
15-letter words containing p, o, i, r, e, t

  • seidlitz powder — a laxative consisting of two powders, tartaric acid and a mixture of sodium bicarbonate and Rochelle salt (sodium potassium tartrate)
  • self perception — the act or faculty of perceiving, or apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding.
  • self-absorption — preoccupation with oneself or one's own affairs.
  • self-perception — the act or faculty of perceiving, or apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding.
  • self-production — produced by oneself or itself.
  • self-protection — protection of oneself or itself.
  • self-supporting — the supporting or maintaining of oneself or itself without reliance on outside aid.
  • seller's option — (on the New York Stock Exchange) a special transaction that gives the seller the right to make late delivery of a security within a specified period, ranging from 5 to not more than 60 business days for stocks.
  • septentrionally — northwards; in the direction of the north
  • serendipitously — come upon or found by accident; fortuitous: serendipitous scientific discoveries.
  • shopping center — a group of stores within a single architectural plan, supplying most of the basic shopping needs, especially in suburban areas.
  • shopping centre — A shopping centre is a specially built area containing a lot of different shops.
  • simple fraction — a ratio of two integers.
  • simple majority — less than half of the total votes cast but more than the minimum required to win, as when there are more than two candidates or choices.
  • sinorespiratory — of, relating to, or affecting the paranasal sinuses and the respiratory tract.
  • slide projector — device for showing slides
  • sole proprietor — only owner
  • somatic therapy — any of a group of treatments presumed to act on biological factors leading to mental illness.
  • southern paiute — See under Paiute (def 2).
  • spanish trefoil — alfalfa.
  • spectrochemical — of, relating to, or utilizing the techniques of spectrochemistry.
  • speed indicator — an instrument for counting the number of revolutions of a gasoline engine.
  • spermatoblastic — relating to a spermatoblast
  • spermatogenesis — the origin and development of spermatozoa.
  • sphaerosiderite — a type of siderite
  • spheroidization — the conversion of grains into spheroids
  • spiral notebook — a notebook held together by a coil of wire passed through small holes punched at the back edge of the covers and individual pages
  • spirits of wine — alcohol (def 1).
  • spirochaetaemia — the presence of spirochaetes in the blood
  • sporting chance — an even or fair opportunity for a favorable outcome in an enterprise, as winning in a game of chance or in any kind of contest: They gave the less experienced players a sporting chance by handicapping the experts.
  • sports medicine — a field of medicine concerned with the functioning of the human body during physical activity and with the prevention and treatment of athletic injuries.
  • st. christopherSaint, died a.d. c250, Christian martyr.
  • steak au poivre — pepper steak (def 2).
  • stereotypically — in a stereotypical manner
  • stilpnosiderite — a resinous variety of limonite with a black-brown colour
  • strephosymbolia — a condition of perceiving objects as their mirror image and, specifically, having difficulty in distinguishing letters in words
  • streptobacillus — any of various bacilli that form in chains.
  • stress position — an enforced body position, applied esp in the interrogation of detainees, which causes the victim pain by concentrating a large amount of his or her weight on a small number of muscles, joints, etc
  • stretch a point — a sharp or tapering end, as of a dagger.
  • styloid process — a long, spinelike process of a bone, especially the projection from the base of the temporal bone.
  • subperiosteally — the normal investment of bone, consisting of a dense, fibrous outer layer, to which muscles attach, and a more delicate, inner layer capable of forming bone.
  • subreptitiously — in a subreptitious manner
  • sulfite process — a process for making wood pulp by digesting wood chips in an acid liquor consisting of sulfurous acid and a salt, usually calcium bisulfite.
  • super-committee — a committee with members from two or more organizations or political groups
  • superconvenient — highly convenient
  • superexaltation — extreme or supreme exaltation; the act of superexalting; the process or condition of being superexalted
  • superexcitation — the act of exciting.
  • superimposition — to impose, place, or set over, above, or on something else.
  • superinvolution — an act or instance of involving or entangling; involvement.
  • superior planet — any of the five planets whose orbits are outside the orbit of the earth, namely, the planets Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
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