
10-letter words containing p, o, i, r

  • resumption — the act of resuming; a reassumption, as of something previously granted.
  • rhapsodist — a person who rhapsodizes.
  • rhapsodize — to talk with extravagant enthusiasm.
  • rheopectic — the property exhibited by certain slow-gelling, thixotropic sols of gelling more rapidly when the containing vessel is shaken gently.
  • rhinophyma — a red-coloured bump or bumps on the nose which form as a result of enlarged sebaceous glands and rosacea
  • rhinoscope — a special instrument used to examine the nasal passages
  • rhinoscopy — examination of the nasal passages, esp with a rhinoscope
  • rhizomorph — a cordlike fusion of hyphae that leads certain fungi across various substrates like a root through soil.
  • rhizophore — a downward-growing stem in moss that forms roots
  • rhizoplane — the part of the root of a plant that is near the soil surface
  • ribbentrop — Joachim von [yoh-ah-khim fuh n] /ˈyoʊ ɑ xɪm fən/ (Show IPA), 1893–1946, German leader in the Nazi party: minister of foreign affairs 1938–45; executed for war crimes.
  • riflescope — a telescopic sight mounted on top of a rifle that helps to improve one's aim by magnifying and pinpointing a target.
  • ripcording — (audio)   (From "ripping" and "recording") Encoding streaming digital audio from the Internet to an MP3 file or similar. Ripcording is commononly used to copy commercial music from a free stream instead of paying to download.
  • ripidolite — a mineral of the chlorite group, essentially hydrated magnesium and aluminum silicate with some ferrous iron.
  • riproaring — boisterously wild and exciting; riotous: Have a rip-roaring good time.
  • ripsnorter — something or someone exceedingly strong or violent: a ripsnorter of a gale.
  • roach clip — a small tweezerlike clip for holding the butt of a marijuana cigarette.
  • rock pipit — a small passerine bird; Anthus petrosis
  • rock tripe — any lichen of the genus Umbilicaria.
  • rood spire — a spire over the crossing of a church.
  • ropemaking — the act, skill, or process of fabricating rope.
  • ropinirole — a dopamine agonist used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease.
  • rose aphid — a dark green aphid, Macrosiphum rosae, that feeds on roses and related plants.
  • rough spin — hard or unfair treatment
  • round trip — a trip to a given place and back again: Fares for round trips often have a discount.
  • rupicolous — rupestrine.
  • russophile — a person who is friendly to, admires, or prefers Russia or Russian customs, institutions, etc.
  • saponifier — to convert (a fat) into soap by treating with an alkali.
  • saprogenic — producing putrefaction or decay, as certain bacteria.
  • sarcopenia — reduction in muscle tissue as a result of ageing
  • sarcophagi — a stone coffin, especially one bearing sculpture, inscriptions, etc., often displayed as a monument.
  • sarcophile — a flesh-eating animal, especially the Tasmanian devil.
  • schizocarp — a dry, dehiscent fruit that at maturity splits into two or more one-seeded carpels.
  • scorpaenid — belonging or pertaining to the Scorpaenidae, a family of marine fishes with spiny fins, including the rockfishes, scorpionfishes, and lionfishes.
  • scrap iron — old iron to be remelted or reworked.
  • scriptoria — a room, as in a monastery, library, or other institution, where manuscripts are stored, read, or copied.
  • scyphiform — shaped like a cup or goblet.
  • semaphoric — an apparatus for conveying information by means of visual signals, as a light whose position may be changed.
  • separation — an act or instance of separating or the state of being separated.
  • shop right — the right of an employer to use an employee's invention without compensating the employee for the use, in cases where the invention was made at the place of and during the hours of employment.
  • shopfitter — a worker who makes and installs fittings for commercial premises
  • shoplifter — a person who steals goods from the shelves or displays of a retail store while posing as a customer.
  • shropshire — a former county in W England, now part of Salop.
  • simferopol — a city in S Ukraine, on the S Crimean Peninsula.
  • simon pure — real; genuine: a simon-pure accent.
  • simon-pure — real; genuine: a simon-pure accent.
  • sine prole — without offspring or progeny: to die sine prole.
  • ski troops — a body of soldiers trained to fight on skis.
  • soil creep — creep of soil on even slopes; often accelerated by spring freeze-and-thaw or general periglacial conditions. Compare creep (def 22a).
  • soil group — one of a number of soil classes having the same kinds of horizons in the same sequence and under similar moisture and temperature regimes.
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