
  • antihyperon — the antiparticle of the hyperon
  • antileprosy — acting against leprosy
  • antiphonary — a bound collection of antiphons, esp for use in the divine office
  • antipopular — opposed to the people or to popular cause
  • antipoverty — acting against poverty
  • antiprotons — Plural form of antiproton.
  • antipyrotic — relieving the pain and stimulating the healing of burns.
  • antistrophe — the second of two movements made by a chorus during the performance of a choral ode
  • aphrodisiac — An aphrodisiac is a food, drink, or drug which is said to make people want to have sex.
  • apodyterium — the changing room in an ancient Roman bathhouse
  • apoferritin — a homogeneous protein, found especially in the intestinal mucosa and the liver, that interacts with a ferric hydroxide-ferric phosphate complex to form ferritin.
  • apollinaire — Guillaume (ɡijom), real name Wilhelm Apollinaris de Kostrowitzki. 1880–1918, French poet, novelist, and dramatist, regarded as a precursor of surrealism; author of Alcoöls (1913) and Calligrammes (1918)
  • apollinaris — an effervescent mineral water
  • apomorphine — a white crystalline alkaloid, derived from morphine, that is used medicinally as an emetic, as an expectorant, and in Parkinson's disease. Formula: C17H17NO2
  • aponeurosis — a white fibrous sheet of tissue by which certain muscles are attached to bones
  • aponeurotic — a whitish, fibrous membrane that connects a muscle to a bone or fascia.
  • apoproteins — Plural form of apoprotein.
  • apostlebird — an omnivorous bird, Struthidea cinerea, of eastern Australia, that has chiefly dark gray-brown plumage with white tail markings and is noted for its habit of traveling in groups of about 12 related individuals.
  • apostrophic — a digression in the form of an address to someone not present, or to a personified object or idea, as “O Death, where is thy sting?”.
  • apotropaism — the use of ritual or magic to ward off evil or bad luck
  • apparations — Plural form of apparation.
  • apparitions — Plural form of apparition.
  • applicators — Plural form of applicator.
  • applicatory — suitable for application
  • apportioned — to distribute or allocate proportionally; divide and assign according to some rule of proportional distribution: to apportion expenses among the three men.
  • apportioner — to distribute or allocate proportionally; divide and assign according to some rule of proportional distribution: to apportion expenses among the three men.
  • apprecation — (obsolete) Earnest prayer; devout wish.
  • appreciator — to be grateful or thankful for: They appreciated his thoughtfulness.
  • appressoria — a flattened and thickened tip of a hyphal branch, formed by some parasitic fungi, that facilitates penetration of the host plant.
  • approaching — coming closer in time
  • approbating — Present participle of approbate.
  • approbation — Approbation is approval of something or agreement to it.
  • approbative — showing approbation or approval
  • appropinque — to approach
  • appropriacy — the condition of delicate and precise fittingness of a word or expression to its context, even when it is chosen from a number of close synonyms
  • appropriate — Something that is appropriate is suitable or acceptable for a particular situation.
  • approvingly — to speak or think favorably of; pronounce or consider agreeable or good; judge favorably: to approve the policies of the administration.
  • approximant — an articulation in which one articulator is close to another, but not sufficiently so to form a stop or a fricative.
  • approximate — An approximate number, time, or position is close to the correct number, time, or position, but is not exact.
  • apricot jam — a sweet preserve made from apricots
  • aprioristic — belief in, or reliance upon, a priori reasoning, arguments, or principles.
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