
10-letter words containing p, o, i, r, e, t

  • nonprotein — not protein
  • nonreceipt — Lack of receipt; failure to receive.
  • nonstriped — Not striped.
  • operations — Plural form of operation.
  • operatives — Plural form of operative.
  • ophiolater — a person who worships snakes
  • opisometer — an instrument used to measure curved lines on a map
  • optometric — Of or pertaining to optometry.
  • orange-tip — a European butterfly, Anthocharis cardamines, having whitish wings with orange-tipped forewings: family Pieridae
  • orthoepist — the study of correct pronunciation.
  • orthopedic — of or relating to orthopedics.
  • orthopneic — difficult or painful breathing except in an erect sitting or standing position.
  • outpromise — to promise more than
  • paedotribe — (in ancient Greece) a gymnastics teacher
  • paragonite — a mica, similar in composition and appearance to muscovite but containing sodium instead of potassium.
  • paroxetine — a drug, C 19 H 20 FNO 3 ·HCl, of the SSRI class, that acts by prolonging the action of serotonin in the brain, used in the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders.
  • parrotlike — any of numerous hook-billed, often brilliantly colored birds of the order Psittaciformes, as the cockatoo, lory, macaw, or parakeet, having the ability to mimic speech and often kept as pets.
  • patronised — to give (a store, restaurant, hotel, etc.) one's regular patronage; trade with.
  • patronizer — to give (a store, restaurant, hotel, etc.) one's regular patronage; trade with.
  • pectoralis — either of two muscles on each side of the upper and anterior part of the thorax, the action of the larger (pectoralis major) assisting in drawing the shoulder forward and rotating the arm inward, and the action of the smaller (pectoralis minor) assisting in drawing the shoulder downward and forward.
  • pejoration — depreciation; a lessening in worth, quality, etc.
  • pejorative — having a disparaging, derogatory, or belittling effect or force: the pejorative affix -ling in princeling.
  • perception — the act or faculty of perceiving, or apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding.
  • perfection — the state or quality of being or becoming perfect.
  • perfoliate — having the stem apparently passing through the leaf, owing to congenital union of the basal edges of the leaf round the stem.
  • periastron — the point at which the stars of a binary system are closest (opposed to apastron).
  • peridotite — a coarsely granular igneous rock composed chiefly of olivine with an admixture of various other minerals.
  • periosteum — the normal investment of bone, consisting of a dense, fibrous outer layer, to which muscles attach, and a more delicate, inner layer capable of forming bone.
  • periphyton — the community of tiny organisms, as protozoans, hydras, insect larvae, and snails, that lives on the surfaces of rooted aquatic plants.
  • peritoneal — the serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity and investing its viscera.
  • peritoneum — the serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity and investing its viscera.
  • permeation — to pass into or through every part of: Bright sunshine permeated the room.
  • peroration — a long speech characterized by lofty and often pompous language.
  • perovskite — a naturally occurring titanate of calcium, CaTiO 3 , found as yellow, brown, or black cubic crystals, usually in metamorphic rocks.
  • petit four — a small teacake, variously frosted and decorated.
  • petitioner — a formally drawn request, often bearing the names of a number of those making the request, that is addressed to a person or group of persons in authority or power, soliciting some favor, right, mercy, or other benefit: a petition for clemency; a petition for the repeal of an unfair law.
  • petrópolis — a city in SE Brazil, north of Rio de Janeiro: resort. Pop: 280 000 (2005 est)
  • pianoforte — a piano.
  • piesporter — any of various white wines from the area around the village of Piesport in the Moselle valley in Germany
  • piezometer — any of several instruments for measuring the pressure of a fluid or the compressibility of a substance when subjected to such a pressure.
  • piezometry — the measurement of pressure or compressibility.
  • pinspotter — pinsetter.
  • pirouetter — someone who performs pirouettes
  • pit worker — a person who works down a mine, esp a coal miner
  • pleiotropy — the phenomenon of one gene being responsible for or affecting more than one phenotypic characteristic.
  • pleromatic — relating to the pleroma
  • point tire — drawn work.
  • pontonnier — a builder of pontoon bridges
  • poor white — a member of a class of white people, especially of the southern U.S., having low social status and little or no money, property, or education. See also white trash.
  • porrection — the act of holding something out for presentation or acceptance
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