
14-letter words containing p, o, i, r, e, t

  • predestination — an act of predestinating or predestining.
  • predevaluation — of or pertaining to the period prior to devaluation of a given thing
  • predicate noun — a noun used in the predicate with a copulative verb or a factitive verb and having the same referent as the subject of the copulative verb or the direct object of the factitive verb, as in She is the mayor or They elected her mayor.
  • predisposition — the fact or condition of being predisposed: a predisposition to think optimistically.
  • prefabrication — to fabricate or construct beforehand.
  • preformulation — to express in precise form; state definitely or systematically: He finds it extremely difficult to formulate his new theory.
  • preincarnation — a previous incarnation or an existence before incarnation.
  • prenegotiation — taking place before a formal negotiation
  • preoperational — able to function or be used; functional: How soon will the new factory be operational?
  • preoperatively — in a preoperative context
  • prepositioning — to position in advance or beforehand: to preposition troops in anticipated trouble spots.
  • prepreparation — a proceeding, measure, or provision by which one prepares for something: preparations for a journey.
  • prepublication — the period immediately preceding the publication of a book.
  • prerevisionist — preceding revisionism
  • presentational — of or relating to presentation.
  • pressure point — a point on the skin that is extremely sensitive to pressure because of the presence of pressure-sensing organs.
  • pressurization — the process or act of pressurizing.
  • presupposition — to suppose or assume beforehand; take for granted in advance.
  • presymptomatic — relating to or describing a symptom that occurs before the typical symptoms of a disease
  • pretensionless — without pretension
  • pretermination — of the period before termination (esp of employment)
  • pretransaction — the act of transacting or the fact of being transacted.
  • prettification — to make pretty, especially in a small, petty way: to prettify a natural beauty.
  • preunification — of the period before unification
  • price controls — government regulation of prices by establishing maximum price levels for goods or services, as during a period of inflation.
  • prime computer — (company)   (Or "Pr1ME") A minicomputer manufacturer.
  • prince consort — a prince who is the husband of a reigning female sovereign.
  • print reporter — a reporter who works for a newspaper or magazine
  • printing error — a misprint or misspelling in a text
  • printing house — a company engaged in the business of producing printed matter
  • printout paper — sensitized paper for prints that darkens under light and requires treatment to fix an image: largely supplanted at the turn of the century by developing-out paper. Abbreviation: P.O.P.
  • priority guest — A priority guest at a hotel is a regular guest who has special rights, such as early check-in and discounts on food.
  • priority queue — (programming)   A data structure with three operations: insert a new item, return the highest priority item, and remove the highest priority item. The obvious way to represent priority queues is by maintaining a sorted list but this can make the insert operation very slow. Greater efficiency can be achieved by using heaps.
  • private income — econ: from outside employment
  • private school — a school founded, conducted, and maintained by a private group rather than by the government, usually charging tuition and often following a particular philosophy, viewpoint, etc.
  • private sector — the area of the nation's economy under private rather than governmental control.
  • pro-euthanasia — Also called mercy killing. the act of putting to death painlessly or allowing to die, as by withholding extreme medical measures, a person or animal suffering from an incurable, especially a painful, disease or condition.
  • pro-revolution — an overthrow or repudiation and the thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed.
  • proactiveness' — serving to prepare for, intervene in, or control an expected occurrence or situation, especially a negative or difficult one; anticipatory: proactive measures against crime.
  • proceleusmatic — inciting, animating, or inspiring.
  • processability — capable of being processed.
  • processing tax — a tax levied by the government at an intermediate stage in the production of goods.
  • processor time — (software)   The amount of time a process takes to run, given that it has exclusive and uninterrupted use of the CPU. Note that in a modern computer, this would be very unusual, and so the processor time calculation for most processes involves adding up all the small amounts of time the CPU actually spends on the process. Some systems break processor time down into user time and system time. Compare wall clock time.
  • procrastinated — to defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost.
  • productiveness — having the power of producing; generative; creative: a productive effort.
  • productivities — the quality, state, or fact of being able to generate, create, enhance, or bring forth goods and services: The productivity of the group's effort surprised everyone.
  • profit squeeze — a sharp narrowing of the gap between cost and revenue.
  • profit-seeking — attempting to make a profit or financial gains
  • progametangium — Mycology. the hyphal tip of certain fungi that produces the gametangium and subsequent gamete.
  • progenitorship — parenthood; the position of being a progenitor
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