
18-letter words containing p, o, i, r, e

  • optical disc drive — optical disk drive
  • optical disk drive — (hardware)   (Or "optical disc drive", "optical storage") A generic term for any device that reads and/or writes optical media, i.e. compact discs, DVDs and/or Blu-ray discs or future media that uses light (from a small laser) to read data off a removable, rotating disk. At least one such drive is commonly installed in most personal computers to allow them to play and/or record audio and video media and load and store data such as program installers. The floppy disk has been replaced by optical media due to its vastly greater capacity, e.g. 50,000 megabytes for a dual-layer blu-ray disc compared with 1.5 megabytes for a floppy (over 30,000 times as much).
  • optical microscope — traditional magnifying instrument
  • oracle corporation — (company)   The world's leading supplier of information management software. The company, worth $2 billion, offers its products, along with related consulting, education and support services in more than 90 countries around the world. Oracle is best known for its database management systems vendor and relational DBMS products. Oracle develops and markets Oracle Media Server and the Oracle7 family of software products for database management; Co-operative Development Environment and Oracle Co-operative Applications Oracle software runs on personal digital assistants, set-top boxs, IBM PCs, workstations, minicomputers, mainframes and massively parallel computers. Oracle bought Sun Microsystems on 2009-04-20. See also Adaptable User Interface, Bookviewer, CASE*Method, Component Integration Laboratories, DDE Manager, Online Media, Oracle Card, Oracle*CASE, siod. Address: Redwood Shores, CA, USA.
  • oral contraceptive — birth-control pill.
  • oriental scops owl — any of a group of small owls having ear tufts and a whistling call, especially Otus scops (Old World scops owl) and O. sunia (Oriental scops owl)
  • orthopedic surgery — corrective operation on bones or joints
  • outer automorphism — an automorphism that is not an inner automorphism.
  • over-extrapolation — to infer (an unknown) from something that is known; conjecture.
  • over-pronunciation — to pronounce (a word, syllable, etc.) in an exaggerated, affected, or excessively careful manner.
  • overcapitalization — The state of being overcapitalized.
  • overinterpretation — the act of interpreting; elucidation; explication: This writer's work demands interpretation.
  • overpressurization — pressure in excess of normal atmospheric pressure, as that caused by an explosion's shock wave or created in an accelerating airplane.
  • overprotectiveness — unduly protective.
  • overrepresentation — to give too much representation to; represent in numbers that are disproportionately high.
  • overspecialization — excessive specialization, as in a field of study.
  • ox-tongue partisan — a shafted weapon having a long, wide, tapering blade.
  • pacinian corpuscle — (sometimes lowercase) a microscopic, onionlike body consisting of layers of connective tissue wrapped around a nerve ending, located in the deep layers of skin, tendons, etc., and functioning as a sensory receptor of pressure and vibration.
  • paint the town red — a substance composed of solid coloring matter suspended in a liquid medium and applied as a protective or decorative coating to various surfaces, or to canvas or other materials in producing a work of art.
  • pair of spectacles — a score of 0 in each innings of a match
  • palmer archipelago — a group of islands in the South Atlantic Ocean, off the NW coast of the Antarctic Peninsula.
  • pan american union — a former organization of American republics dedicated to furthering understanding and peace: replaced in 1970 by the secretariat of the Organization of American States.
  • parallel computing — parallel processing
  • parallel evolution — the independent development of closely corresponding adaptive features in two or more groups of organisms that occupy different but equivalent habitats, as marsupial mammals in Australia and placental mammals on other continents.
  • parallel importing — the importing of certain goods, esp pharmaceutical drugs, by dealers who undersell local manufacturers
  • parallel reduction — A form of applicative order reduction in which all redexes in an expression are reduced simultaneously. Variants include parallel outermost reduction and lenient reduction. See normal order reduction.
  • partial evaluation — (compiler, algorithm)   (Or "specialisation") An optimisation technique where the compiler evaluates some subexpressions at compile-time. For example, Partial evaluation might change the termination properties of the program if, for example, the expression (x * 0) was reduced to 0 it would terminate even if x (and thus x * 0) did not. It may be necessary to reorder an expression to partially evaluate it, e.g. f x y = (x + y) + 1 g z = f 3 z If we rewrite f: f x y = (x + 1) + y then the expression x+1 becomes a constant for the function g and we can say g z = f 3 z = (3 + 1) + z = 4 + z Partial evaluation of built-in functions applied to constant arguments is known as constant folding. See also full laziness.
  • passing-out parade — a ceremonial parade of cadets who have completed their training
  • passive vocabulary — all the words, collectively, that a person can understand
  • peacekeeping force — a force designated to the maintenance of peace, esp the prevention of further fighting between hostile forces in an area
  • peasant proprietor — a peasant who owns land, especially the land he or she tills.
  • pectoral sandpiper — an American sandpiper, Calidris melanotos, the male of which, when courting, inflates its chest conspicuously.
  • pellitory of spain — a small Mediterranean plant, Anacyclus pyrethrum, the root of which contains an oil formerly used to relieve toothache: family Asteraceae (composites)
  • pensioneer trustee — (in Britain) a person authorized by HMRC to oversee the management of a pension fund
  • people trafficking — the practice of bringing immigrants into a country illegally
  • peppermint camphor — menthol.
  • percussion flaking — a method of forming a flint tool by striking flakes from a stone core with another stone or a piece of bone or wood.
  • percussion section — orchestra, group: drums, etc.
  • percussion welding — a form of resistance welding in which the required pressure is provided by a hammerlike blow.
  • perfect continuous — perfect progressive.
  • perfect contrition — sincere penitence or remorse.
  • performance artist — an artist that is involved in a theatrical presentation that incorporates various art forms, such as dance, sculpture, music, etc
  • periodic inventory — Periodic inventory is a method of valuing inventory, usually at the end of accounting periods, by physically counting all merchandise held in stock at that time.
  • perish the thought — to die or be destroyed through violence, privation, etc.: to perish in an earthquake.
  • perlocutionary act — the action of affecting someone by uttering certain words
  • pernicious anaemia — Pernicious anaemia is a very severe blood disease.
  • personal assistant — aide
  • personal exemption — Your personal exemption is the amount of money that is deducted from your gross income before you have to start paying income tax.
  • personal insurance — insurance on personal risk, such as car insurance, health insurance or loss of earnings insurance
  • personal organizer — a small notebook with sections for personal information, as dates and addresses.
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