
17-letter words containing p, o, i, r, e, t

  • pre-technological — of or relating to technology; relating to science and industry.
  • precision casting — investment casting.
  • predatory pricing — If a company practises predatory pricing, it charges a much lower price for its products or services than its competitors in order to force them out of the market.
  • prefect apostolic — the administrator, usually below the rank of bishop, in charge of a prefecture apostolic.
  • preferential shop — a shop in which union members are preferred, usually by agreement of an employer with a union.
  • premonstratensian — a member of a religious order founded at Prémontré in N France in 1120 by St Norbert (about 1080–1134)
  • prerogative court — a former ecclesiastical court in England and Ireland for the trial of certain testamentary cases.
  • prescription drug — medication available only on doctor's instruction
  • presentation copy — a copy of a book given by the publisher or author
  • presentationalism — a style of production in which the audience is addressed directly with songs, skits, exposition, etc., and no attempt is made at realism.
  • press association — an organization formed for the purpose of gathering news for transmittal to its members. Compare news agency.
  • previous question — a move that a vote be taken at once on a main question, used especially as a means of cutting off further debate.
  • primary dentition — the deciduous dentition
  • primary education — junior, elementary schooling
  • primary intention — Logic. See under intention (def 5a).
  • primary-intention — an act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result.
  • priority check-in — Priority check-in at a hotel is an arrangement which allows a guest to check in without waiting in a line.
  • private education — education provided by a private individual or organization, rather than by the state or a public body
  • private ownership — the fact of being owned by a private individual or organization, rather than by the state or a public body
  • pro-environmental — the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings; milieu.
  • probability curve — a curve that describes the distribution of probability over the values of a random variable.
  • probation officer — an officer who investigates and reports on the conduct of offenders who are free on probation.
  • production number — a specialty number or routine, usually performed by the entire cast consisting of musicians, singers, dancers, stars, etc., of a musical comedy, vaudeville show, or the like.
  • production system — (programming)   A production system consists of a collection of productions (rules), a working memory of facts and an algorithm, known as forward chaining, for producing new facts from old. A rule becomes eligible to "fire" when its conditions match some set of elements currently in working memory. A conflict resolution strategy determines which of several eligible rules (the conflict set) fires next. A condition is a list of symbols which represent constants, which must be matched exactly; variables which bind to the thing they match and "<> symbol" which matches a field not equal to symbol. Example production systems are OPS5, CLIPS, flex.
  • production values — the quality of a media production (such as a film) in regards to elements such as colours, quality, style, etc
  • profile component — attainment targets in different subjects brought together for the general assessment of a pupil
  • progressive party — a political party formed in 1912 under the leadership of Theodore Roosevelt, advocating popular control of government, direct primaries, the initiative, the referendum, woman suffrage, etc.
  • promotional event — occasion organized to market or advertise sth
  • proof of identity — a document or documents used to verify someone's identity
  • property mistress — a female member of the stage crew in charge of the stage properties
  • proprietary brand — a brand of product that is privately owned and controlled
  • prosperity gospel — a modern version or, according to some, perversion of the gospel according to which the full blessings of God available to those who approach Him in faith and obedience include wealth, health and power
  • prostatic utricle — a small pouch near the prostate gland that opens into the urethra.
  • protected species — a species of animal or plant which it is forbidden by law to harm or destroy
  • protection factor — a figure representing the relative degree of protection from the sun's rays afforded by a particular sunscreen
  • protection racket — a criminal activity in which money gangsters extort money from victims in exchange for freedom from molestation
  • protective system — protectionism (def 1).
  • protective tariff — a tariff levied on imports to protect the domestic economy rather than to raise revenue
  • protein synthesis — the process by which amino acids are linearly arranged into proteins through the involvement of ribosomal RNA, transfer RNA, messenger RNA, and various enzymes.
  • proton microscope — a powerful type of microscope that uses a beam of protons, giving high resolution and sharp contrast
  • pseudo-democratic — pertaining to or of the nature of democracy or a democracy.
  • pseudo-historical — of, pertaining to, treating, or characteristic of history or past events: historical records; historical research.
  • pseudo-moralistic — a person who teaches or inculcates morality.
  • psychometric test — a test designed to test a person's mental state, personality and thought processes
  • psychotherapeutic — psychotherapy.
  • pterygoid process — either of two long bony plates extending downwards from each side of the sphenoid bone within the skull
  • public prosecutor — an officer charged with the conduct of criminal prosecution in the interest of the public.
  • publicity officer — a person who is employed to get publicity for an organization, or to provide information about it
  • put into practice — If you put a belief or method into practice, you behave or act in accordance with it.
  • put the finger on — to inform on or identify, esp for the police
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