
17-letter words containing p, i, t, v

  • nonrepresentative — a person or thing that represents another or others.
  • over-appreciation — gratitude; thankful recognition: They showed their appreciation by giving him a gold watch.
  • over-compensation — a pronounced striving to neutralize and conceal a strong but unacceptable character trait by substituting for it an opposite trait.
  • palace revolution — a challenge to or overthrow of a sovereign or other leader by members of the ruling family or group.
  • paleoconservative — a person advocating an older, traditional type of conservatism, especially in politics.
  • paratyphoid fever — Also called paratyphoid fever. an infectious disease, similar in some of its symptoms to typhoid fever but usually milder, caused by any of several bacilli of the genus Salmonella other than S. typhi.
  • particle velocity — the velocity of a point in a medium that is undergoing wave motion.
  • passive restraint — a safety device, as an air bag or special seat belt, that is activated automatically to protect an automobile passenger at the moment of impact when a collision occurs.
  • peak viewing time — the time at which the largest numbers of the population are watching television
  • period-revolution — a rather large interval of time that is meaningful in the life of a person, in history, etc., because of its particular characteristics: a period of illness; a period of great profitability for a company; a period of social unrest in Germany.
  • photoconductivity — the increase in the electrical conductivity of a substance, often nonmetallic, caused by the absorption of electromagnetic radiation.
  • photoreactivation — a process that repairs DNA damaged by ultraviolet light using an enzyme that requires visible light.
  • photovoltaic cell — a photocell in which an electromotive force is generated by a photovoltaic effect.
  • physical activity — sth involving use of the body
  • plastic explosive — a puttylike substance that contains an explosive charge, and is detonated by fuse or by remote control: used especially by terrorists and in guerrilla warfare.
  • polyvinyl acetate — a colorless, odorless, nontoxic, transparent, thermoplastic, water-insoluble resin used as an adhesive in certain paints and as an intermediate in the synthesis of polyvinyl acetal and polyvinyl alcohol.
  • polyvinyl butyral — a white, water-insoluble, polyvinyl acetal made with butyraldehyde, used chiefly as an interlayer in the manufacture of safety glass.
  • positive definite — (of a quadratic form) positive for all real values of the variables, where the values are not all zero.
  • positive electron — positron.
  • positive eugenics — the study of or belief in the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species or a human population, especially by such means as discouraging reproduction by persons having genetic defects or presumed to have inheritable undesirable traits (negative eugenics) or encouraging reproduction by persons presumed to have inheritable desirable traits (positive eugenics)
  • positive feedback — Electronics. the process of returning part of the output of a circuit, system, or device to the input, either to oppose the input (negative feedback) or to aid the input (positive feedback) acoustic feedback.
  • positive polarity — the grammatical characteristic of a word or phrase, such as delicious or rather, that may normally only be used in a semantically or syntactically positive or affirmative context
  • positive theology — a theological approach or tradition in which the nature of God is thought to be knowable and is understood through positive statements. See also cataphasis (def 2).
  • positive thinking — an optimistic attitude
  • potential divider — a resistor or series of resistors connected to a voltage source and used to provide voltages that are fractions of that of the source.
  • pre-investigation — the act or process of investigating or the condition of being investigated.
  • pre-revolutionary — of, pertaining to, characterized by, or of the nature of a revolution, or a sudden, complete, or marked change: a revolutionary junta.
  • preemptive strike — preventive war.
  • prerogative court — a former ecclesiastical court in England and Ireland for the trial of certain testamentary cases.
  • previous question — a move that a vote be taken at once on a main question, used especially as a means of cutting off further debate.
  • primitive baptist — (especially in the Southern U.S.) one belonging to a highly conservative, loosely organized Baptist group, characterized by extreme fundamentalism and by opposition to missionary work, Sunday Schools, and the use of musical instruments in church.
  • private detective — a detective who is not a member of an official force but is employed by private parties.
  • private education — education provided by a private individual or organization, rather than by the state or a public body
  • private ownership — the fact of being owned by a private individual or organization, rather than by the state or a public body
  • private placement — a sale of an issue of securities by the issuing company directly to a limited number of investors, often only one or two large institutional investors, such as a bank or an insurance company (opposed to public offering): required to be cleared but not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
  • private secretary — a person who attends to the individual or confidential correspondence, files, etc., of a business executive, official, or the like.
  • pro-environmental — the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings; milieu.
  • probability curve — a curve that describes the distribution of probability over the values of a random variable.
  • production values — the quality of a media production (such as a film) in regards to elements such as colours, quality, style, etc
  • progressive party — a political party formed in 1912 under the leadership of Theodore Roosevelt, advocating popular control of government, direct primaries, the initiative, the referendum, woman suffrage, etc.
  • promotional event — occasion organized to market or advertise sth
  • protective system — protectionism (def 1).
  • protective tariff — a tariff levied on imports to protect the domestic economy rather than to raise revenue
  • provincialization — to make provincial in character.
  • public television — a type of noncommercial, usually educational, television programming funded by the government, grants, viewers, and corporations. Compare educational television.
  • punitive taxation — a form of taxation that is very severe and that people find very difficult to pay
  • purdue university — http://purdue.edu/.
  • putative marriage — a marriage contracted in violation of an impediment, but in good faith on the part of one or both of the contracting persons.
  • quasi-competitive — of, pertaining to, involving, or decided by competition: competitive sports; a competitive examination.
  • radiative capture — the capture of a particle, as a neutron, by a nucleus, inducing the emission of electromagnetic radiation, as a gamma ray.
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